Heavy Weapons Guy (Classic)

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Heavy Weapons Guy (Classic)
Heavy Weapons Guy (Classic)
Basic Information
Type: Defensive
Health: 100
(150 when overhealed by a Medic)
Armor: 300
Armor type: Heavy
Speed: Very Slow

The Heavy Weapons Guy is a playable class in Team Fortress Classic. He is a large man outfitted with Heavy Armor, both shotguns, two powerful grenade types and a Assault Cannon. However, all of this comes with a price; he is the slowest class in the game. This makes him a great defending class, as he can take many hits before dying and has enough firepower to quickly inflict major damage on weak offense enemies.

Basic Strategy

  • Go on offense if you have a Medic with you, otherwise stay on defense.
  • Remain in closed or partially open areas as Snipers will find you an exceptionally easy target due to your very slow movement speed and size.
  • Use your size to block doorways and other passages.
  • Improve your lifespan by partnering with Medics and Engineers.
  • Keep your Assault Cannon spinning if you are lying in ambush.

Special Abilities

Class Skill:Selects Minigun.


  • Heavy, isn't pushed by explosions.


Weapon Ammo Damage
per hit
Notes / Special Abilities
Type Loaded Carried
HUD crowbar TFC.png
Weapon 1
Crowbar N/A N/A N/A
HUD single shotgun TFC.png
Weapon 2
Single-Barrel Shotgun Shells 8 200
HUD double shotgun TFC.png
Weapon 3
Double-Barrel Shotgun Shells 16 200
HUD assault cannon TFC.png
Weapon 4
Assault Cannon Shells 200 N/A


Grenade Grenades
Damage Range Notes / Special Abilities
Frag tfc.png
Hand Grenade 4 High
Mirv tfc.png
MIRV Grenade 2 Medium-Instakill (depending on radius) Grenade splits into several miniature bombs upon detonation. These bombs detonate after a few seconds.

Quake Team Fortress

In Quake Team Fortress, the Assault Cannon will not fire while the user is walking with its barrel spinning.


  • The Heavy Duty Rag from Team Fortress 2 resembles the do-rag worn by the new Heavy Weapons Guy model.


See Also