I don't have any references, and being a fan of the civilian always inetrested in the topic, i do recall reading the opinion that Valve introduced the payload map instead of the civilian because griefing was too easy with the civilian in TF2Nooch 18:26, 16 October 2010 (UTC)
Seems like the case. Added. NottNott 13:35, 2 March 2013 (PST)
What is with the non official civilian model? If it is by valve but unused, say so. If it is community made, why is it there? Else, elaborate. Woops, that looks too much like code.--Kurathedog 04:28, 19 November 2010 (UTC)
Civilian Sightings
For a bit of fun, I thought we could list some Civilian Sightings in TF2 games and give a description of what their behavior was.
To start off, a friend of mine spotted a Demoman Civ, he died and burped alot. Untamed64 00:08, 17 December 2010 (UTC)
3 more civilian sound files
In the game files, you can find medic1.wav and medic2.wav. In the SFM files you can find something about an "Unknown Soldier" in the facemovie folder and that sound file is just the civilian saying "My arm!" in MTE. Also in the console versions of The Orange Box, you can hear the crit death sounds --Frying1Pans (talk) 09:25, 12 April 2015 (PDT)
A/T-posing meme status
As discussed on IRC: I suggest separating the guides and tips/tricks of the reference pose stuff that does not belong to Civilian specifically, and so the patches against this.
All the bois in reference pose on the Gallery.
Yay or nay? Also, I think this page shows its age, I'm not sure how to feel having a page that tells about the scrapped Civilian class, the reference pose, and the tenth class. I think the page should only mention about the scrapped Civilian class, and have a brief mention about the "Civilian" term used by the community, but nothing too lengthy (if going on this route, then the images I'm requesting shouldn't be made). And move how to get into the "reference" pose on the bugs section of each class/weapon page (how to get the ref pose in Heavy would go on the Heavy page, on the Bugs section). -
20:03, 11 December 2019 (UTC)