User:That Furry Fan

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Revision as of 05:37, 10 January 2011 by That Furry Fan (talk | contribs) (Classes I play often)
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Classes I play often



More then 70+ Hours played
I love Playing Medic but I also hate it at the same time. Why? Two words; other players. Is it at all hard to protect a medic who cries for help?


More then 30+ hours played
I'm ok with an Engineer but I love having backup with me or just an offensive class occasionally check up on me


Pyro is a great class to play IMO. I can flank pretty well with this guy but I'm mostly a bum rushing kind of Pyro.

Hats I want badly

RED Wiki Cap.png RED Dr's Dapper Topper.png Backpack Vintage Merryweather.png Backpack Ze Goggles.png
Wiki Cap Dr's Dapper Topper Vintage Merryweather Ze Goggles
RED Troublemaker's Tossle Cap.png Backpack Texas Ten Gallon.png RED Heavy Duty Rag.png
Troublemaker's Tossle Cap Texas Ten Gallon Heavy Duty Rag

Scout Revisions

First Bullet Original
Second Bullet Revision

  • Never attack head-on. The Scout is designed to use his speed - his greatest advantage - to attack from the side or from behind, fire quickly, and retreat before the enemy has a chance to react. Scouts can die easily from a stray grenade or rocket, much less an aimed attack.
    • The Scout is the fastest class, use this advantage to flank the enemy from behind or the side. Attacking from the flank will distract the enemy from attacking the front, giving stronger teammates a greater chance to kill. Remember to double jump in unpredictable directions to overwhelm them.
  • Without much health, wait for the correct moment to strike. Use walls and corners to your advantage, firing and retreating repeatedly to avoid losing health.
    • Pick your fights carefully, for example; scoped Snipers by themselves are a good choice to take out. Another example is Medic buddy combos like Medic and Heavy. Take out the Medic at point blank range with the Scattergun and run away. Let your team mates know you took out the Medic if you survived long enough, so they can take out the Medics buddy