
From Team Fortress Wiki
Revision as of 01:24, 6 January 2011 by GrenalBlack (talk | contribs) (To do List)
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Steam profile TF2 backpack
My Steam Profile My Backpack

Well,i don't have much to say..I don't know if i'm a furry,but i like it.My name is Leonard(In English),and yes,i'm Brazilian.

In the cases of disasters,do your best. Falling or not,just do it. The life is this,show what you are made. I'm Trying,and you can try too.

More things about me on TF2

Killicon axtinguisher.png
 Furry Haters
Killicon shotgun.png
Killicon flame thrower.png

Special Hat <3

File:User GrenalBlack Specialuv.png

To the Left,Pyro user!

User GrenalBlack Avatar.png

To do List

  • Buy Three Keys, Turbine Stamp, and two Gift Wraps. P Want.png P Want.png
  • Look for some page to Translate P Have.png
  • Disturb Takamoto for take some help in wiki P Have.png
  • Translate 'Ambushing' page. P Have.png
  • Translate 'Camping' page. P Have.png
  • Translate 'Warrior's Spirit' page. P Want.png
  • Translate '2Fort map' page. P Want.png

User GrenalBlack Gabuguitardeviantrt.gif

Items List

Template:Item checklist


OMGWTFBBQ.png This user has killed an enemy with the Hadouken taunt.

User Pyro.png This user is a Pyro.
“Mhmmh... mmmmm-hmm!”
Achieved.png This user has earned 323 of the 520 TF2 achievements. That's 62%!
RED Ellis' Cap.png Has this user ever told you about the time he got Ellis' Cap?
Scout Mercenary.png This user is a Mercenary.
Hire Date: October 2,2009 (23:02:24 GMT)

Item icon Alien Swarm Parasite.png This user has earned the Alien Swarm Parasite hat.
Flag Brazil.png This user will kick your ass the Brazilian way!
Dead Ringer.png This user has spent 850 hours of his life playing Team Fortress 2!
Earbuds.png This user loves rocking out with his Earbuds.
x42px This user is a Furry,so..Be carefull! RAAWR!

Achievement milestone 3.png This user has achieved 37/38 of the achievements in the Pyro pack.

Approved.png This user watches the Recent Changes log.
Backpack Name Tag.png This user loves to rename their items.
en-3 This user has advanced knowledge of English.
TF2 crosshair.png This user is a Team Fortress Wiki translator!
User Translator.png This user translates Team Fortress 2 to Portuguese (Brazil).

Frying Pan.png This user is a Demopan.
“Bloody brilliant”