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< BlapBash
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Blap Bash Logo.png

Blap Bash é un evento annuale benefico di streaming ospitato da diversi YouTuber TF2, per aumentare i soldi per diverse organizzazioni benefiche, incluse Child's Play e SpecialEffect. È ospitato piu di una settimana in estate, con due puntate di 12 ore, separato con Mann vs. Machine giochi, jump courses, partite d pub, MGE duels, showmatches, custom maps, SFM animations, e crate unboxings. Tutti gi eventi offrono in-game medagie , ottenibile donando determinati importi all'organizzazione benefica.

A partire dal 2019, l'evento annuae ha collettivamente raggiunto oltre il $100,000 USD.[1]



Queste medaglie erano ottenute dai gicatori che donavano come minimo $5 al 2017 Blapature Co. charity drive.

È stato contributed to the Steam Workshop da хвзз, Tha JDPON Don, RT, OverPovered, surny, spikeymikey, Teemo, That One Motherfucker, Rapid, PyroJoe, doomsday.exe, Peterscraps, SoundSmith, runyx, sharkobarko, Lord Farquaad, ClassyJavelin, VolKan, SkaiHigh, Tobiased, Neon, woolen, e MONDENSCHEIN.

Backpack Blapature Co. Contributor.png

Autentico Sostenitore di Blapature Co. (Autentico)
Community Medal - Livello 1
The best kind of jam is made from avocados. Thank you for supporting the Blapature Co. Summer Jam 2017!

( Not Tradable or Marketable )


Queste medaglie erano ottenute dai gicatori che donavano come minimo 5, 15, and 25 USD, rispettivamente, durante il 2018 Blapature Co. Charity Bash, tramite item o monetary donations.

Erano contribuite a Steam Workshop da cobra chicken, crazy russian hacker, Chloemew, Birthday.exe, TTS, Peterscraps, Tobiased, RTGame - That Irish Game Guy, sharko, Runyx, woolen, surny,, PyroJoe, spikeymikey, ClassyJavelin, Skaihigh, VolKan, D'Koda, Rapid, Desmond, e SoundSmith

Backpack BlapBash Backer 2021.png

Autentico Blapature Co. - Finanziatore (Autentico)
Community Medal - Livello 1
The most important thing when making jam is to replace literally everything with avocados. Thank you for supporting the Blapature Co. Charity Bash 2018!

( Not Tradable or Marketable )

Backpack BlapBash Supporter 2021.png

Autentico Blapature Co. - Sostenitore (Autentico)
Community Medal - Livello 1
An avocado a day keeps the doctor away: you just have to hit them between the eyes. Thank you for supporting the Blapature Co. Charity Bash 2018!

( Not Tradable or Marketable )

Backpack BlapBash Benefactor 2021.png

Autentico Blapature Co. - Benefattore (Autentico)
Community Medal - Livello 1
Distinguish yourself from Millennials by proudly proclaiming you eat avocado toast. Thank you for supporting the Blapature Co. Charity Bash 2018!

( Not Tradable or Marketable )


Queste medaglie erano ottenute dai gicatori che donavano come minimo 5, 15, and 25 USD, rispettivamente, durante il 2019 BlapBash, tramite item o monetary donazioni.

Backpack BlapBash Backer 2021.png

Autentico BlapBash 2019 - Finanziatore (Autentico)
Community Medal - Livello 1
The most important thing when making jam is to crush the avocados and not the housing market. Thank you for supporting BlapBash 2019!

( Not Tradable or Marketable )

Backpack BlapBash Supporter 2021.png

Autentico BlapBash 2019 - Sostenitore (Autentico)
Community Medal - Livello 1
An avocado a day keeps the doctor away: You just can't afford both. Thank you for supporting BlapBash 2019!

( Not Tradable or Marketable )

Backpack BlapBash Benefactor 2021.png

Autentico BlapBash 2019 - Benefattore (Autentico)
Community Medal - Livello 1
If avocado toast will result in unaffordable housing, then at least you'll have a splendid breakfast. Thank you for supporting BlapBash 2019!

( Not Tradable or Marketable )

Cronologia degli aggiornamenti

Patch del 2 agosto 2017
  • Added the Blapature Co. Contributor 2017 community event medal

Patch del 26 giugno 2018

  • Added community medals for Blapature

Patch del 18 luglio 2018

  • [Non documentato] Updated the descriptions of the Blapature Co. charity medals

Patch del 25 luglio 2019 (Summer 2019 Pack)

  • [Non documentato] Added Blap Bash 2019 community medals



External links