Talk:Boarder's Beanie

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Revision as of 00:07, 29 December 2023 by Gabrielwoj (talk | contribs) (Response.)
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It's the Manndatory Attire all over again

This item is similar to the Manndatory Attire: it has two styles that give the item a unique pattern depending on the class and one plain one. This means we're facing similar problems to the ones we faced when we created the article for that item.

Unlike the Manndatory Attire, however, the plain style changes for every class, resulting in 27 team-colors-class and 52 images total. Not only does the infobox not support this many team-colors-class at the moment, listing all of them like was done with the Manndatory Attire would make the infobox ridiculously long.

Another characteristic of this item is that all variants for all three styles are affected by paint, as the paintable area is the ornament at the top. I know that creating Painted variants images of all the possible visuals the item can have would be absurd and is not going to be done, but I just wanted to point that out to possibly help whoever is going to create those images decide how to approach the task.

I'll be honest, I can't think of any solutions at the moment. I'm just laying the problems out to help identify them. - BrazilianNut (talk) 02:59, 8 December 2023 (UTC)

For painted variants that are not loaded on a player model (a standalone model, not loaded as a "Weapon" on HLMV), is actually quite quick and easy to make them with HLMV++ with my script that generates paint variants in 20 seconds (takes a little more to run a batch script on GIMP that auto-crops the images, though, so about a maximum of 2 minutes per paint variant tab). It would still be necessary to upload each one individually, but making them wouldn't be a problem. I don't think the painted variants would be much of a problem considering we can use this script, though the infobox probably doesn't support the amount of styles, though that can be increased if the template is edited. Headphones style when? - User Gabrielwoj Signature 1.pngUser Gabrielwoj Signature 2.png - User Gabrielwoj Signature 3.png 03:36, 8 December 2023 (UTC)
Well it's probably best if we try and match the page to how it was done for the Mandatory Attire, though we could possibly put the styles into a gallery box so you can cycle through all of them. Cheddar (talk) 21:18, 9 December 2023 (UTC)
To add on, maybe it is best in the infobox if we just show off the brand styles. Cheddar (talk) 15:12, 15 December 2023 (UTC)
I have made all painted variants for all styles for each class. It's a total of 1.026 files to be uploaded. I will be uploading in the following days. Headphones style when? - User Gabrielwoj Signature 1.pngUser Gabrielwoj Signature 2.png - User Gabrielwoj Signature 3.png 00:07, 29 December 2023 (UTC)