
From Team Fortress Wiki
Revision as of 04:52, 21 June 2011 by Satorifan (talk | contribs) (Added a quotation taken from the History page of the TF2 website. It could use some working, though.)
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Way back in the day, when we first shipped Team Fortress 2 as part of The Orange Box, we'd always planned on it being an ongoing project. But even we had no idea that, four years later, we'd be over two hundred updates strong, with a growing community of collaborators and no signs of stopping.
The TF2 Team on their dedication to... well, TF2

Patches are updates to the game that fix known bugs, glitches, or exploits within the game, and often add new features or balance changes to weapons, maps, or other game elements.

Many major patches, called updates, add new weapons, game modes or maps. In the past, most of the updates had been focused on one or two particular classes, releasing new content specifically for these classes. However, since the Engineer Update, all of the classes have been updated. Other major updates have been centered around a particular theme or holiday celebration. These range from Halloween to film-making to economics.

As both Windows and Mac OS X versions use the same code, updates exclusive to either platform are not released. They are released to both players and server owners via Steam, and must be downloaded and applied before the game can be launched again. Patches to the Xbox version, however, are fairly scarce, due to restrictions imposed on game developers by Template:W. To date, there have been only 4 patches to Xbox version (the last released in 2009), versus 217 patches released for PC since 2007.

Although each patch is usually paired with notes detailing what has been altered, some alterations are not mentioned. These undocumented changes rely on the community to notice their existence and therefore report them to others. As such, the exact date of undocumented change implementation will be an estimate.

Major updates

Full list of Team Fortress 2 patches

Patches are listed (in reverse-chronological order) for the Windows and Mac OS X version unless otherwise noted. Patches in bold indicate a major content update (see above).






2007 Beta patches

Xbox 360 Patches

See also