March 11, 2011 Patch (Beta)/ko
출처: TF2 Beta Update History (영어)
패치 노트
- koth_badlands
- 여러 지역이 추가되었습니다.
- 적이 쉽게 발견하던 것을 방지하기위해 맵을 수정하였습니다.
- cp_yukon
- 지도를 수정하였습니다.
- 페인트를 사용한 아이탬을 더욱 조화가 잘 되게 수정하였습니다.
- 퍼스트-페스 로 DX8 가 페인트칠 을 지원합니다.
- Fixed a bug with health-on-kill weapons where players were gaining health if such a weapon was active, but did not cause the death.
- 리플레이:
- 리플레이 브라우저와 출동하던 걸 수정하였습니다
- ‘영상 저장시, 종료가 되던’ 충돌현상을 수정하였습니다
- 코칭:
- The coach is now tethered to the student, so that they cannot get too far
- Added the distance to student in coach GUI
- Coach now has the same PVS as the student
- When the student respawns, the coach warps back to student
- Added an option to "like" coach by pressing F9.
- 트레이닝:
- Fixed issues in Spy training
- 봇팅:
- Tuning pass on CallVote cooldowns/timers:
- Increased the cooldown before a player can call another vote
- Increased the cooldown before a failed vote can be resubmitted
- The CallVote screen now hides issues the server has disabled
- Increased the percentage of players required to pass a vote
- Kick issue: the player calling the vote no longer appears as an option in the Kick issue parameters list
- Temporarily disabled Kick and Changelevel
- Enabled nextlevel_choicesmode by default (to test it)
- The server will automatically ask players to select the nextlevel shortly before the current map is over
- Tuning pass on CallVote cooldowns/timers: