Неигровые персонажи

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Неигровые персонажи - это персонажи из мира Team Fortress 2, которые не входят в состав из девяти игровых классов. Хотя они и не участвуют в игре, но они помогают создать атмосферу вселенной Team Fortress 2.


Основная статья: Администратор.

Блутарх и Редмонд Манны

I have mounted an epic campaign of leisure against the ravages of time. Waiting for nature to do to my brother what my men could not. And yet here we are at the end. And he...won't...DIE.
Blutarch Mann discussing his war against his brother.

Блутарх Манн и Редмонд Манн- сыновья Зефении Манна. Они являются основателями компаний BLU и RED. The two sons have been engaged a lifelong feud with each other over the control of the vast lands left to them by their father. After Zepheniah Mann's death, both Blutarch and Redmond hired a team of 9 mercenaries to quickly defeat the other sibling, taking control of his lands. As their forces were evenly matched, the situation quickly devolved into a protracted stalemate, leading both Blutarch and Redmond to look to Radigan Conagher for a life-extending machine, each brother hoping to outlive the other, as neither could win the battle by using brute force. Looking how Blutarch hasn't aged well, it is a good guess that Redmond would look almost the very same way.


  • The image of Blutarch, with the electricity seeping from his eyes may be a reference to the 'Manly Angry Avatars' fad. The TF2 Community partook in the fad a few months ago and created some impressive images. These images were inspired by a number of Valve member's avatars at the time.

Elizabeth in 1850 and her relation in 1890

Who I am does not concern you.
— Elizabeth's unknown relation

Elizabeth, whose last name is unknown was Zepheniah Mann's hand servant. Upon his death, he left her the majority of his estate, including deeds, accounts and debts. In the Loose Canon comic, a woman that bears a striking resemblance to Elizabeth convinced Radigan to construct two Life Extender Machines, not only the single one for Blutarch as originally requested. She bribed Radigan with Australium. It is unknown how she obtained one hundred pounds of the element. It is assumed that Elizabeth is of some relation to this woman as well as Helen, as they have very similar appearances.

Gentle Manne of Leisure

The Gentle Manne of Leisure and his Companione
A-ha-ha! You are as PRESUMPTUOUS as you are POOR and IRISH. Tarnish notte the majesty of my TOWER of HATS.
— The Gentle Manne of Leisure observes the peasants around him

The Gentle Manne of Leisure is an English Victorian, who is rich enough to buy a tower of hats. He goes around and tells the peasants they are poor and Irish. He travels around the streets with his companion. The Gentle Manne of Leisure walks around with a tuxedo, a cane, and his most prized possession; his tower of hats.

He was first shown and referenced in the Classless Update.


Dell looking on at an original Kicasso
Скажите...это оригинальный Кикассо, не правда ли?
Dell Conagher on Blutarch Mann's choice in art

A painter whose work is on display in the lobby of BLU's headquarters, and recognized by Dell Conagher. Went through a "Hunted in the Jungle" period of artwork. Most likely a reference to the obscure short movie by the same name, as well as a play on the name of the famous artist, Picasso.