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Reliable Excavation Demolition is a holding corporation, specializing supposedly in "demolition operations". In reality, from behind a myriad of sub-fronts, it secretly controls half the world's governments, led by founder and CEO Redmond Mann. Beneath the convincing exterior of their bases of operations can be found computer racks, satellites, rockets and missile installations.
The other half of the world is just as secretly controlled by their rivals, the Builders League United. Each corporation administers its half of the world with a multi-disciplined army of paper pushers. For any problem lacking an obvious bureaucratic solution, mercenaries are contracted to address the situation through a massive application of force. Conflicts between the two companies began as land disputes between their leaders and continue through hundreds of years to present day.
RED and BLU share an intense rivalry, with nearly all encounters between the two quickly escalating into brutal and often fatal violence. Inter-company friendship is also strictly forbidden by mercenary contract. Despite this, the RED Demoman and the BLU Soldier became fast friends after meeting at a projectile weapons expo. However, once this was brought to the attention of the Administrator, she pitted them in deadly competition with a mysterious new item promised to the winner, twisting their former friendship into a bloody war.
RED favors a more rustic style of architecture than BLU. However, while its dress code is rather liberal in terms of clothing, it is required that employees adopt a red color scheme for easy identification.
알려진 RED 하청업체들:
- 연합 견인(Alliance Towing)
- 빈스키 제지회사(Binski Paper Co.)
- 갈색 너겟 광업(Brown Nugget Prospecting)
- 콘웰(Cornwell)
- 햄프셔 중(重)광산장비(Hampshire's Heavy Mining Equipment)
- 행복한 농민들 협동조합(Happy Farmers Cooperative)
- 허스키 측량사(Husky Acres)
- 제국 광업(Imperial Mining)
- 젠킨 석탄회사(Jenkin Coal Co.)
- 늙은 지저 생맥주(Old Geezer Draft Beer)
- 붉은 빵(Red Bread)
- 붉은 창고(Red Shed)
- 붉은 계곡 광업(Red Valley Mining)
- 샌더 바베큐(Sanders BBQ)
- 화창한 건초(Sunny Hay)
- 빨라 쟁기(Zippy Plow)
- Valve has often depicted players using PCs as being on the RED team, as in the Mac update trailer. This is probably due to their more rustic style of architecture.
- The RED team is arguably the "face" of Team Fortress 2, appearing more prominently than BLU in box-art and promotional materials, as well as being portrayed as the "winning team" in the Meet the Team videos.
- Ironically, Reliable Excavation Demolition is always the defending team in some control point and Payload maps, although its name would suggest that they are the attackers, rather than BLU.
- However, their control points are usually linked to some sort of weapons, like a rocket or a laser gun, so this is somewhat justified.
기타 정보
- "The Administrator" comic
- Reliable Excavation Demolition – fan-made website