Talk:Hat With No Name

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Revision as of 09:52, 9 December 2020 by Ilikethelugeranddemopan (talk | contribs) (Confused with this: added in for instead of all)
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hello, I was just passing by and decided to see all the diferent hats, but I couldn't help but notice that the trivia says that "The Man With No Name is Soldier" even though it's for 4 classes and the HAT has no name. Personally I think it's a pun on the cowboy song, A Horse With No Name (, but the Soldier no name thing doesn't make much sense in this article to me. Thanks, and have fun. Master Jand (talk) 18:22, 25 March 2018 (UTC)

The hat was altered to be equippable by the 3 other classes 4 years after its initial release. I will concede though that the trivia seems to be a bit speculatory although it is interesting in connection.--Akolyth (talk) 18:28, 25 March 2018 (UTC)


should we mention that this hat's rim clips with the black box? TubbyMonster 14:45, 19 June 2012 (PDT)

Pictogram cross.png No We usually don't mention clipping on pages --LiquidFire 14:47, 19 June 2012 (PDT)
Clipping doesn't usually constitute bug facts, so it's generally not worth putting it on the page. Though I definitely commend you for asking before adding it. User Wingless Winged Signature.png 14:49, 19 June 2012 (PDT)


I had a green painted version of this before the Tough Break update but now it looks unpainted. Can anyone else confirm this is happening and if so what should be done to troubleshoot? Keoki97 (talk) 13:14, 7 January 2016 (PST)

Bug is not happening anymore. Assuming it was fixed with the last model update. Keoki97 (talk) 12:01, 8 January 2016 (PST)

Confused with this

Updated the models/materials for The Hat With No Name so it can now be equipped by the Soldier, Sniper, Demoman, and Engineer. so if the hat was added before this patch note then why is for all of the classes that can equip it Ilikethelugeranddemopan (talk) 09:51, 9 December 2020 (UTC)