Crypt Creeper
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“ | No coffin can contain me!
点击试听 (英语)
— 间谍 lying
” |
Crypt Creeper(Crypt Creeper)是一个社区制作的间谍可用的特殊嘲讽。
When activated, the Spy assumes a stiff pose, with his arms corssed over his chest and his head tilted back, as a coffin with a team-colored, padded interior appears behind him; he falls back and into the coffin, which bounces and closes with his impact. Pressing MOUSE1 makes the coffin bounce twice, while pressing MOUSE2 makes the Spy burst the coffin's lid open, in an attempt to scare anyone nearby, and look at his surroundings before going back into it. Upon finishing the taunt, the coffin opens up, the Spy comes out in the same stiff pose as he went in, and the coffin disappears into the ground.
Crypt Creeper是投稿于Steam创意工坊的作品。
- Crypt Creeper被添加至游戏。