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The Demoman, while an excellent ranged fighter, lacks an efficient means of self defense at close range.
- The Demoman is mainly used for defense, so for the most part, he will be patrolling his side of the map. If you can provoke one of these defending Demoman to follow you, lead him into an unknown area where you have the advantage against his sticky bombs.
- The Demoman has a great amount of health, so he can be sturdy when being dealt damage. He will mostly stand his ground rather than retreat unless in extreme cases.
- The Demoman is close to the speed of a majority of the classes, but he is less likely to chase you down unless he has the Chargin' Targe.
- The Demoman is quite deadly when he is accurate while using his Grenade Launcher, but it shoots out in an arch which causes aiming difficulties with the Demoman. Getting close and avoiding his aim will grant you a vulnerable moment for you to strike.
Weapon Specific
A list of useful tidbits about the Demoman's tools, and how to counter them.
Primary Weapons
 Grenade Launcher
- The Grenade Launcher has a lengthy reload time. Attack the Demoman when he's empty.
- A Demoman can arc and bounce his Grenades, so don't rely on cover when fighting a Demoman using his Grenade Launcher.
- When firing the launcher and hitting at close range, the Demoman will likely get hit by his own grenade's explosion, dealing splash damage to himself. Use this to your advantage.
- The Loch 'n' Load deals additional self-damage to the Demoman. Even if you die at close range, there is a chance of the Demoman severely damaging or killing himself.
- The Loch 'n' Load has a small clipsize. Dodge the two shots, and then go in for the kill.
Secondary Weapons
Stickybomb Launcher
- The Stickybomb Launcher is more difficult to use at close range due to the lengthy arming time.
- The Stickybomb Launcher has a lengthy reload time. Attack the Demoman when he's empty.
Scottish Resistance
- The Scottish Resistance is not suited for direct combat. Pressure the Demoman, but be wary of any traps he may have set.
Chargin' Targe
- The Targe gives the Demoman blast and fire resistance. Use a weapon with a different form of attack.
- The Charge effect can be cancelled or delayed by using weapons with Stun, Slowdown and/or Knockback.
Melee Weapons
Bottle / Frying Pan
- Whenever you close the distance between you and a Demoman, he might be evoked to pull out this weapon. Since his speed is below average, use this to your advantage when he is chasing you down with this weapon.
Eyelander / Horseless Headless Horsemann's Headtaker
- Demoman wielding this melee weapon would like nothing more than taking your head, so they will have an urge to try whatever they can to receive one. When a Demoman pulls out this weapon, avoid fighting him with melee weapons since you may add to his head collection.
Scotsman's Skullcutter
- This weapon makes the Demoman much slower, making him an easier target.
Claidheamh Mòr
- Because this weapon's only advantage is increased charge duration, once he charges, he is only a little stronger than an Eyelander Demoman with no heads.
Pain Train
- The Demoman has a 10% vulnerability to bullets with the Pain Train equipped. Switch to a weapon that fires bullets for extra damage.
Ullapool Caber
- This weapon explodes on contact with the world. Try to make the Demoman miss and hit a wall. He will either die or severely injure himself.
- This weapon can easily take out or severely damage most classes, if you encounter a Demoman attempting to use this weapon against you, try to avoid getting in melee range.
- A Demoman using a Chargin' Targe in conjunction with this weapon can close the distance between you quickly and attack you with a guaranteed critical, beware of standing in a straight line to a Demoman using this set-up.
Item Set
See also