Talk:Mann Co. Supply Crate/Retired series

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Mann Co. Supply Munition Series #82 Drop Chances

It appears that the drop chances for the series #82 crate are incorrect. I have unboxed 40 crates and got the following items:

  • 9 x Pretty Boy's Pocket Pistol Strangifier -> 22.5%
  • 8 x Phlogistinator Strangifier -> 20%
  • 11 x Cleaner's Carbine Strangifier -> 27.5%
  • 4 x Strange Cosmetic Part: Kills -> 10%
  • 5 x Strange Part: Full Health Kills -> 12.5%
  • 2 x Strange Part: Headshot Kills -> 5%
  • 0 x Private Eye Strangifier -> 0%
  • 1 x Big Chief Strangifier -> 2.5%
  • No Unusuals or other items

These drop chances are very similar to crates such as series #42, #49 and #77. Tumbolisu (talk) 17:20, 12 October 2020 (UTC)

Mann Co. Supply Munition Series #82 Drop Chances #2

Chances are closer to 20%, 20%, 20%, 10%, 10%, 10%, 5%, 4%, 0.67% (with the remaining 0.33% spread amongst the non-unusuals, roughly +0.04% each). It's definitely not what is listed currently. Raccoons (talk) 14:57, 2 June 2022 (UTC)

If there's any evidence for these chances, feel free to provide it and change the numbers.
GrampaSwood (talk) 16:12, 2 June 2022 (UTC)

Mann Co. Supply Munition Series #82 Drop Chances #3

I opened 100 #82 crates

23% Pretty Boy's Pocket Pistol Strangifier

25% Phlogistinator Strangifier

24% Cleaner's Carbine Strangifier

5% Strange Cosmetic Part: Kills

8% Strange Part: Full Health Kills

8% Strange Part: Headshot Kills

3% Private Eye Strangifier

4% Big Chief Strangifier

no unusuals

Adding together with the previous user's results, chances are closer to

22.85% Pretty Boy's Pocket Pistol Strangifier

23.5% Phlogistinator Strangifier

25% Cleaner's Carbine Strangifier

6.4% Strange Cosmetic Part: Kills

9.2% Strange Part: Full Health Kills

7% Strange Part: Headshot Kills

2% Private Eye Strangifier

3.5% Big Chief Strangifier

Assuming each type of item drops the same

~24% weapon strangifiers

~7.5% strange parts

~2.75% hat strangifiers

Certee (talk) 08:17, 7 February 2023 (UTC)

Page is reaching length limits

  • Post‐expand include size: 4126812/4194304 bytes

We're close to reaching the length limits for this page. With more retired crates being added it will cause rendering issues. Perhaps we can separate it into two pages: Retired Cases and Retired Crates? Oap (talk) 01:28, 6 September 2023 (UTC)

Pictogram plus.png Support. Sounds good. — Tark 01:39, 6 September 2023 (UTC)