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Scout Weapons

Scout Primary

Scout Secondary

Scout Melee

Soldier Weapons

Soldier Primary

Soldier Secondary

Soldier Melee

Pyro Weapons

Pyro Primary

Pyro Secondary

Pyro Melee

Demoman Weapons

Demoman Primary

Demoman Secondary

Demoman Melee

Heavy Weapons

Heavy Primary

Heavy Secondary

Heavy Melee

Engineer Weapons

Engineer Primary

Engineer Secondary

Engineer Melee

Engineer PDA

Engineer Buildings

Medic Weapons

Medic Primary

Medic Secondary

Medic Melee

Sniper Weapons

Sniper Primary

Sniper Secondary

Sniper Melee

Spy Weapons

Spy Primary

Spy Secondary

Spy Melee


Multi-class Weapons

Multi-class Primary

Multi-class Secondary

Multi-class Melee

All class weapons

Team Fortress 2 Beta weapons

Team Fortress Classic weapons

Festive/Festivized weapons

Botkiller weapons

Australium weapons

Decorated weapons

Special taunts

Cosmetic items

All class cosmetic items

Scout cosmetic items

Soldier cosmetic items

Pyro cosmetic items

Demoman cosmetic items

Heavy cosmetic items

Engineer cosmetic items

Medic cosmetic items

Sniper cosmetic items

Spy cosmetic items

Multi-class cosmetic items

Tournament medals

brazil fortress 6v6 1st place:

 en: Brasil Fortress 6v6 Primeiro Lugar

brazil fortress 6v6 2nd place:

 en: Brasil Fortress 6v6 Segundo Lugar

brazil fortress 6v6 3rd place:

 en: Brasil Fortress 6v6 Terceiro Lugar

brazil fortress 6v6 participant:

 en: Brasil Fortress 6v6 Participante

tournament medal - cappingtv ultiduo:

 en: Tournament Medal - CappingTV Ultiduo
 da: Turneringsmedalje - CappingTV Ultiduo
 pl: Medal turniejowy - CappingTV Ultiduo
 ru: Медаль турнира CappingTV Ultiduo

tournament medal - cappingtv ultiduo 1st place:

 en: CappingTV Ultiduo 1st Place
 pl: CappingTV Ultiduo - 1. miejsce
 ru: Первое место в CappingTV Ultiduo

tournament medal - cappingtv ultiduo 2nd place:

 en: CappingTV Ultiduo 2nd Place
 pl: CappingTV Ultiduo - 2. miejsce
 ru: Второе место в CappingTV Ultiduo

tournament medal - cappingtv ultiduo 3rd place:

 en: CappingTV Ultiduo 3rd Place
 pl: CappingTV Ultiduo - 3. miejsce
 ru: Третье место в CappingTV Ultiduo

tournament medal - cappingtv ultiduo participant:

 en: CappingTV Ultiduo Participant
 pl: CappingTV Ultiduo - uczestnik
 ru: Участник CappingTV Ultiduo

tournament medal - chapelaria 6v6:

 en: Tournament Medal - Chapelaria 6v6
 pl: Medal turniejowy - Chapelaria 6v6
 ru: Медаль турнира Chapelaria 6v6

tournament medal - chapelaria 6v6 1st place:

 en: Chapelaria 6v6 1st Place
 pl: Chapelaria 6v6 - 1. miejsce
 ru: Первое место в Chapelaria 6v6

tournament medal - chapelaria 6v6 2nd place:

 en: Chapelaria 6v6 2nd Place
 pl: Chapelaria 6v6 - 2. miejsce
 ru: Второе место в Chapelaria 6v6

tournament medal - chapelaria 6v6 3rd place:

 en: Chapelaria 6v6 3rd Place
 pl: Chapelaria 6v6 - 3. miejsce
 ru: Третье место в Chapelaria 6v6

tournament medal - chapelaria 6v6 participant:

 en: Chapelaria 6v6 Participant
 pl: Chapelaria 6v6 - uczestnik
 ru: Участник Chapelaria 6v6

tournament medal - chapelaria highlander:

 en: Tournament Medal - Chapelaria Highlander
 pl: Medal turniejowy - Chapelaria Highlander
 ru: Медали турнира Chapelaria Highlander

chapelaria highlander 1st place:

 en: Chapelaria Highlander 1st Place
 pl: Chapelaria Highlander - 1. miejsce
 ru: Первое место в Chapelaria Highlander

chapelaria highlander 2nd place:

 en: Chapelaria Highlander 2nd Place
 pl: Chapelaria Highlander - 2. miejsce
 ru: Второе место в Chapelaria Highlander

chapelaria highlander 3rd place:

 en: Chapelaria Highlander 3rd Place
 pl: Chapelaria Highlander - 3. miejsce
 ru: Третье место в Chapelaria Highlander

chapelaria highlander participant:

 en: Chapelaria Highlander Participant
 pl: Chapelaria Highlander - uczestnik
 ru: Участник Chapelaria Highlander

tournament medal - chapelaria ultiduo:

 en: Tournament Medal - Chapelaria Ultiduo
 pl: Medal turniejowy - Chapelaria Ultiduo
 ru: Медаль турнира Chapelaria Ultiduo

tournament medal - chapelaria ultiduo 1st place:

 en: Chapelaria Ultiduo 1st Place
 pl: Chapelaria Ultiduo - 1. miejsce
 ru: Первое место в Chapelaria Ultiduo

tournament medal - chapelaria ultiduo 2nd place:

 en: Chapelaria Ultiduo 2nd Place
 pl: Chapelaria Ultiduo - 2. miejsce
 ru: Второе место в Chapelaria Ultiduo

tournament medal - chapelaria ultiduo 3rd place:

 en: Chapelaria Ultiduo 3rd Place
 pl: Chapelaria Ultiduo - 3. miejsce
 ru: Третье место в Chapelaria Ultiduo

tournament medal - chapelaria ultiduo participant:

 en: Chapelaria Ultiduo Participant
 pl: Chapelaria Ultiduo - uczestnik
 ru: Участник Chapelaria Ultiduo

tournament medal - copenhagen games:

 en: Tournament Medal - Copenhagen Games
 pl: Medal turniejowy - Copenhagen Games
 ru: Медаль турнира Copenhagen Games

tournament medal - copenhagen games gold medal:

 en: Copenhagen Games 1st Place
 pl: Copenhagen Games - złoty medal
 ru: Золотая медаль Copenhagen Games

tournament medal - copenhagen games silver medal:

 en: Copenhagen Games 2nd Place
 pl: Copenhagen Games - srebrny medal
 ru: Серебряная медаль Copenhagen Games

tournament medal - copenhagen games bronze medal:

 en: Copenhagen Games 3rd Place
 pl: Copenhagen Games - brązowy medal
 ru: Бронзовая медаль Copenhagen Games

tournament medal - copenhagen games iron medal:

 en: Copenhagen Games Participant
 pl: Copenhagen Games - żelazny medal
 ru: Железная медаль Copenhagen Games

tournament medal - copenhagen games staff medal:

 en: Copenhagen Games Staff Medal
 pl: Copenhagen Games - organizator
 ru: Медаль организатора Copenhagen Games

tournament medal - deutschlan:

 en: Tournament Medal - DeutschLAN
 da: Turneringsmedalje - DeutschLAN
 de: Turniermedaille - DeutschLAN
 es: Medalla de Torneo - DeutschLAN
 ja: トーナメントメダル - DeutschLAN
 ko: 대회 훈장 - DeutschLAN
 pl: Medal turniejowy - DeutschLAN
 pt-br: Medalha de Torneio - DeutschLAN
 ru: Медаль турнира DeutschLAN

deutschlan 1st place:

 en: DeutschLAN 1st Place
 de: DeutschLAN Erster Platz
 es: Primer Puesto de DeutschLAN
 it: DeutschLAN - Primo posto
 ja: DeutschLAN 優勝
 ko: DeutschLAN 1위
 pl: DeutschLAN - 1. miejsce
 pt-br: Primeiro Lugar - DeutschLAN
 ru: 1-е место в DeutschLAN
 tr: DeutschLAN Birincilik
 zh-hans: DeutschLAN 冠军

deutschlan 2nd place:

 en: DeutschLAN 2nd Place
 de: DeutschLAN Zweiter Platz
 es: Segundo Puesto de DeutschLAN
 it: DeutschLAN - Secondo posto
 ja: DeutschLAN 準優勝
 ko: DeutschLAN 2위
 pl: DeutschLAN - 2. miejsce
 pt-br: Segundo Lugar - DeutschLAN
 ru: 2-е место в DeutschLAN
 tr: DeutschLAN İkincilik
 zh-hans: DeutschLAN 亚军

deutschlan 3rd place:

 en: DeutschLAN 3rd Place
 de: DeutschLAN Dritter Platz
 es: Tercer Puesto de DeutschLAN
 it: DeutschLAN - Terzo posto
 ja: DeutschLAN 第3位
 ko: DeutschLAN 3위
 pl: DeutschLAN - 3. miejsce
 pt-br: Terceiro Lugar - DeutschLAN
 ru: 3-е место в DeutschLAN
 tr: DeutschLAN Üçüncülük
 zh-hans: DeutschLAN 季军

deutschlan participant:

 en: DeutschLAN Participant
 de: DeutschLAN Teilnehmer
 es: Participante de DeutschLAN
 it: DeutschLAN - Partecipante
 ja: DeutschLAN 参加者
 ko: DeutschLAN 참가상
 pl: DeutschLAN - uczestnik
 pt-br: Participante - DeutschLAN
 ru: Участник DeutschLAN
 tr: DeutschLAN Katılımcı
 zh-hans: DeutschLAN 参赛者

deutschlan supporter:

 en: DeutschLAN Supporter
 de: DeutschLAN Unterstützer
 es: Colaborador de DeutschLAN
 it: DeutschLAN - Sostenitore
 ja: DeutschLAN サポーター
 ko: DeutschLAN 지원자
 pl: DeutschLAN - pomocnik
 pt-br: Apoiador - DeutschLAN 
 ru: Спонсор DeutschLAN
 tr: DeutschLAN Destekçi
 zh-hans: DeutschLAN 支持者

tournament medal - edgegamers ultiduo participant:

 en: EdgeGamers UltiDuo Participant
 de: EdgeGamers UltiDuo Teilnehmer
 es: Participante de EdgeGamers UltiDuo
 fi: Osallistuja - EdgeGamers UltiDuo
 it: EdgeGamers UltiDuo - Partecipante
 ko: EdgeGamers 2인조 대전 참가상
 pl: EdgeGamers UltiDuo - uczestnik
 pt-br: Participante - EdgeGamers UltiDuo
 ru: Участник EdgeGamers UltiDuo
 zh-hans: EdgeGamers UltiDuo 参赛者

tournament medal - esh ultiduo:

 en: Tournament Medal - ESH Ultiduo
 da: Turneringsmedalje - ESH Ultiduo
 pl: Medal turniejowy - ESH Ultiduo
 ru: Медаль турнира ESH Ultiduo

tournament medal - electronic sports league:

 en: Tournament Medal - Electronic Sports League
 pl: Medal turniejowy - Electronic Sports League
 ru: Медаль турнира Electronic Sports League

tournament medal - essentials.tf:

 en: Tournament Medal - Essentials.TF
 pl: Medal turniejowy - Essentials.TF
 ru: Медаль турнира Essentials.TF

essentials.tf monthly tournament gold medal:

 en: Essentials.TF Monthly Tournament Gold Medal
 pl: Essentials.TF Monthly Tournament - złoty medal
 ru: Золотая медаль турнира Essentials.TF Monthly

essentials.tf monthly tournament silver medal:

 en: Essentials.TF Monthly Tournament Silver Medal
 pl: Essentials.TF Monthly Tournament - srebrny medal
 ru: Серебряная медаль турнира Essentials.TF Monthly

essentials.tf monthly tournament bronze medal:

 en: Essentials.TF Monthly Tournament Bronze Medal
 pl: Essentials.TF Monthly Tournament - brązowy medal
 ru: Бронзовая медаль турнира Essentials.TF Monthly

essentials.tf monthly tournament participant:

 en: Essentials.TF Monthly Tournament Participant
 pl: Essentials.TF Monthly Tournament - uczestnik
 ru: Участник турнира Essentials.TF Monthly

essentials.tf monthly tournament contributor:

 en: Essentials.TF Monthly Tournament Contributor
 pl: Essentials.TF Monthly Tournament - pomocnik
 ru: Помощник турнира Essentials.TF Monthly

tournament medal - esl 1st place:

 en: ESL 1st Place
 pl: ESL - 1. miejsce
 ru: Первое место в ESL

tournament medal - esl 2nd place:

 en: ESL 2nd Place
 pl: ESL - 2. miejsce
 ru: Второе место в ESL

tournament medal - esl 3rd place:

 en: ESL 3rd Place
 pl: ESL - 3. miejsce
 ru: Третье место в ESL

tournament medal - esl participant:

 en: ESL Participant
 pl: ESL - uczestnik
 ru: Участник ESL

tournament medal - etf2l 6vs6 | tournament medal - etf2l 6v6:

 en: Tournament Medal - ETF2L 6vs6
 pl: Medal turniejowy - ETF2L 6vs6
 ru: Медаль турнира ETF2L 6v6

tournament medal - etf2l 6vs6 participation medal:

 en: ETF2L 6vs6 Participation Medal
 es: Medalla de Participación en ETF2L 6v6
 pl: ETF2L 6vs6 - uczestnik
 ru: Медаль участника турнира ETF2L 6v6

tournament medal - etf2l 6vs6 tournament:

 en: Tournament Medal - ETF2L 6vs6 Tournament
 de: Turniermedaille - ETF2L 6vs6-Turnier
 es: Medalla de Torneo - Torneo 6vs6 de ETF2L
 fr: Médaille de tournoi - Tournoi ETF2L 6vs6
 ja: トーナメントメダル - ETF2L 6vs6 Tournament
 ko: 대회 훈장 - ETF2L 6 대 6 경기 대회
 pl: Medal turniejowy - ETF2L 6vs6
 pt-br: Medalha de Torneio - Torneio ETF2L 6v6
 ru: Медаль турнира ETF2L 6v6
 zh-hant: 錦標賽獎章-ETF2L 6vs6 競賽

tournament medal - etf2l 6vs6 tournament (season 18):

 en: Tournament Medal - ETF2L 6vs6 Tournament (Season 18)
 de: Turniermedaille - ETF2L 6v6-Turnier (Season 18)
 es: Medalla de Torneo - Torneo ETF2L 6v6 (Temporada 18)
 ja: トーナメントメダル - ETF2L 6vs6 Tournament (シーズン 18)
 ko: 대회 훈장 - ETF2L 6 대 6 경기 대회 (18기)
 pl: Medal turniejowy - ETF2L 6v6 (18. sezon)
 pt-br: Medalha de Torneio - Torneio ETF2L 6v6 (Temporada 18)
 ru: Медаль турнира ETF2L 6v6 (18-й сезон)

tournament medal - etf2l fresh meat challenge:

 en: Tournament Medal - ETF2L Fresh Meat Challenge
 pl: Medal turniejowy - ETF2L Fresh Meat Challenge
 ru: Медаль турнира ETF2L Fresh Meat Challenge

tournament medal - etf2l fresh meat challenge gold medal:

 en: ETF2L Fresh Meat Challenge Gold Medal
 pl: ETF2L Fresh Meat Challenge - złoty medal
 ru: Золотая медаль ETF2L Fresh Meat Challenge

tournament medal - etf2l fresh meat challenge silver medal:

 en: ETF2L Fresh Meat Challenge Silver Medal
 pl: ETF2L Fresh Meat Challenge - srebrny medal
 ru: Серебряная медаль ETF2L Fresh Meat Challenge

tournament medal - etf2l fresh meat challenge bronze medal:

 en: ETF2L Fresh Meat Challenge Bronze Medal
 pl: ETF2L Fresh Meat Challenge - brązowy medal
 ru: Бронзовая медаль ETF2L Fresh Meat Challenge

tournament medal - etf2l fresh meat challenge participation medal:

 en: ETF2L Fresh Meat Challenge Participation Medal
 pl: ETF2L Fresh Meat Challenge - uczestnik
 ru: Медаль участника ETF2L Fresh Meat Challenge

tournament medal - etf2l highlander:

 en: Tournament Medal - ETF2L Highlander
 pl: Medal turniejowy - ETF2L Highlander
 ru: Медаль турнира ETF2L Highlander

tournament medal - etf2l highlander participation medal:

 en: ETF2L Highlander Participation Medal
 pl: ETF2L Highlander - uczestnik
 ru: Медаль участника турнира ETF2L Highlander

tournament medal - etf2l highlander tournament:

 en: Tournament Medal - ETF2L Highlander Tournament
 da: Turneringsmedalje - ETF2L Highlander-turnering
 de: Turniermedaille - ETF2L Highlander-Turnier
 es: Medalla de Torneo - Torneo Highlander de ETF2L
 fi: ETF2L Highlander -turnausmitali
 fr: Médaille de tournoi - Tournoi Highlander ETF2L
 hu: ETF2L Hegylakó bajnoki szezon
 it: Medaglia del Torneo - ETF2L Highlander Tournament
 ja: トーナメントメダル - ETF2Lハイランダートーナメント
 ko: 대회 훈장 - ETF2L 하이랜더 경기
 nl: Toernooimedaille - ETF2L Highlander-toernooi
 pl: Medal turniejowy - ETF2L Highlander
 pt: Medalha de Torneio - ETF2L Highlander Tournament
 pt-br: Medalha de Torneio - Torneio ETF2L Highlander
 ru: Медаль турнира ETF2L Highlander
 sv: Turneringsmedalj - ETF2L
 zh-hant: 錦標賽獎章-ETF2L Highlander 競賽

tournament medal - etf2l highlander tournament 2012:

 en: Tournament Medal - ETF2L Highlander Tournament 2012
 de: Turniermedaille - ETF2L Highlander-Turnier
 es: Medalla de Torneo - Torneo Highlander de ETF2L 2012
 fr: Médaille de tournoi - Tournoi Highlander ETF2L 2012
 hu: ETF2L 2012-ik Hegylakó bajnoki szezon
 ja: トーナメントメダル - ETF2L Highlander Tournament 2012
 ko: 대회 훈장 - ETF2L 하이랜더 경기 2012년
 pl: Medal turniejowy - ETF2L Highlander Tournament 2012
 pt-br: Medalha de Torneio - Torneio ETF2L Highlander 2012
 ru: Медаль турнира ETF2L Highlander 2012
 zh-hant: 錦標賽獎章-ETF2L Highlander 競賽(2012)

tournament medal - etf2l highlander tournament (season 6):

 en: Tournament Medal - ETF2L Highlander Tournament (Season 6)
 de: Turniermedaille - ETF2L Highlander-Turnier (Season 6)
 es: Medalla de Torneo - Torneo Highlander de ETF2L (6 Temporada)
 ja: トーナメントメダル - ETF2L Highlander Tournament (シーズン 6)
 ko: 대회 훈장 - ETF2L 하이랜더 경기 (6기)
 pl: Medal turniejowy - ETF2L Highlander Tournament (6. sezon)
 pt-br: Medalha de Torneio - Torneio ETF2L Highlander (Temporada 6)
 ru: Медаль турнира ETF2L Highlander (6-й сезон)

tournament medal - etf2l highlander open:

 en: Tournament Medal - ETF2L Highlander Open
 pl: Medal turniejowy - ETF2L Highlander Open
 ru: Медаль турнира ETF2L Highlander Open

tournament medal - etf2l highlander open gold medal:

 en: ETF2L Highlander Open Gold Medal
 pl: ETF2L Highlander Open - złoty medal
 ru: Золотая медаль открытой лиги ETF2L Highlander

tournament medal - etf2l highlander open silver medal:

 en: ETF2L Highlander Open Silver Medal
 pl: ETF2L Highlander Open - srebrny medal
 ru: Серебряная медаль открытой лиги ETF2L Highlander

tournament medal - etf2l highlander open bronze medal:

 en: ETF2L Highlander Open Bronze Medal
 pl: ETF2L Highlander Open - brązowy medal
 ru: Бронзовая медаль открытой лиги ETF2L Highlander

tournament medal - etf2l highlander open participation medal:

 en: ETF2L Highlander Open Participation Medal
 pl: ETF2L Highlander Open - uczestnik
 ru: Медаль участника открытой лиги ETF2L Highlander

tournament medal - etf2l ultiduo:

 en: Tournament Medal - ETF2L Ultiduo
 pl: Medal turniejowy - ETF2L Ultiduo
 ru: Медаль участника ETF2L Ultiduo

tournament medal - etf2l ultiduo tournament:

 en: Tournament Medal - ETF2L Ultiduo Tournament
 de: Turniermedaille - ETF2L Ultiduo-Turnier
 es: Medalla de Torneo - Torneo Ultiduo de ETF2L
 fr: Médaille de tournoi - Tournoi ETF2L Ultiduo
 ja: トーナメントメダル - ETF2L Ultiduo Tournament
 ko: 대회 훈장 - ETF2L 2인조 대전 대회
 pl: Medal turniejowy - ETF2L Ultiduo Tournament
 pt: Medalha de Torneio - Torneio ETF2L Ultiduo
 pt-br: Medalha de Torneio - Torneio ETF2L Ultiduo
 ru: Медаль турнира ETF2L Ultiduo
 zh-hant: 錦標賽獎章-ETF2L Ultiduo 競賽

tournament medal - esa rewind:

 en: Tournament Medal - ESA Rewind
 es: Medalla de Torneo - ESA Rewind
 pl: Medal turniejowy - ESA Rewind
 pt-br: Medalha de Torneio - ESA Rewind
 ru: Медаль турнира ESA Rewind

tournament medal - esa rewind ii:

 en: Tournament Medal - ESA Rewind II
 es: Medalla de Torneo - ESA Rewind II
 pl: Medal turniejowy - ESA Rewind II
 pt-br: Medalha de Torneio - ESA Rewind II
 ru: Медаль турнира ESA Rewind II

tournament medal - esa rewind 1st place:

 en: ESA Rewind 1st Place
 pl: ESA Rewind - 1. miejsce
 ru: Первое место в ESA Rewind

tournament medal - esa rewind 2nd place:

 en: ESA Rewind 2nd Place
 pl: ESA Rewind - 2. miejsce
 ru: Второе место в ESA Rewind

tournament medal - esa rewind 3rd place:

 en: ESA Rewind 3rd Place
 pl: ESA Rewind - 3. miejsce
 ru: Третье место в ESA Rewind

tournament medal - esa rewind participant:

 en: ESA Rewind Participant
 pl: ESA Rewind - uczestnik
 ru: Участник ESA Rewind

tournament medal - esa rewind ii participant:

 en: ESA Rewind II Participant
 pl: ESA Rewind II - uczestnik
 ru: Участник ESA Rewind II

tournament medal - esa rewind ii top 8:

 en: ESA Rewind II Top 8
 pl: ESA Rewind II - najlepsza 8
 ru: Восьмёрка лучших на ESA Rewind II

tournament medal - esa rewind ii tier 1 donor:

 en: ESA Rewind II Tier 1 Donor
 pl: ESA Rewind II - darczyńca 1. poziomu
 ru: Помощник ESA Rewind II первой степени

tournament medal - esa rewind ii tier 2 donor:

 en: ESA Rewind II Tier 2 Donor
 pl: ESA Rewind II - darczyńca 2. poziomu
 ru: Помощник ESA Rewind II второй степени

tournament medal - esa rewind ii tier 3 donor:

 en: ESA Rewind II Tier 3 Donor
 pl: ESA Rewind II - darczyńca 3. poziomu
 ru: Помощник ESA Rewind II третьей степени

tournament medal - esea 6s invite:

 en: Tournament Medal - ESEA 6s Invite

esea 6s invite 1st place:

 en: ESEA 6s Invite 1st Place

esea 6s invite 2nd place:

 en: ESEA 6s Invite 2nd Place

esea 6s invite 3rd place:

 en: ESEA 6s Invite 3rd Place

esea 6s invite participant:

 en: ESEA 6s Invite Participant

tournament medal - fbtf cup 6v6:

 en: Tournament Medal - FBTF Cup 6v6
 pl: Medal turniejowy - FBTF Cup 6v6
 ru: Медаль турнира FBTF Cup 6v6

tournament medal - fbtf cup 6v6 1st place:

 en: FBTF Cup 6v6 1st Place
 pl: FBTF Cup 6v6 - 1. miejsce
 ru: 1-е место в FBTF Cup 6v6

tournament medal - fbtf cup 6v6 2nd place:

 en: FBTF Cup 6v6 2nd Place
 pl: FBTF Cup 6v6 - 2. miejsce
 ru: 2-е место в FBTF Cup 6v6

tournament medal - fbtf cup 6v6 3rd place:

 en: FBTF Cup 6v6 3rd Place
 pl: FBTF Cup 6v6 - 3. miejsce
 ru: 3-е место в FBTF Cup 6v6

tournament medal - fbtf cup 6v6 participant:

 en: FBTF Cup 6v6 Participant
 pl: FBTF Cup 6v6 - uczestnik
 ru: Участник FBTF Cup 6v6

tournament medal - florida lan:

 en: Tournament Medal - Florida LAN
 pl: Medal turniejowy - Florida LAN
 ru: Медаль турнира Florida LAN

tournament medal - florida lan 2014:

 en: Tournament Medal - Florida LAN 2014
 de: Turniermedaille - Florida LAN 2014
 es: Medalla de Torneo - Florida LAN 2014
 fr: Médaille de tournoi - Florida LAN 2014
 ja: トーナメントメダル - Florida LAN 2014
 ko: 대회 훈장 - 플로리다 LAN 2014년
 pl: Medal turniejowy - Florida LAN 2014
 pt-br: Medalha de Torneio - Florida LAN 2014
 ru: Медаль турнира Florida LAN 2014

tournament medal - florida lan 2015:

 en: Tournament Medal - Florida LAN 2015
 de: Turniermedaille - Florida LAN 2015
 es: Medalla de Torneo - Florida LAN 2015
 fr: Médaille de tournoi - Florida LAN 2015
 ja: トーナメントメダル - Florida LAN 2015
 ko: 대회 훈장 - 플로리다 LAN 2015년
 pl: Medal turniejowy - Florida LAN 2015
 pt-br: Medalha de Torneio - Florida LAN 2015
 ru: Медаль турнира Florida LAN 2015

tournament medal - florida lan 2016:

 en: Tournament Medal - Florida LAN 2016
 de: Turniermedaille - Florida LAN 2016
 pl: Medal turniejowy - Florida LAN 2016
 pt-br: Medalha de Torneio - Florida LAN 2016
 ru: Медаль турнира Florida LAN 2016

tournament medal - florida lan 2018:

 en: Tournament Medal - Florida LAN 2018
 pl: Medal turniejowy - Florida LAN 2018
 ru: Медаль турнира Florida LAN 2018

tournament medal - florida lan 2018 donator medal:

 en: Florida LAN 2018 Donator Medal
 pl: Florida LAN 2018 - darczyńca
 ru: Медаль помощника Florida LAN 2018

tournament medal - florida lan 2018 participant medal:

 en: Florida LAN 2018 Participant Medal
 pl: Florida LAN 2018 - uczestnik
 ru: Медаль участника Florida LAN 2018

tournament medal - florida lan 2018 contributor medal:

 en: Florida LAN 2018 Contributor Medal
 pl: Florida LAN 2018 - współorganizator
 ru: Медаль организатора Florida LAN 2018

tournament medal - fresh meat prolander cup:

 en: Tournament Medal - Fresh Meat Prolander Cup
 ru: Медали турнира Fresh Meat Prolander Cup

fresh meat prolander cup 1st place:

 en: Fresh Meat Prolander Cup 1st Place
 ru: Первое место в Fresh Meat Prolander Cup

fresh meat prolander cup 2nd place:

 en: Fresh Meat Prolander Cup 2nd Place
 ru: Второе место в Fresh Meat Prolander Cup

fresh meat prolander cup 3rd place:

 en: Fresh Meat Prolander Cup 3rd Place
 ru: Третье место в Fresh Meat Prolander Cup

fresh meat prolander cup participant:

 en: Fresh Meat Prolander Cup Participant
 ru: Участник Fresh Meat Prolander Cup

fresh meat prolander cup helper:

 en: Fresh Meat Prolander Cup Helper
 ru: Помощник Fresh Meat Prolander Cup

tournament medal - gamers assembly:

 en: Tournament Medal - Gamers Assembly
 pl: Medal turniejowy - Gamers Assembly
 ru: Медаль турнира Gamers Assembly

tournament medal - gamers assembly - first place:

 en: Gamers Assembly - First Place
 pl: Gamers Assembly - 1. miejsce
 ru: Золотая медаль Gamers Assembly

tournament medal - gamers assembly - second place:

 en: Gamers Assembly - Second Place
 pl: Gamers Assembly - 2. miejsce
 ru: Серебряная медаль Gamers Assembly

tournament medal - gamers assembly - third place:

 en: Gamers Assembly - Third Place
 pl: Gamers Assembly - 3. miejsce
 ru: Бронзовая медаль Gamers Assembly

tournament medal - gamers assembly participant badge:

 en: Gamers Assembly Participant Badge
 pl: Gamers Assembly - uczestnik
 ru: Значок участника Gamers Assembly

tournament medal - gette it onne!:

 en: Tournament Medal - Gette it Onne!
 pl: Medal turniejowy - Gette it Onne!
 ru: Медаль турнира Gette it Onne!

tournament medal - gette it onne! champion:

 en: Gette it Onne! Champion
 pl: Gette it Onne! - zwycięzca
 ru: Чемпион Gette it Onne!

tournament medal - gette it onne! playoffs participant:

 en: Gette it Onne! Playoffs Participant
 pl: Gette it Onne! - medal play-offów
 ru: Участник плей-офф Gette it Onne!

tournament medal - gette it onne! participant:

 en: Gette it Onne! Participant
 pl: Gette it Onne! - uczestnik
 ru: Участник Gette it Onne!

tournament medal - gette it onne! helper:

 en: Gette it Onne! Helper
 pl: Gette it Onne! - pomocnik
 ru: Помощник Gette it Onne!

tournament medal - gamers with jobs:

 en: Tournament Medal - Gamers With Jobs
 pl: Medal turniejowy - Gamers With Jobs
 ru: Медаль турнира Gamers With Jobs

tournament medal - gwj winners:

 en: Gamers With Jobs First Place
 pl: Gamers With Jobs - 1. miejsce
 ru: Первое место на турнире Gamers With Jobs

tournament medal - gwj runnerups:

 en: Gamers With Jobs Second Place
 pl: Gamers With Jobs - 2. miejsce
 ru: Второе место на турнире Gamers With Jobs

tournament medal - gwj participants:

 en: Gamers With Jobs Participant
 pl: Gamers With Jobs - uczestnik
 ru: Участник турнира Gamers With Jobs

tournament medal - gwj tournament:

 en: Tournament Medal - GWJ Tournament
 da: Turneringsmedalje - GWJ-turnering
 de: Turniermedaille - GWJ-Turnier
 es: Medalla de Torneo - Torneo GWJ
 fi: Gamers With Jobs -turnausmitali
 fr: Médaille de tournoi - Tournoi GWJ
 hu: Versenysorozat-medál - GWJ Versenysorozat
 it: Medaglia del Torneo - GWJ Tournament
 ja: トーナメントメダル - 職ありゲーマートーナメント
 ko: 대회 훈장 - GWJ 대회
 nl: Toernooimedaille - GWJ-toernooi
 pl: Medal turniejowy - GWJ Tournament
 pt: Medalha de Torneio - Torneio GWJ
 pt-br: Medalha de Torneio - Torneio GWJ
 ru: Медаль турнира GWJ
 sv: Turneringsmedalj - GWJ
 zh-hant: 錦標賽獎章-GWJ 競賽

tournament medal - heals for reals:

 en: Tournament Medal - Heals for Reals
 pl: Medal turniejowy - Heals for Reals
 pt-br: Medalha de Torneio - Heals for Reals
 ru: Медаль турнира Heals for Reals

tournament medal - heals for reals event 1st place:

 en: Heals for Reals Event 1st Place
 pl: Heals for Reals Event - 1. miejsce
 pt-br: Primeiro Lugar - Heals for Reals
 ru: Первое место в Heals for Reals

tournament medal - heals for reals event 2nd place:

 en: Heals for Reals Event 2nd Place
 pl: Heals for Reals Event - 2. miejsce
 pt-br: Segundo Lugar - Heals for Reals
 ru: Второе место в Heals for Reals

tournament medal - heals for reals event 3rd place:

 en: Heals for Reals Event 3rd Place
 pl: Heals for Reals Event - 3. miejsce
 pt-br: Terceiro Lugar - Heals for Reals
 ru: Третье место в Heals for Reals

tournament medal - heals for reals event participant:

 en: Heals for Reals Event Participant
 pl: Heals for Reals Event - uczestnik
 pt-br: Participante - Heals for Reals
 ru: Участник Heals for Reals

tournament medal - heals for reals donor | heals for reals donor:

 en: Heals for Reals Donor
 pl: Heals for Reals Event - darczyńca
 pt-br: Doador - Heals for Reals
 ru: Жертвователь Heals for Reals

tournament medal - hlmixes:

 en: Tournament Medal - HLMixes
 pl: Medal turniejowy - HLMixes
 pt-br: Medalha de Torneio - HLMixes Showdown
 ru: Медаль турнира HLMixes

hlmixes showdown 1st place medal:

 en: HLMixes Showdown 1st Place Medal
 pl: HLMixes Showdown - 1. miejsce
 pt-br: Medalha de Primeiro Lugar - HLMixes Showdown
 ru: Первое место в HLMixes Showdown

hlmixes showdown finalist medal:

 en: HLMixes Showdown Finalist Medal
 pl: HLMixes Showdown - finalista
 pt-br: Medalha de Finalista - HLMixes Showdown
 ru: Финалист HLMixes Showdown

hlmixes showdown participant medal:

 en: HLMixes Showdown Participant Medal
 pl: HLMixes Showdown - uczestnik
 pt-br: Medalha de Participação - HLMixes Showdown
 ru: Участник HLMixes Showdown

tournament medal - hlpugs.tf:

 en: Tournament Medal - HLPugs.tf
 pl: Medal turniejowy - HLPugs.tf
 pt-br: Medalha de Torneio - HLPugs.tf
 ru: Медаль турнира HLPugs.tf

tournament medal - hlpugs.tf highlander cup 1st place:

 en: HLPugs.tf Highlander Cup 1st Place
 pl: HLPugs.tf Highlander Cup - 1. miejsce
 pt-br: Primeiro Lugar - HLPugs.tf Highlander Cup
 ru: Первое место в HLPugs.tf Highlander Cup

tournament medal - hlpugs.tf highlander cup 2nd place:

 en: HLPugs.tf Highlander Cup 2nd Place
 pl: HLPugs.tf Highlander Cup - 2. miejsce
 pt-br: Segundo Lugar - HLPugs.tf Highlander Cup
 ru: Второе место в HLPugs.tf Highlander Cup

tournament medal - hlpugs.tf highlander cup 3rd place:

 en: HLPugs.tf Highlander Cup 3rd Place
 pl: HLPugs.tf Highlander Cup - 3. miejsce
 pt-br: Terceiro Lugar - HLPugs.tf Highlander Cup
 ru: Третье место в HLPugs.tf Highlander Cup

tournament medal - hlpugs.tf highlander cup participant:

 en: HLPugs.tf Highlander Cup Participant
 pl: HLPugs.tf Highlander Cup - uczestnik
 pt-br: Participante - HLPugs.tf Highlander Cup
 ru: Участник HLPugs.tf Highlander Cup

tournament medal - hlpugs.tf highlander cup contributor:

 en: HLPugs.tf Highlander Cup Contributor
 pl: HLPugs.tf Highlander Cup - pomocnik
 pt-br: Colaborador - HLPugs.tf Highlander Cup
 ru: Помощник HLPugs.tf Highlander Cup

tournament medal - hydro.tf:

 en: Tournament Medal - Hydro.TF
 pl: Medal turniejowy - Hydro.tf
 pt-br: Medalha de Torneio - Hydro.tf
 ru: Медаль турнира Hydro.tf

hydro.tf participant medal:

 en: Hydro.TF Participant Medal
 pl: Hydro.tf - uczestnik
 pt-br: Medalha de Participação - Hydro.tf
 ru: Участник Hydro.tf

hydro.tf all-star medal:

 en: Hydro.TF All-Star Medal
 pl: Hydro.tf - darczyńca
 pt-br: Medalha das Estrelas - Hydro.tf
 ru: Медаль всех звёзд Hydro.tf

infoshow tf2 tournament participant:

 en: InfoShow TF2 Tournament Participant
 de: InfoShow TF2-Turnierteilnehmer
 es: Participante del InfoShow TF2 Tournament
 fi: Osallistuja - InfoShow TF2 -turnaus
 fr: Participant - Tournoi TF2 InfoShow
 hu: InfoShow TF2 Bajnokság Résztvevő
 it: InfoShow TF2 Tournament - Partecipante
 ko: InfoShow TF2 대회 참가상
 pl: InfoShow TF2 Tournament - uczestnik
 pt: Participante - InfoShow TF2
 pt-br: Participante - Torneio InfoShow de TF2
 ru: Участник турнира InfoShow TF2
 zh-hans: InfoShow TF2 锦标赛参赛者
 zh-hant: InfoShow TF2 淘汰賽參加者

tournament medal - insomnia:

 en: Tournament Medal - Insomnia
 pl: Medal turniejowy - Insomnia
 ru: Медаль турнира Insomnia

tournament medal - insomnia first place:

 en: Insomnia First Place
 pl: Insomnia - 1. miejsce
 ru: Первое место в Insomnia

tournament medal - insomnia second place:

 en: Insomnia Second Place
 pl: Insomnia - 2. miejsce
 ru: Второе место в Insomnia

tournament medal - insomnia third place:

 en: Insomnia Third Place
 pl: Insomnia - 3. miejsce
 ru: Третье место в Insomnia

tournament medal - insomnia participant:

 en: Insomnia Participant
 pl: Insomnia - uczestnik
 ru: Участник Insomnia

tournament medal - insomnia contributor:

 en: Insomnia Contributor
 pl: Insomnia - pomocnik
 ru: Помощник Insomnia

tournament medal - journey to the east:

 en: Tournament Medal - Journey to the East
 da: Turneringsmedalje - Journey to the East
 pl: Medal turniejowy - Journey to the East
 ru: Медаль турнира Journey to the East

journey to the east 1st place:

 en: Journey to the East 1st Place
 pl: Journey to the East - 1. miejsce
 ru: Первое место в Journey to the East

journey to the east 2nd place:

 en: Journey to the East 2nd Place
 pl: Journey to the East - 2. miejsce
 ru: Второе место в Journey to the East

journey to the east 3rd place:

 en: Journey to the East 3rd Place
 pl: Journey to the East - 3. miejsce
 ru: Третье место в Journey to the East

journey to the east participant:

 en: Journey to the East Participant
 pl: Journey to the East - uczestnik
 ru: Участник Journey to the East

tournament medal - lbtf2 6v6:

 en: Tournament Medal - LBTF2 6v6
 pl: Medal turniejowy - LBTF2 6v6
 ru: Медаль турнира LBTF2 6v6

tournament medal - lbtf2 6v6 tournament (season 9) | tournament medal - lbtf2 tournament (season 9):

 en: Tournament Medal - LBTF2 Tournament (Season 9)
 de: Turniermedaille - LBTF2-Turnier (Season 9)
 es: Medalla de Torneo - Torneo LBTF2 6v6 (Temporada 9)
 ja: トーナメントメダル - LBTF2 Tournament (シーズン 9)
 ko: 대회 훈장 - LBTF2 대회 (9기)
 pl: Medal turniejowy - LBTF2 Tournament (9. sezon)
 pt-br: Medalha de Torneio - Torneio LBTF2 (Temporada 9)
 ru: Медаль турнира LBTF2 6v6 (9-й сезон)

tournament medal - lbtf2 6v6 (season 9) first place:

 en: LBTF2 6v6 (Season 9) - First Place
 pl: LBTF2 6v6 (9. sezon) - 1. miejsce
 ru: Первое место в LBTF2 6v6 (9-й сезон)

tournament medal - lbtf2 6v6 (season 9) second place:

 en: LBTF2 6v6 (Season 9) - Second Place
 pl: LBTF2 6v6 (9. sezon) - 2. miejsce
 ru: Второе место в LBTF2 6v6 (9-й сезон)

tournament medal - lbtf2 6v6 (season 9) third place:

 en: LBTF2 6v6 (Season 9) - Third Place
 pl: LBTF2 6v6 (9. sezon) - 3. miejsce
 ru: Третье место в LBTF2 6v6 (9-й сезон)

tournament medal - lbtf2 6v6 (season 9) participant:

 en: LBTF2 6v6 (Season 9) - Participant
 pl: LBTF2 6v6 (9. sezon) - uczestnik
 ru: Участник LBTF2 6v6 (9-й сезон)

tournament medal - lbtf2 6v6 tournament (season 10):

 en: Tournament Medal - LBTF2 6v6 Tournament (Season 10)
 de: Turniermedaille - LBTF2 6v6-Turnier (Season 10)
 es: Medalla de Torneo - Torneo LBTF2 6v6 (Temporada 10)
 ja: トーナメントメダル - LBTF2 6v6 Tournament (シーズン 10)
 ko: 대회 훈장 - LBTF2 6대6 경기 대회 (10기)
 pl: Medal turniejowy - LBTF2 6v6 Tournament (10. sezon)
 pt-br: Medalha de Torneio - Torneio LBTF2 6v6 (Temporada 10)
 ru: Медаль турнира LBTF2 6v6 (10-й сезон)

tournament medal - lbtf2 6v6 (season 10) first place:

 en: LBTF2 6v6 (Season 10) - First Place
 pl: LBTF2 6v6 (10. sezon) - 1. miejsce
 ru: Первое место в LBTF2 6v6 (10-й сезон)

tournament medal - lbtf2 6v6 (season 10) second place:

 en: LBTF2 6v6 (Season 10) - Second Place
 pl: LBTF2 6v6 (10. sezon) - 2. miejsce
 ru: Второе место в LBTF2 6v6 (10-й сезон)

tournament medal - lbtf2 6v6 (season 10) third place:

 en: LBTF2 6v6 (Season 10) - Third Place
 pl: LBTF2 6v6 (10. sezon) - 3. miejsce
 ru: Третье место в LBTF2 6v6 (10-й сезон)

tournament medal - lbtf2 6v6 (season 10) participant:

 en: LBTF2 6v6 (Season 10) - Participant
 pl: LBTF2 6v6 (10. sezon) - uczestnik
 ru: Участник LBTF2 6v6 (10-й сезон)

tournament medal - lbtf2 highlander:

 en: Tournament Medal - LBTF2 Highlander
 pl: Medal turniejowy - LBTF2 Highlander
 ru: Медаль турнира LBTF2 Highlander

tournament medal - lbtf2 highlander tournament (season 1):

 en: Tournament Medal - LBTF2 Highlander Tournament (Season 1)
 de: Turniermedaille - LBTF2 Highlander-Turnier (Season 1)
 es: Medalla de Torneo - Torneo LBTF2 Highlander (Temporada 1)
 ja: トーナメントメダル - LBTF2 Highlander Tournament (シーズン 1)
 ko: 대회 훈장 - LBTF2 하이랜더 경기 (1기)
 pl: Medal turniejowy - LBTF2 Highlander Tournament (1. sezon)
 pt-br: Medalha de Torneio - Torneio LBTF2 Highlander (Temporada 1)
 ru: Медаль турнира LBTF2 Highlander (1-й сезон)

tournament medal - lbtf2 highlander (season 1) first place:

 en: LBTF2 Highlander (Season 1) - First Place
 pl: LBTF2 Highlander (1. sezon) - 1. miejsce
 ru: Первое место в LBTF2 Highlander (1-й сезон)

tournament medal - lbtf2 highlander (season 1) second place:

 en: LBTF2 Highlander (Season 1) - Second Place
 pl: LBTF2 Highlander (1. sezon) - 2. miejsce
 ru: Второе место в LBTF2 Highlander (1-й сезон)

tournament medal - lbtf2 highlander (season 1) third place:

 en: LBTF2 Highlander (Season 1) - Third Place
 pl: LBTF2 Highlander (1. sezon) - 3. miejsce
 ru: Третье место в LBTF2 Highlander (1-й сезон)

tournament medal - lbtf2 highlander (season 1) participant:

 en: LBTF2 Highlander (Season 1) - Participant
 pl: LBTF2 Highlander (1. sezon) - uczestnik
 ru: Участник LBTF2 Highlander (1-й сезон)

tournament medal - lbtf2 highlander tournament (season 3):

 en: LBTF2 Highlander Tournament (Season 3)
 de: Turniermedaille- LBTF2 Highlander-Turnier (Season 3)
 es: Medalla de Torneo - Torneo LBTF2 Highlander (Temporada 3)
 ko: 대회 훈장 - LBTF2 하이랜더 경기 (3기)
 pl: Medal turniejowy - LBTF2 Highlander Tournament (3. sezon)
 pt-br: Medalha de Torneio - Torneio LBTF2 Highlander (Temporada 3)
 ru: Медаль турнира LBTF2 Highlander (3-й сезон)

tournament medal - lbtf2 highlander (season 3) first place:

 en: LBTF2 Highlander (Season 3) - First Place
 pl: LBTF2 Highlander Tournament (3. sezon) - 1. miejsce
 ru: Первое место в LBTF2 Highlander (3-й сезон)

tournament medal - lbtf2 highlander (season 3) second place:

 en: LBTF2 Highlander (Season 3) - Second Place
 pl: LBTF2 Highlander Tournament (3. sezon) - 2. miejsce
 ru: Второе место в LBTF2 Highlander (3-й сезон)

tournament medal - lbtf2 highlander (season 3) third place:

 en: LBTF2 Highlander (Season 3) - Third Place
 pl: LBTF2 Highlander Tournament (3. sezon) - 3. miejsce
 ru: Третье место в LBTF2 Highlander (3-й сезон)

tournament medal - lbtf2 highlander (season 3) participant:

 en: LBTF2 Highlander (Season 3) - Participant
 pl: LBTF2 Highlander Tournament (3. sezon) - uczestnik
 ru: Участник LBTF2 Highlander (3-й сезон)

tournament medal - moscow lan:

 en: Tournament Medal - Moscow LAN
 pl: Medal turniejowy - Moscow LAN
 ru: Медали турнира Moscow LAN

moscow lan 1st place:

 en: Moscow LAN 1st Place
 pl: Moscow LAN - 1. miejsce
 ru: Первое место в Moscow LAN

moscow lan 2nd place:

 en: Moscow LAN 2nd Place
 pl: Moscow LAN - 2. miejsce
 ru: Второе место в Moscow LAN

moscow lan 3rd place:

 en: Moscow LAN 3rd Place
 pl: Moscow LAN - 3. miejsce
 ru: Третье место в Moscow LAN

moscow lan participant:

 en: Moscow LAN Participant
 pl: Moscow LAN - uczestnik
 ru: Участник Moscow LAN

moscow lan staff:

 en: Moscow LAN Staff
 pl: Moscow LAN - organizator
 ru: Сотрудник Moscow LAN

tournament medal - national heavy boxing league:

 en: Tournament Medal - National Heavy Boxing League
 pl: Medal turniejowy - National Heavy Boxing League
 ru: Медаль турнира National Heavy Boxing League

tournament medal - nbhl finals participant | tournament medal - nhbl finals participant:

 en: NHBL Finals Participant
 pl: NHBL Finals - uczestnik
 ru: Участник финала NHBL

tournament medal - nbhl 1st sasha cup champion:

 en: NHBL 1st Sasha Cup Champion
 pl: NHBL 1st Sasha Cup - zwycięzca
 ru: Чемпион первого кубка Саши от NHBL

tournament medal - nbhl finals 2nd place | tournament medal - nhbl finals 2nd place:

 en: NHBL Finals 2nd Place
 pl: NHBL Finals - 2. miejsce
 ru: Второе место в финале NHBL

tournament medal - nbhl finals 3rd place | tournament medal - nhbl finals 3rd place:

 en: NHBL Finals 3rd Place
 pl: NHBL Finals - 3. miejsce
 ru: Третье место в финале NHBL

tournament medal - nbhl finals 4th place | tournament medal - nhbl finals 4th place:

 en: NHBL Finals 4th Place
 pl: NHBL Finals - 4. miejsce
 ru: Четвёртое место в финале NHBL

tournament medal - newbiduo cup:

 en: Tournament Medal - NewbiDuo Cup
 pl: Medal turniejowy - NewbiDuo Cup
 ru: Медали турнира NewbiDuo Cup

newbiduo cup 1st place:

 en: NewbiDuo Cup 1st Place
 pl: NewbiDuo Cup - 1. miejsce
 ru: Первое место в NewbiDuo Cup

newbiduo cup 2nd place:

 en: NewbiDuo Cup 2nd Place
 pl: NewbiDuo Cup - 2. miejsce
 ru: Второе место в NewbiDuo Cup

newbiduo cup 3rd place:

 en: NewbiDuo Cup 3rd Place
 pl: NewbiDuo Cup - 3. miejsce
 ru: Третье место в NewbiDuo Cup

newbiduo cup participant:

 en: NewbiDuo Cup Participant
 pl: NewbiDuo Cup - uczestnik
 ru: Участник NewbiDuo Cup

newbiduo cup helper:

 en: NewbiDuo Cup Helper
 pl: NewbiDuo Cup - pomocnik
 ru: Помощник NewbiDuo Cup

tournament medal - newbie highlander cup:

 en: Tournament Medal - Newbie Highlander Cup
 pl: Medal turniejowy - Newbie Highlander Cup
 ru: Медаль турнира Newbie Highlander Cup

newbie highlander cup gold medal:

 en: Newbie Highlander Cup Gold Medal
 pl: Newbie Highlander Cup - złoty medal
 ru: Золотая медаль Newbie Highlander Cup

newbie highlander cup silver medal:

 en: Newbie Highlander Cup Silver Medal
 pl: Newbie Highlander Cup - srebrny medal
 ru: Серебряная медаль Newbie Highlander Cup

newbie highlander cup bronze medal:

 en: Newbie Highlander Cup Bronze Medal
 pl: Newbie Highlander Cup - brązowy medal
 ru: Бронзовая медаль Newbie Highlander Cup

newbie highlander cup participant:

 en: Newbie Highlander Cup Participant
 pl: Newbie Highlander Cup - uczestnik
 ru: Участник Newbie Highlander Cup

tournament medal - newbie prolander cup:

 en: Tournament Medal - Newbie Prolander Cup
 pl: Medal turniejowy - Newbie Prolander Cup
 ru: Медаль турнира Newbie Prolander Cup

tournament medal - newbie prolander cup participant:

 en: Newbie Prolander Cup Participant
 pl: Newbie Prolander Cup - uczestnik
 ru: Участник Newbie Prolander Cup

tournament medal - newbie prolander cup gold medal:

 en: Newbie Prolander Cup Gold Medal
 pl: Newbie Prolander Cup - złoty medal
 ru: Золотая медаль Newbie Prolander Cup

tournament medal - newbie prolander cup silver medal:

 en: Newbie Prolander Cup Silver Medal
 pl: Newbie Prolander Cup - srebrny medal
 ru: Серебряная медаль Newbie Prolander Cup

tournament medal - newbie prolander cup bronze medal:

 en: Newbie Prolander Cup Bronze Medal
 pl: Newbie Prolander Cup - brązowy medal
 ru: Бронзовая медаль Newbie Prolander Cup

tournament medal - osl.tf cup:

 en: Tournament Medal - OSL.tf Cup
 pl: Medal turniejowy - OSL.tf Cup
 ru: Медаль турнира OSL.tf Cup

tournament medal - osl.tf cup 1st place:

 en: OSL.tf Cup 1st Place
 pl: OSL.tf Cup - 1. miejsce
 ru: Первое место в OSL.tf Cup

tournament medal - osl.tf cup 2nd place:

 en: OSL.tf Cup 2nd Place
 pl: OSL.tf Cup - 2. miejsce
 ru: Второе место в OSL.tf Cup

tournament medal - osl.tf cup 3rd place:

 en: OSL.tf Cup 3rd Place
 pl: OSL.tf Cup - 3. miejsce
 ru: Третье место в OSL.tf Cup

tournament medal - osl.tf cup participant:

 en: OSL.tf Cup Participant
 pl: OSL.tf Cup - uczestnik
 ru: Участник OSL.tf Cup

tournament medal - ozfortress summer cup:

 en: Tournament Medal - ozfortress Summer Cup
 da: Turneringsmedalje - ozfortress Summer Cup
 pl: Medal turniejowy - ozfortress Summer Cup
 ru: Медаль турнира ozfortress Summer Cup

tournament medal - ozfortress summer cup - first place:

 en: ozfortress Summer Cup - First Place
 pl: ozfortress Summer Cup - 1. miejsce
 ru: Первое место в летнем кубке ozfortress

tournament medal - ozfortress summer cup - second place:

 en: ozfortress Summer Cup - Second Place
 pl: ozfortress Summer Cup - 2. miejsce
 ru: Второе место в летнем кубке ozfortress

tournament medal - ozfortress summer cup - third place:

 en: ozfortress Summer Cup - Third Place
 pl: ozfortress Summer Cup - 3. miejsce
 ru: Третье место в летнем кубке ozfortress

tournament medal - ozfortress summer cup participant:

 en: ozfortress Summer Cup Participant
 pl: ozfortress Summer Cup - uczestnik
 ru: Участник летнего кубка ozfortress

tournament medal - ozfortress owl 6vs6:

 en: Tournament Medal - ozfortress OWL 6vs6
 pl: Medal turniejowy - ozfortress OWL 6vs6
 ru: Медаль турнира ozfortress OWL 6vs6

tournament medal - ozfortress owl 6vs6 premier division:

 en: Tournament Medal - ozfortress OWL 6vs6 Premier Division
 pl: Medal turniejowy - ozfortress OWL 6vs6 Premier Division
 ru: Медаль премьер-дивизиона ozfortress OWL 6vs6

tournament medal - ozfortress owl 6vs6 premier division first place:

 en: ozfortress OWL 6vs6 Premier Division - First Place
 pl: ozfortress OWL 6vs6 Premier Division - 1. miejsce
 ru: Первое место в премьер-дивизионе ozfortress OWL 6vs6

tournament medal - ozfortress owl 6vs6 premier division second place:

 en: ozfortress OWL 6vs6 Premier Division - Second Place
 pl: ozfortress OWL 6vs6 Premier Division - 2. miejsce
 ru: Второе место в премьер-дивизионе ozfortress OWL 6vs6

tournament medal - ozfortress owl 6vs6 premier division third place:

 en: ozfortress OWL 6vs6 Premier Division - Third Place
 pl: ozfortress OWL 6vs6 Premier Division - 3. miejsce
 ru: Третье место в премьер-дивизионе ozfortress OWL 6vs6

tournament medal - ozfortress owl 6vs6 premier division participant:

 en: ozfortress OWL 6vs6 Premier Division Participant
 pl: ozfortress OWL 6vs6 Premier Division - uczestnik
 ru: Участник премьер-дивизиона ozfortress OWL 6vs6

tournament medal - ozfortress owl 6vs6 regular divisions:

 en: Tournament Medal - ozfortress OWL 6vs6 Regular Divisions
 pl: Medal turniejowy - ozfortress OWL 6vs6 Regular Divisions
 ru: Медаль регулярного дивизиона ozfortress OWL 6vs6

tournament medal - ozfortress owl 6vs6 regular divisions first place:

 en: ozfortress OWL 6vs6 Regular Divisions - First Place
 pl: ozfortress OWL 6vs6 Regular Divisions - 1. miejsce
 ru: Первое место в регулярном дивизионе ozfortress OWL 6vs6

tournament medal - ozfortress owl 6vs6 regular divisions second place:

 en: ozfortress OWL 6vs6 Regular Divisions - Second Place
 pl: ozfortress OWL 6vs6 Regular Divisions - 2. miejsce
 ru: Второе место в регулярном дивизионе ozfortress OWL 6vs6

tournament medal - ozfortress owl 6vs6 regular divisions third place:

 en: ozfortress OWL 6vs6 Regular Divisions - Third Place
 pl: ozfortress OWL 6vs6 Regular Divisions - 3. miejsce
 ru: Третье место в регулярном дивизионе ozfortress OWL 6vs6

tournament medal - ozfortress owl 6vs6 regular divisions participant:

 en: ozfortress OWL 6vs6 Regular Divisions Participant
 pl: ozfortress OWL 6vs6 Regular Divisions - uczestnik
 ru: Участник регулярного дивизиона ozfortress OWL 6vs6

tournament medal - palaise mge doubles community clash:

 en: Tournament Medal - Palaise MGE Doubles Community Clash
 pl: Medal turniejowy - Palaise MGE Doubles Community Clash
 ru: Медаль турнира Palaise MGE Doubles Community Clash

tournament medal - palaise mge doubles community clash champion | palaise mge doubles community clash champion:

 en: Palaise MGE Doubles Community Clash Champion
 pl: Palaise MGE Doubles Community Clash - zwycięzca
 ru: Чемпион Palaise MGE Doubles Community Clash

tournament medal - palaise mge doubles community clash runner-up | palaise mge doubles community clash runner-up:

 en: Palaise MGE Doubles Community Clash Runner-Up
 pl: Palaise MGE Doubles Community Clash - 2. miejsce
 ru: Призёр Palaise MGE Doubles Community Clash

tournament medal - palaise mge doubles community clash contestant | palaise mge doubles community clash contestant:

 en: Palaise MGE Doubles Community Clash Contestant
 pl: Palaise MGE Doubles Community Clash - uczestnik
 ru: Участник Palaise MGE Doubles Community Clash

tournament medal - pass time federation:

 en: Tournament Medal - PASS Time Federation
 pl: Medal turniejowy - PASS Time Federation
 ru: Медали турнира PASS Time Federation

pass time federation 1st place medal:

 en: PASS Time Federation 1st Place Medal
 pl: PASS Time Federation - 1. miejsce
 ru: Первое место в PASS Time Federation

pass time federation 2nd place medal:

 en: PASS Time Federation 2nd Place Medal
 pl: PASS Time Federation - 2. miejsce
 ru: Медаль за второе место в PASS Time Federation

pass time federation 3rd place medal:

 en: PASS Time Federation 3rd Place Medal
 pl: PASS Time Federation - 3. miejsce
 ru: Медаль за третье место в PASS Time Federation

pass time federation participant:

 en: PASS Time Federation Participant
 pl: PASS Time Federation - uczestnik
 ru: Участник PASS Time Federation

pass time federation helper:

 en: PASS Time Federation Helper
 pl: PASS Time Federation - pomocnik
 ru: Помощник PASS Time Federation

tournament medal - pass time tournament:

 en: Tournament Medal - PASS Time Tournament
 es: Medalla de Torneo - Torneo de PASA-Tiempo
 pl: Medal turniejowy - Turniej Podaniówki
 pt-br: Medalha de Torneio - PASS Time Tournament
 ru: Медаль турнира «Дай пас»

tournament medal - pass time tournament gold medal:

 en: PASS Time Tournament Gold Medal
 pl: Turniej Podaniówki - złoty medal
 ru: Золотая медаль турнира «Дай пас»

tournament medal - pass time tournament silver medal:

 en: PASS Time Tournament Silver Medal
 pl: Turniej Podaniówki - srebrny medal
 ru: Серебряная медаль турнира «Дай пас»

tournament medal - pass time tournament bronze medal:

 en: PASS Time Tournament Bronze Medal
 pl: Turniej Podaniówki - brązowy medal
 ru: Бронзовая медаль турнира «Дай пас»

tournament medal - pure league:

 en: Tournament Medal - PURE League
 pl: Medal turniejowy - PURE League
 ru: Медаль турнира PURE League

tournament medal - pure league intermediate division 1st place:

 en: PURE League Intermediate Division 1st Place
 pl: PURE League Intermediate Division - 1. miejsce
 ru: Первое место в среднем дивизионе PURE League

tournament medal - pure league intermediate division 2nd place:

 en: PURE League Intermediate Division 2nd Place
 pl: PURE League Intermediate Division - 2. miejsce
 ru: Второе место в среднем дивизионе PURE League

tournament medal - pure league intermediate division 3rd place:

 en: PURE League Intermediate Division 3rd Place
 pl: PURE League Intermediate Division - 3. miejsce
 ru: Третье место в среднем дивизионе PURE League

tournament medal - pure league premier division 1st place:

 en: PURE League Premier Division 1st Place
 pl: PURE League Premier Division - 1. miejsce
 ru: Первое место в премьер-дивизионе PURE League

tournament medal - pure league premier division 2nd place:

 en: PURE League Premier Division 2nd Place
 pl: PURE League Premier Division - 2. miejsce
 ru: Второе место в премьер-дивизионе PURE League

tournament medal - pure league premier division 3rd place:

 en: PURE League Premier Division 3rd Place
 pl: PURE League Premier Division - 3. miejsce
 ru: Третье место в премьер-дивизионе PURE League

tournament medal - pure league open division 1st place:

 en: PURE League Open Division 1st Place
 pl: PURE League Open Division - 1. miejsce
 ru: Первое место в открытом дивизионе PURE League

tournament medal - pure league open division 2nd place:

 en: PURE League Open Division 2nd Place
 pl: PURE League Open Division - 2. miejsce
 ru: Второе место в открытом дивизионе PURE League

tournament medal - pure league open division 3rd place:

 en: PURE League Open Division 3rd Place
 pl: PURE League Open Division - 3. miejsce
 ru: Третье место в открытом дивизионе PURE League

tournament medal - pure league participant:

 en: PURE League Participant
 pl: PURE League - uczestnik
 ru: Участник PURE League

tournament medal - rally call charity tournament:

 en: Tournament Medal - Rally Call Charity Tournament
 de: Turniermedaille - Rally Call Wohltätigskeits-Turnier
 pl: Medal turniejowy - Rally Call Charity Tournament
 ru: Медаль турнира Rally Call Charity

rally call 2017 - 1st place medal:

 en: Rally Call 2017 - 1st Place Medal
 pl: Rally Call 2017 - 1. miejsce
 ru: Первое место в Rally Call 2017

rally call 2017 - 2nd place medal:

 en: Rally Call 2017 - 2nd Place Medal
 de: Rally Call 2017 – Zweiter Platz Medaille
 pl: Rally Call 2017 - 2. miejsce
 pt-br: Medalha de Segundo Lugar - Rally Call 2017
 ru: Медаль за второе место в Rally Call 2017

rally call 2017 participant medal:

 en: Rally Call 2017 Participant/Helper Medal
 de: Rally Call 2017 – Teilnehmer/Helfer-Medaille
 pl: Rally Call 2017 - uczestnik/pomocnik
 pt-br: Medalha de Participante/Ajudante - Rally Call 2017
 ru: Медаль участника/помощника Rally Call 2017

rally call 2017 donator medal:

 en: Rally Call 2017 Donator Medal
 de: Rally Call 2017 – Spendermedaille
 pl: Rally Call 2017 - darczyńca
 pt-br: Medalha de Doador - Rally Call 2017
 ru: Медаль спонсора Rally Call 2017

rally call - whale:

 en: Rally Call - Whale
 pl: Rally Call - wieloryb
 ru: Китовая медаль Rally Call


 en: Whale
 pl: Wieloryb

rally call - whale donor:

 en: Rally Call - Whale Donor
 pl: Rally Call - wielorybi darczyńca
 ru: Китовая медаль спонсора Rally Call

whale donor:

 en: Whale Donor
 pl: Wielorybi darczyńca

tournament medal - ready steady pan:

 en: Tournament Medal - Ready Steady Pan
 da: Turneringsmedalje - Ready Steady Pan
 pl: Medal turniejowy - Ready Steady Pan
 pt-br: Medalha de Torneio - Ready Steady Pan
 ru: Медаль турнира Ready Steady Pan

ready steady pan participant:

 en: Ready Steady Pan Participant
 da: Deltager i Ready Steady Pan
 de: Ready Steady Pan-Teilnehmer
 es: Participante del Ready Steady Pan
 fi: Osallistuja - Ready Steady Pan
 fr: Participant - Tournoi Ready Steady Pan
 hu: Ready Steady Pan résztvevő
 it: Partecipante Ready Steady Pan
 ja: Ready Steady Pan 参加者
 ko: Ready Steady Pan 참가상
 nl: Ready Steady Pan-deelnemer
 pl: Ready Steady Pan - uczestnik
 pt: Participante - Ready Steady Pan
 pt-br: Participante - Ready Steady Pan
 ru: Участник турнира Ready Steady Pan
 sv: Ready Steady Pan Deltagare
 zh-hans: 平底锅热身赛参加者
 zh-hant: Ready Steady Pan 參加獎

ready steady pan participant season 2:

 en: Ready Steady Pan Participant (Season 2)
 de: Ready Steady Pan-Teilnehmer Season 2
 es: Participante del Ready Steady Pan Temporada 2
 fr: Participant - Tournoi Ready Steady Pan (Saison 2)
 hu: Ready Steady Pan résztvevő (2. szezon)
 ja: Ready Steady Pan 参加者 シーズン 2
 ko: 제2기 Ready Steady Pan 참가상
 pl: Ready Steady Pan (2. sezon) - uczestnik
 pt-br: Participante - Ready Steady Pan (Temporada 2)
 ru: Участник турнира Ready Steady Pan (2-й сезон)
 zh-hans: 平底锅热身锦标赛参加者(第二季)
 zh-hant: Ready Steady Pan 參加獎(第二季)

ready steady pan season 3:

 en: Ready Steady Pan (Season 3)
 pl: Ready Steady Pan (3. sezon)
 pt-br: Ready Steady Pan (Temporada 3)
 ru: Ready Steady Pan (3-й сезон)

ready steady pan panticipant:

 en: Ready Steady Pan Panticipant
 da: Deltager i Ready Steady Pan
 pl: Ready Steady Pan - uczestnik
 pt-br: Participante - Ready Steady Pan
 ru: Сотейник участника

finalist fryer:

 en: Finalist Fryer
 da: Friturefinalist
 pl: Zasmażony zwycięzca
 pt-br: Fritador Finalista
 ru: Сковорождённый воин

pantastic playoff champ:

 en: Pantastic Playoff Champ
 da: Pantastisk Slutspilsmester
 pl: Patelniowy wojownik - medal play-offów
 pt-br: Frigideirástico Campeão do Mata-mata
 ru: Поджарый боец плей-оффа

ready steady pan helper season 3:

 en: Ready Steady Pan Helper
 pl: Ready Steady Pan - pomocnik
 pt-br: Ajudante - Ready Steady Pan
 ru: Помощник турнира Ready Steady Pan

ready steady pan season 4:

 en: Ready Steady Pan (Season 4)
 pl: Ready Steady Pan (4. sezon)
 pt-br: Ready Steady Pan (Temporada 4)
 ru: Ready Steady Pan (4-й сезон)

finalist fry hard:

 en: Finalist Fry Hard
 pl: Teflonowy finalista
 pt-br: Fritalista - Ready Steady Pan
 ru: Поджарый победитель

second seasonal stomper:

 en: Second Seasonal Stomper
 pl: Drugi klepacz kotletów
 ru: Второй вяленый взбиватель

third thyme champ:

 en: Third Thyme Champ
 pl: Trzeci korzenny przyprawiacz
 ru: Тройной турнирный тмин

ready steady pan-tastic playoffs:

 en: Ready Steady Pan-tastic Playoffs
 pl: Ready Steady Pan - patelnistyczny medal play-offów
 ru: Повар плей-оффа Ready Steady Pan

fourth seasoning pan-ticipant:

 en: Fourth Seasoning Pan-ticipant
 pl: Uczestnik patelniowych wyprzedaży
 ru: Участник четвёртой сервировки Ready Steady Pan

eggcellent helper:

 en: Eggcellent Helper
 pl: Jajeczny pomocnik
 ru: Отменный помощник

tournament medal - respawn league highlander:

 en: Tournament Medal - Respawn League Highlander
 pl: Medal turniejowy - Respawn League Highlander
 ru: Медали турнира Respawn League Highlander

respawn league highlander 1st place:

 en: Respawn League Highlander 1st Place
 pl: Respawn League Highlander - 1. miejsce
 ru: Первое место в Respawn League Highlander

respawn league highlander 2nd place:

 en: Respawn League Highlander 2nd Place
 pl: Respawn League Highlander - 2. miejsce
 ru: Второе место в Respawn League Highlander

respawn league highlander 3rd place:

 en: Respawn League Highlander 3rd Place
 pl: Respawn League Highlander - 3. miejsce
 ru: Третье место в Respawn League Highlander

respawn league highlander participant:

 en: Respawn League Highlander Participant
 pl: Respawn League Highlander - uczestnik
 ru: Участник Respawn League Highlander

respawn league highlander founder:

 en: Respawn League Highlander Founder
 ru: Основатель Respawn League Highlander

tournament medal - retf2 ee22:

 en: Tournament Medal - RETF2 EE22
 pl: Medal turniejowy - RETF2 EE22
 ru: Медаль турнира RETF2 EE22

tournament medal - rgl.gg pick/ban prolander participant:

 en: RGL.gg Pick/Ban Prolander Participant
 pl: RGL.gg Pick/Ban Prolander - uczestnik
 ru: Участник RGL.gg Pick/Ban Prolander

tournament medal - retf2 ee22 winner:

 en: RETF2 EE22 Winner
 pl: RETF2 EE22 - zwycięsca
 ru: Победитель RETF2 EE22

tournament medal - retf2 ee22 participant:

 en: RETF2 EE22 Participant
 pl: RETF2 EE22 - uczestnik
 ru: Участник RETF2 EE22

tournament medal - rgb lan:

 en: Tournament Medal - RGB LAN
 pl: Medal turniejowy - RGB LAN
 pt-br: Medalha de Torneio - RGB LAN
 ru: Медаль турнира RGB LAN
 zh-hans: 锦标赛奖牌 - RGB 局域网赛

tournament medal - rgb lan 1st place:

 en: RGB LAN 1st Place
 pl: RGB LAN - 1. miejsce
 ru: Первое место в RGB LAN

tournament medal - rgb lan 2nd place:

 en: RGB LAN 2nd Place
 pl: RGB LAN - 2. miejsce
 ru: Второе место в RGB LAN

tournament medal - rgb lan 3rd place:

 en: RGB LAN 3rd Place
 pl: RGB LAN - 3. miejsce
 ru: Третье место в RGB LAN

tournament medal - rgb lan participant:

 en: RGB LAN Participant
 pl: RGB LAN - uczestnik
 ru: Участник RGB LAN

rgb 3 lan 1st place:

 en: RGB 3 LAN 1st Place
 pl: RGB 3 LAN - 1. miejsce

rgb 3 lan 2nd place:

 en: RGB 3 LAN 2nd Place
 pl: RGB 3 LAN - 2. miejsce

rgb 3 lan 3rd place:

 en: RGB 3 LAN 3rd Place
 pl: RGB 3 LAN - 3. miejsce

rgb 3 lan participant:

 en: RGB 3 LAN Participant
 pl: RGB 3 LAN - uczestnik

tournament medal - rgl.gg:

 en: Tournament Medal - RGL.gg
 pl: Medal turniejowy - RGL.gg
 ru: Медаль турнира RGL.gg

tournament medal - rgl.gg divisions:

 en: Tournament Medal - RGL.gg Divisions
 pl: Medal turniejowy - dywizjony RGL.gg
 ru: Медаль турнира RGL.gg Divisions

tournament medal - rgl.gg invite:

 en: Tournament Medal - RGL.gg Invite
 pl: Medal turniejowy - RGL.gg Invite
 ru: Медаль турнира RGL.gg Invite

tournament medal - rgl.gg invite champions:

 en: Tournament Medal - RGL.gg Invite Champions
 pl: RGL.gg - Invite - zwycięzca
 ru: Чемпион RGL.gg Invite

tournament medal - rgl.gg recreational league:

 en: Tournament Medal - RGL.gg Recreational League
 pl: Medal turniejowy - Liga RGL.gg
 ru: Медаль турнира RGL.gg Recreational League

tournament medal - rgl.gg one day prolander cup:

 en: Tournament Medal - RGL.gg One Day Prolander Cup
 pl: Medal turniejowy - RGL.gg One Day Prolander Cup
 ru: Медаль турнира RGL.gg One Day Prolander Cup

tournament medal - rgl.gg pick:

 en: RGL.gg Pick/Ban Prolander Participant
 pl: RGL.gg Pick/Ban Prolander - uczestnik
 ru: Участник RGL.gg Pick/Ban Prolander

tournament medal - snack's summery ultiduo siesta:

 en: Tournament Medal - Snack's Summery Ultiduo Siesta
 pl: Medal turniejowy - Snack's Summery Ultiduo Siesta
 ru: Медаль турнира Snack's Summery Ultiduo Siesta

tournament medal - snack's summery ultiduo siesta gold medal:

 en: Snack's Summery Ultiduo Siesta Gold Medal
 pl: Snack's Summery Ultiduo Siesta - złoty medal
 ru: Золотая медаль Snack's Summery Ultiduo Siesta

tournament medal - snack's summery ultiduo siesta silver medal:

 en: Snack's Summery Ultiduo Siesta Silver Medal
 pl: Snack's Summery Ultiduo Siesta - srebry medal
 ru: Серебряная медаль Snack's Summery Ultiduo Siesta

tournament medal - snack's summery ultiduo siesta bronze medal:

 en: Snack's Summery Ultiduo Siesta Bronze Medal
 pl: Snack's Summery Ultiduo Siesta - brązowy medal
 ru: Бронзовая медаль Snack's Summery Ultiduo Siesta

tournament medal - snack's summery ultiduo siesta participation medal:

 en: Snack's Summery Ultiduo Siesta Participation Medal
 pl: Snack's Summery Ultiduo Siesta - uczestnik
 ru: Медаль участника Snack's Summery Ultiduo Siesta

tournament medal - tf2connexion:

 en: Tournament Medal - TF2Connexion
 pl: Medal turniejowy - TF2Connexion
 ru: Медаль турнира TF2Connexion

tournament medal - tf2connexion first place:

 en: TF2Connexion First Place
 pl: TF2Connexion - 1. miejsce
 ru: Первое место в TF2Connexion

tournament medal - tf2connexion second place:

 en: TF2Connexion Second Place
 pl: TF2Connexion - 2. miejsce
 ru: Второе место в TF2Connexion

tournament medal - tf2connexion third place:

 en: TF2Connexion Third Place
 pl: TF2Connexion - 3. miejsce
 ru: Третье место в TF2Connexion

tournament medal - tf2connexion participant:

 en: TF2Connexion Participant
 pl: TF2Connexion - uczestnik
 ru: Участник TF2Connexion

tournament medal - team fortress competitive league:

 en: Tournament Medal - Team Fortress Competitive League
 pl: Medal turniejowy - Team Fortress Competitive League
 ru: Медаль турнира Team Fortress Competitive League

tournament medal - tfcl 1st place:

 en: TFCL 1st Place
 no: Tournament Medal - TFCL 1st Place
 pl: TFCL - 1. miejsce
 ru: Первое место в TFCL

tournament medal - tfcl 2nd place:

 en: TFCL 2nd Place
 no: Tournament Medal - TFCL 2nd Place
 pl: TFCL - 2. miejsce
 ru: Второе место в TFCL

tournament medal - tfcl 3rd place:

 en: TFCL 3rd Place
 no: Tournament Medal - TFCL 3rd Place
 pl: TFCL - 3. miejsce
 ru: Третье место в TFCL

tournament medal - tfcl participant:

 en: TFCL Participant
 no: Tournament Medal - TFCL Participant
 pl: TFCL - uczestnik
 ru: Участник TFCL

tournament medal - tfcl alpha:

 en: TFCL Alpha
 no: Tournament Medal - TFCL Alpha
 pl: Medal turniejowy - TFCL Alpha
 ru: Медаль турнира TFCL Альфа

tournament medal - tfnew 6v6 newbie cup:

 en: Tournament Medal - TFNew 6v6 Newbie Cup
 pl: Medal turniejowy - TFNew 6v6 Newbie Cup

tfnew cup 1st place:

 en: TFNew Cup 1st Place
 pl: TFNew Cup - 1. miejsce

tfnew cup 2nd place:

 en: TFNew Cup 2nd Place
 pl: TFNew Cup - 2. miejsce

tfnew cup 3rd place:

 en: TFNew Cup 3rd Place
 pl: TFNew Cup - 3. miejsce

tfnew cup participant:

 en: TFNew Cup Participant
 pl: TFNew Cup - uczestnik

tournament medal - tumblr vs reddit:

 en: Tournament Medal - Tumblr vs Reddit
 pl: Medal turniejowy - Tumblr vs Reddit
 ru: Медаль турнира «Tumblr против Reddit»

tumblr vs reddit participant | tumblr vs reddit participant season 1:

 en: Tumblr Vs Reddit Participant
 de: Tumblr Vs Reddit Teilnehmer
 es: Participante de Tumblr Vs Reddit
 fi: Tumblr vastaan Reddit osallistuja
 fr: Participant Tumblr Vs Reddit
 hu: Tumblr vs. Reddit résztvevő
 it: Tumblr Vs Reddit - Partecipante
 ja: Tumblr Vs Reddit 参加者
 ko: Tumblr 대 Reddit 참가상
 pl: Tumblr Vs Reddit - uczestnik
 pt: Participante - Tumblr Vs Reddit
 pt-br: Participante - Tumblr VS Reddit
 ru: Участник «Tumblr против Reddit»
 tr: Tumblr Vs Reddit Katılımcısı
 zh-hans: Tumblr Vs Reddit 参赛者
 zh-hant: Tumblr Vs Reddit 活動參加者

tournament medal - tumblr vs reddit (season 2):

 en: Tournament Medal - Tumblr Vs Reddit (Season 2)
 de: Turniermedaille - Tumblr Vs Reddit (Season 2)
 es: Medalla de Torneo - Tumblr Vs Reddit (Temporada 2)
 ja: トーナメントメダル - Tumblr Vs Reddit (シーズン 2)
 ko: 대회 훈장 - Tumblr 대 Reddit (2기)
 pl: Medal turniejowy - Tumblr Vs Reddit (2. sezon)
 pt-br: Medalha de Torneio - Tumblr Vs Reddit (Temporada 2)
 ru: Медаль турнира «Tumblr против Reddit» (2-й сезон)

tournament medal - ugc 4vs4:

 en: Tournament Medal - UGC 4vs4
 pl: Medal turniejowy - UGC 4vs4
 ru: Медаль турнира UGC 4vs4

tournament medal - ugc 4v4 (season 1):

 en: Tournament Medal - UGC 4v4 (Season 1)
 de: Turniermedaille - UGC 4v4 (Season 1)
 es: Medalla de Torneo - UGC 4v4 (Temporada 1)
 ja: トーナメントメダル - UGC 4v4 (シーズン 1)
 ko: 대회 훈장 - UGC 4대4 경기 (1기)
 pl: Medal turniejowy - UGC 4v4 (1. sezon)
 pt-br: Medalha de Torneio - UGC 4v4 (Temporada 1)
 ru: Медаль турнира UGC 4v4 (1-й сезон)

tournament medal - ugc 4v4 (season 4):

 en: Tournament Medal - UGC 4v4 (Season 4)
 de: Turniermedaille - UGC 4v4 (Season 4)
 es: Medalla de Torneo - UGC 4v4 (Temporada 4)
 ja: トーナメントメダル - UGC 4v4 (シーズン 4)
 ko: 대회 훈장 - UGC 4대4 경기 (4기)
 pl: Medal turniejowy - UGC 4v4 (4. sezon)
 pt-br: Medalha de Torneio - UGC 4v4 (Temporada 4)
 ru: Медаль турнира UGC 4v4 (4-й сезон)

tournament medal - ugc 4v4 (season 9):

 en: Tournament Medal - UGC 4v4 (Season 9)
 de: Turniermedaille - UGC 4v4 (Season 9)
 es: Medalla de Torneo - UGC 4v4 (Temporada 9)
 ja: トーナメントメダル - UGC 4v4 (シーズン 9)
 ko: 대회 훈장 - UGC 4대4 경기 (9기)
 pl: Medal turniejowy - UGC 4v4 (9. sezon)
 pt-br: Medalha de Torneio - UGC 4v4 (Temporada 9)
 ru: Медаль турнира UGC 4v4 (9-й сезон)

tournament medal - ugc 4v4 (season 10):

 en: Tournament Medal - UGC 4v4 (Season 10)
 pl: Medal turniejowy - UGC 4v4 (10. sezon)
 ru: Медаль турнира UGC 4v4 (10-й сезон)

tournament medal - ugc 4v4 (season 13):

 en: Tournament Medal - UGC 4v4 (Season 13)
 pl: Medal turniejowy - UGC 4v4 (13. sezon)
 ru: Медаль турнира UGC 4v4 (13-й сезон)

tournament medal - ugc 6vs6:

 en: Tournament Medal - UGC 6vs6
 pl: Medal turniejowy - UGC 6vs6
 ru: Медаль турнира UGC 6vs6

tournament medal - ugc 6v6 (season 11) | tournament medal - ugc 6vs6 tournament (season 11):

 en: Tournament Medal - UGC 6vs6 Tournament (Season 11)
 de: Turniermedaille - UGC 6vs6-Turnier (Season 11)
 es: Medalla de Torneo - Torneo UGC 6vs6 (Temporada 11)
 fr: Médaille de tournoi - Tournoi UGC 6vs6 (Saison 11)
 ja: トーナメントメダル - UGC 6vs6 Tournament (シーズン 11)
 ko: 대회 훈장 - UGC 6 대 6 경기 대회 (11기)
 pl: Medal turniejowy - UGC 6vs6 Tournament (11. sezon)
 pt-br: Medalha de Torneio - Torneio UGC 6vs6 (Temporada 11)
 ru: Медаль турнира UGC 6vs6 (11-й сезон)
 zh-hant: 錦標賽獎章-UGC 6vs6 競賽(第十一季)

tournament medal - ugc 6v6 (season 13) | tournament medal - ugc 6vs6 tournament (season 13):

 en: Tournament Medal - UGC 6vs6 Tournament (Season 13)
 de: Turniermedaille - UGC 6vs6-Turnier (Season 13)
 es: Medalla de Torneo - Torneo UGC 6vs6 (Temporada 13)
 ja: トーナメントメダル - UGC 6vs6 Tournament (シーズン 13)
 ko: 대회 훈장 - UGC 6 대 6 경기 대회 (13기)
 pl: Medal turniejowy - UGC 6vs6 Tournament (13. sezon)
 pt-br: Medalha de Torneio - Torneio UGC 6vs6 (Temporada 13)
 ru: Медаль турнира UGC 6v6 (13-й сезон)
 zh-hant: 錦標賽獎章-UGC 6vs6 競賽(第十三季)

tournament medal - ugc 6v6 (season 14) | tournament medal - ugc 6vs6 tournament (season 14):

 en: Tournament Medal - UGC 6v6 (Season 14)
 de: Turniermedaille - UGC 6v6 (Season 14)
 es: Medalla de Torneo - Torneo UGC 6vs6 (Temporada 14)
 ja: トーナメントメダル - UGC 6v6 (シーズン 14)
 ko: 대회 훈장 - UGC 6대6 경기 대회 (14기)
 pl: Medal turniejowy - UGC 6v6 (14. sezon)
 pt-br: Medalha de Torneio - UGC 6vs6 (Temporada 14)
 ru: Медаль турнира UGC 6v6 (14-й сезон)
 zh-hant: 錦標賽獎章-UGC 6vs6 競賽(第十四季)

tournament medal - ugc 6v6 (season 17) | tournament medal - ugc 6vs6 tournament (season 17):

 en: Tournament Medal - UGC 6v6 (Season 17)
 de: Turniermedaille - UGC 6v6 (Season 17)
 es: Medalla de Torneo - Torneo UGC 6vs6 (Temporada 17)
 ja: トーナメントメダル - UGC 6v6 (シーズン 17)
 ko: 대회 훈장 - UGC 6대6 경기 대회 (17기)
 pl: Medal turniejowy - UGC 6v6 (17. sezon)
 pt-br: Medalha de Torneio - UGC 6vs6 (Temporada 17)
 ru: Медаль турнира UGC 6v6 (17-й сезон)
 zh-hant: 錦標賽獎章-UGC 6vs6 競賽(第十七季)

tournament medal - ugc 6v6 (season 26) | tournament medal - ugc 6vs6 tournament (season 26):

 en: Tournament Medal - UGC 6v6 (Season 26)
 pl: Medal turniejowy - UGC 6v6 (26. sezon)
 ru: Медаль турнира UGC 6v6 (26-й сезон)

tournament medal - ugc highlander:

 en: Tournament Medal - UGC Highlander
 pl: Medal turniejowy - UGC Highlander
 ru: Медаль турнира UGC Highlander

tournament medal - ugc highlander (season 6) participant:

 en: UGC Highlander (Season 6) Participant
 pl: UGC Highlander (6. sezon) - uczestnik
 ru: Участник UGC Highlander (6-й сезон)

tournament medal - ugc highlander (season 8) participant:

 en: UGC Highlander (Season 8) Participant
 pl: UGC Highlander (8. sezon) - uczestnik
 ru: Участник UGC Highlander (8-й сезон)

tournament medal - ugc highlander (season 3) | tournament medal - ugc highlander tournament (season 3):

 en: Tournament Medal - UGC Highlander (Season 3)
 da: Turneringsmedalje - UGC Highlander-turnering (Sæson 3)
 de: Turniermedaille - UGC Highlander-Turnier (Season 3)
 es: Medalla de Torneo - UGC Highlander Tournament (Season 3)
 fi: UGC Highlander -turnausmitali
 fr: Médaille de tournoi - Tournoi Highlander UGC (Saison 3)
 hu: 3. UGC Hegylakó bajnoki szezon
 it: Medaglia del Torneo - UGC Highlander Tournament (Stagione 3)
 ja: トーナメントメダル - UGC Highlander Tournament (シーズン 3)
 ko: 대회 훈장 - UGC 하이랜더 경기 (3기)
 nl: Toernooimedaille - UGC Highlander-toernooi (Seizoen 3)
 pl: Medal turniejowy - UGC Highlander Tournament (3. sezon)
 pt: Medalha de Torneio - UGC Highlander Tournament (Temporada 3)
 pt-br: Medalha de Torneio - Torneio UGC Highlander (Temporada 3)
 ru: Медаль турнира UGC Highlander (3-й сезон)
 sv: Turneringsmedalj - UGC
 zh-hant: 錦標賽獎章-UGC Highlander 競賽(第三季)

tournament medal - ugc highlander (season 5) | tournament medal - ugc highlander tournament (season 5):

 en: Tournament Medal - UGC Highlander (Season 5)
 da: Turneringsmedalje - UGC Highlander-turnering (Sæson 5)
 de: Turniermedaille - UGC Highlander-Turnier (Season 5)
 es: Medalla de Torneo - UGC Highlander Tournament (Season 5)
 fi: UGC Highlander -turnausmitali
 fr: Médaille de tournoi - Tournoi Highlander UGC (Saison 5)
 hu: 5. UGC Hegylakó bajnoki szezon
 it: Medaglia del Torneo - UGC Highlander Tournament (Stagione 5)
 ja: トーナメントメダル - UGC Highlander Tournament (シーズン 5)
 ko: 대회 훈장 - UGC 하이랜더 경기 (5기)
 nl: Toernooimedaille - UGC Highlander-toernooi (Seizoen 5)
 pl: Medal turniejowy - UGC Highlander Tournament (5. sezon)
 pt: Medalha de Torneio - UGC Highlander Tournament (Temporada 5)
 pt-br: Medalha de Torneio - Torneio UGC Highlander (Temporada 5)
 ru: Медаль турнира UGC Highlander (5-й сезон)
 sv: Turneringsmedalj - UGC
 zh-hant: 錦標賽獎章-UGC Highlander 競賽(第五季)

tournament medal - ugc highlander (season 6) | tournament medal - ugc highlander tournament (season 6):

 en: Tournament Medal - UGC Highlander (Season 6)
 da: Turneringsmedalje - UGC Highlander-turnering (Sæson 6)
 de: Turniermedaille - UGC Highlander-Turnier (Season 6)
 es: Medalla de Torneo - UGC Highlander Tournament (Season 6)
 fr: Médaille de tournoi - Tournoi Highlander UGC (Saison 6)
 hu: 6. UGC Hegylakó bajnoki szezon
 it: Medaglia del Torneto - UGC Highlander Tournament (Stagione 6)
 ja: トーナメントメダル - UGC Highlander Tournament (シーズン 6)
 ko: 대회 훈장 - UGC 하이랜더 경기 (6기)
 nl: Toernooimedaille - UGC Highlander-toernooi (Seizoen 6)
 pl: Medal turniejowy - UGC Highlander Tournament (6. sezon)
 pt: Medalha de Torneio - UGC Highlander Tournament (Temporada 6)
 pt-br: Medalha de Torneio - Torneio UGC Highlander (Temporada 6)
 ru: Медаль турнира UGC Highlander (6-й сезон)
 zh-hant: 錦標賽獎章-UGC Highlander 競賽(第六季)

tournament medal - ugc highlander (season 8) | tournament medal - ugc highlander tournament (season 8):

 en: Tournament Medal - UGC Highlander (Season 8)
 da: Turneringsmedalje - UGC Highlander-turnering (Sæson 8)
 de: Turniermedaille - UGC Highlander-Turnier (Season 8)
 es: Medalla de Torneo - UGC Highlander Tournament (Season 8)
 fr: Médaille de tournoi - Tournoi Highlander UGC (Saison 8)
 hu: 8. UGC Hegylakó bajnoki szezon
 it: Medaglia del Torneto - UGC Highlander Tournament (Stagione 8)
 ja: トーナメントメダル - UGC Highlander Tournament (シーズン 8)
 ko: 대회 훈장 - UGC 하이랜더 경기 (8기)
 nl: Toernooimedaille - UGC Highlander-toernooi (Seizoen 8)
 pl: Medal turniejowy - UGC Highlander Tournament (8. sezon)
 pt: Medalha de Torneio - UGC Highlander Tournament (Temporada 8)
 pt-br: Medalha de Torneio - Torneio UGC Highlander (Temporada 8)
 ru: Медаль турнира UGC Highlander (8-й сезон)
 zh-hant: 錦標賽獎章-UGC Highlander 競賽(第八季)

tournament medal - ugc highlander (season 9) | tournament medal - ugc highlander tournament (season 9):

 en: Tournament Medal - UGC Highlander (Season 9)
 da: Turneringsmedalje - UGC Highlander-turnering (Sæson 9)
 de: Turniermedaille - UGC Highlander-Turnier (Season 9)
 es: Medalla de Torneo - UGC Highlander Tournament (Season 9)
 fr: Médaille de tournoi - Tournoi Highlander UGC (Saison 9)
 hu: 9. UGC Hegylakó bajnoki szezon
 it: Medaglia del Torneto - UGC Highlander Tournament (Stagione 9)
 ja: トーナメントメダル - UGC Highlander Tournament (シーズン 9)
 ko: 대회 훈장 - UGC 하이랜더 경기 (9기)
 nl: Toernooimedaille - UGC Highlander-toernooi (Seizoen 9)
 pl: Medal turniejowy - UGC Highlander Tournament (9. sezon)
 pt: Medalha de Torneio - UGC Highlander Tournament (Temporada 9)
 pt-br: Medalha de Torneio - Torneio UGC Highlander (Temporada 9)
 ru: Медаль турнира UGC Highlander (9-й сезон)
 zh-hant: 錦標賽獎章-UGC Highlander 競賽(第九季)

tournament medal - ugc highlander (season 11) | tournament medal - ugc highlander tournament (season 11):

 en: Tournament Medal - UGC Highlander (Season 11)
 de: Turniermedaille - UGC Highlander-Turnier (Season 11)
 es: Medalla de Torneo - Torneo UGC Highlander (Temporada 11)
 ja: トーナメントメダル - UGC Highlander Tournament (シーズン 11)
 ko: 대회 훈장 - UGC 하이랜더 경기 (11기)
 pl: Medal turniejowy - UGC Highlander Tournament (11. sezon)
 pt-br: Medalha de Torneio - Torneio UGC Highlander (Temporada 11)
 ru: Медаль турнира UGC Highlander (11-й сезон)
 zh-hant: 錦標賽獎章-UGC Highlander 競賽(第十一季)

tournament medal - ugc highlander (season 12) | tournament medal - ugc highlander tournament (season 12):

 en: Tournament Medal - UGC Highlander (Season 12)
 de: Turniermedaille - UGC Highlander (Season 12)
 es: Medalla de Torneo - Torneo UGC Highlander (Temporada 12)
 ja: トーナメントメダル - UGC Highlander (シーズン 12)
 ko: 대회 훈장 - UGC 하이랜더 (12기)
 pl: Medal turniejowy - UGC Highlander Tournament (12. sezon)
 pt-br: Medalha de Torneio - UGC Highlander (Temporada 12)
 ru: Медаль турнира UGC Highlander (12-й сезон)
 zh-hant: 錦標賽獎章-UGC Highlander 競賽(第十二季)

tournament medal - ugc highlander (season 15) | tournament medal - ugc highlander tournament (season 15):

 en: Tournament Medal - UGC Highlander (Season 15)
 de: Turniermedaille - UGC Highlander (Season 15)
 es: Medalla de Torneo - Torneo UGC Highlander (Temporada 15)
 ja: トーナメントメダル - UGC Highlander (シーズン 15)
 ko: 대회 훈장 - UGC 하이랜더 (15기)
 pl: Medal turniejowy - UGC Highlander Tournament (15. sezon)
 pt-br: Medalha de Torneio - UGC Highlander (Temporada 15)
 ru: Медаль турнира UGC Highlander (15-й сезон)
 zh-hant: 錦標賽獎章-UGC Highlander 競賽(第十五季)

tournament medal - ugc highlander (season 24) | tournament medal - ugc highlander tournament (season 24):

 en: Tournament Medal - UGC Highlander (Season 24)
 pl: Medal turniejowy - UGC Highlander (24. sezon)
 ru: Медаль турнира UGC Highlander (24-й сезон)

tournament medal - ultimate ultiduo:

 en: Tournament Medal - Ultimate Ultiduo
 pl: Medal turniejowy - Ultimate Ultiduo
 ru: Медаль турнира Ultimate Ultiduo

tournament medal - ultimate ultiduo 1st place:

 en: Ultimate Ultiduo 1st Place
 pl: Ultimate Ultiduo - 1. miejsce
 ru: Первое место в Ultimate Ultiduo

tournament medal - ultimate ultiduo 2nd place:

 en: Ultimate Ultiduo 2nd Place
 pl: Ultimate Ultiduo - 2. miejsce
 ru: Второе место в Ultimate Ultiduo

tournament medal - ultimate ultiduo 3rd place:

 en: Ultimate Ultiduo 3rd Place
 pl: Ultimate Ultiduo - 3. miejce
 ru: Третье место в Ultimate Ultiduo

tournament medal - ultimate ultiduo participant:

 en: Ultimate Ultiduo Participant
 pl: Ultimate Ultiduo - uczestnik
 ru: Участник Ultimate Ultiduo

tournament medal - ultimate ultiduo helper:

 en: Ultimate Ultiduo Helper
 pl: Ultimate Ultiduo - pomocnik
 ru: Помощник Ultimate Ultiduo

tournament medal - united dodgeball league:

 en: Tournament Medal - United Dodgeball League
 pl: Medal turniejowy - United Dodgeball League

udl 1st place:

 en: UDL 1st Place
 pl: UDL - 1. miejsce

udl 2nd place:

 en: UDL 2nd Place
 pl: UDL - 2. miejsce

udl 3rd place:

 en: UDL 3rd Place
 pl: UDL - 3. miejsce

udl participcant:

 en: UDL Participant
 pl: UDL - uczestnik

tournament medal:

 en: Tournament Medal
 da: Turneringsmedalje
 de: Turniermedaille
 es: Medallas de Torneo
 fi: Turnausmitali
 ja: トーナメントメダル
 ko: 대회 훈장
 pl: Medal turniejowy
 pt-br: Medalha de Torneio
 ru: Турнирная медаль
 zh-hans: 锦标赛奖牌

tournament medals:

 en: Tournament Medals
 da: Turneringsmedaljer
 de: Turniermedaille
 es: Medallas de Torneo
 fi: Turnausmitalit
 hu: Versenysorozat-érem
 it: Medaglia del Torneo
 ja: トーナメントメダル
 ko: 대회 훈장
 nl: Toernooimedailles
 pl: Medale turniejowe
 pt: Medalha de Torneio
 pt-br: Medalhas de Torneio
 ru: Турнирные медали
 sv: Turneringsmedalj
 tr: Turnuva Madalyaları
 zh-hans: 锦标赛奖章
 zh-hant: 錦標賽獎章

donor medal:

 en: Donor Medal
 da: Donermedalje
 pl: Medal darczyńcy
 pt-br: Medalha de Doador
 ru: Медаль жертвователя

gold medal:

 en: Gold Medal
 pl: Złoty medal
 pt-br: Medalha de Ouro
 ru: Золотая медаль

first place:

 en: First Place
 da: Førsteplads
 de: Erster Platz
 es: Primer Puesto
 fi: Ensimmäinen sija
 fr: Première Place
 ja: 優勝
 ko: 1위
 pl: 1. miejsce
 pt-br: Primeiro Lugar
 ru: Первое место
 tr: Birincilik
 zh-hans: 冠军

silver medal:

 en: Silver Medal
 pl: Srebrny medal
 pt-br: Medalha de Prata
 ru: Серебряная медаль

second place:

 en: Second Place
 da: Andenplads
 de: Zweiter Platz
 es: Segundo Puesto
 fi: Toinen sija
 fr: Deuxième Place
 ja: 準優勝
 ko: 2위
 pl: 2. miejsce
 pt-br: Segundo Lugar
 ru: Второе место
 zh-hans: 亚军

bronze medal:

 en: Bronze Medal
 pl: Brązowy medal
 pt-br: Medalha de Bronze
 ru: Бронзовая медаль

third place:

 en: Third Place
 da: Tredjeplads
 de: Dritter Platz
 es: Tercer Puesto
 fi: Kolmas sija
 fr: Troisième Place
 ja: 第3位
 ko: 3위
 pl: 3. miejsce
 pt-br: Terceiro Lugar
 ru: Третье место
 zh-hans: 季军

group winner:

 en: Group Winner
 da: Gruppevinder
 pl: Zwycięzca grupy
 pt-br: Vencedor do Grupo
 ru: Победитель


 en: Winner
 da: Vinder
 pl: Zwycięzca
 pt-br: Vencedor
 ru: Победитель


 en: Playoff
 pl: Play-off
 pt-br: Eliminatórias
 ru: Плей-офф

participant medal:

 en: Participant Medal
 pl: Uczestnik
 pt-br: Medalha de Participante
 ru: Медаль участника

participation medal:

 en: Participation Medal
 pl: Uczestnik
 pt-br: Medalha de Participação
 ru: Медаль участника


 en: Participant
 da: Deltager
 de: Teilnehmer
 es: Participante
 fi: Osallistuja
 fr: Participant
 ja: 参加者
 ko: 참가상
 pl: Uczestnik
 pt-br: Participante
 ru: Участник
 zh-hans: 参赛者

helper medal:

 en: Helper Medal
 pl: Pomocnik

staff medal:

 en: Staff Medal
 pl: Organizator
 pt-br: Medalha de Funcionário
 ru: Медаль организатора


Action items

Noise makers

Unlocked Crates

War Paint Keyless Cases


Mann Co. crates and keys

Strange parts

Also check a Strange trackers section

Single Paint cans

Team Paint cans

Halloween Spells


Killstreak Kit items

Unused items

Beta grenades

Unused\Scrapped weapons

Unused Cosmetic items

Item set names

Item bundles

Map makers support items

Map Stamps

Strange filters

Also check a Strange Filter prefixes section


Weapons styles

Cosmetic styles

Action item styles

Slot names

Equip regions

Crafting ingredients

Regular ingredients

Mysterious ingredients

Voodoo-Cursed ingredients

Descriptive text

Quality names

Strange ranks

  • Translations taken from the STS.png Steam Translation Server

Multi-weapon ranks

Holiday Punch ranks

Mantreads ranks

Sapper ranks

Spirit Of Giving ranks

Cosmetic item ranks

Duck Journal ranks

Soul Gargoyle ranks

Strange trackers

Strange Filter prefixes

Unusual effects




Item set blueprint

April Fool's Day Items
