Medic taunts

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Revision as of 23:03, 22 December 2010 by Stbeecher (talk | contribs) (The Crusader's Crossbow does not actually do the taunt)
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Medictaunt2.PNG Associated items Description
The Medic pulls on the rim of his rubber glove and lets go with a snapping sound while saying:
"Anuhza successful procedure!"
"Woops! Zat was not medicine."
"Did zat sting? Sorry!"
"Zat, vas doctor-assisted homicide!"


Medictaunt3.PNG Associated item Description
The Medic bows and says:
"Danke, Dummkopfs!" (Translation:"Thanks, Fools/Idiots!")

Medictaunt06.PNG Associated item Description
See also: Oktoberfest

The Medic puts his face to the barrel of the Kritzkrieg and takes a deep breath. The Medic relaxes momentarily, then shakes his head and refocuses.

The Medic gains 11 health for performing this taunt.


Medictaunt4.PNG Associated items Description
The Medic plays his saw as though it were a violin with one of several tunes, such as:
First tune
Second tune
Third tune
Fouth tune
Fifth tune (based on the "dominating" jingle)
Sixth tune
Seventh tune (based on the "revenge" jingle)

The Vita-saw will play a deeper, cello-like tune, such as:

First tune
Second tune
Third tune
Fourth tune
Fifth tune (based on the "dominating" jingle)
Sixth tune
Seventh tune (based on the "revenge" jingle)

Medicuberkill.png Associated item DescriptionKill icon
See also: Spinal Tap

The Medic enters a combat pose, thrusts his Übersaw forward and retracts it, stunning and killing any enemies in the way.

If the retraction kills an enemy, the ÜberCharge meter gains 50% charge.
  • Killicon uberslice.png


Medic highFiveSuccessFull.png Associated item Description
None The Medic gives a high five.

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