Team Fortress Wiki:Competitive representation/UGC Highlander League

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UGC League are running a Winter 2011 Highlander season, and I think it'd be good for the wiki to get a team or 2 into it. A league admin has said on the forums that there will be both a US and EU division[1], and so the purpose of this page is to see if there is enough interest within the wiki to put together a team for each division.

Each team can have up to 16 players, as it's highlander this allows each team to have 7 reserves. All weapons are allowed (Polycount sets [bonuses] are not allowed). Each team would have to be ready by the 10th January. The league will take 18 weeks in total - if we progress throughout: The season begins January 10th with 3 weeks of preseason, 12 weeks of regular season, and then we finish with 3 weeks of playoffs.. US matches will take place on Mondays at around 9:30 PM ET (This is from the UGC site, see below for our preferred time).


More info on time Matches are free to be scheduled at any time before a match deadline (most likely Friday), however we may find we have to compromise based upon other teams wishes - however with seperate US and EU divisions, time variations shouldn't be too disruptive. Here are my proposed times (a few around our ETF2L times in case the two leagues overlap): US: 6 PM ET, Saturday; EU: 6 PM GMT, Saturday. These times are certainly not final, and certainly subject to change between matches. Feel free to discuss these times in the talk page.

So, fill out the table below if you are interested in joining this league representing the wiki.

Team subpages


You can still apply, 1 slots available on US team

US Team (15)

Name Steam profile Classes Comments
Alex2539 Alex2539 Leaderboard class pyro.pngLeaderboard class sniper.pngLeaderboard class soldier.png,

NEVER Leaderboard class demoman.png

I probably won't be able to dedicate myself completely as a full-time member, but if you're ever down a player just give me a shout and I'll see if I can fill in. You should know that the default Monday times are never any good for me.
Fendermcbender fendermcbender Leaderboard class soldier.png Leaderboard class demoman.png I'd love to join. I have enough skill, I've been playing TF2 since it's been released, if that's a primary concern. I was the leader of my ETF2L team and the ESL 6v6 League, so I understand what leaders have to go through and how essential times are. Soldier is my main, if any, because I'm fairly good at him. Demo would be my backup.
Firestorm [2] Heavy,Pyro,Spy,Soldier,Medic Shazam!
GeminiViRiS GeminiViRiS Leaderboard class medic.pngLeaderboard class scout.pngLeaderboard class heavy.pngLeaderboard class demoman.png I'll be able to join as long as the matches aren't on Monday and Tuesday, since I have Microbiology from 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM EST. Other than that, I'm happy to help out!
inShane insaneshane64 Leaderboard class medic.pngLeaderboard class demoman.pngLeaderboard class engineer.pngLeaderboard class scout.png I can definitely play Medic. I'd have to work on the whole "rollout" thing as Demoman first, and, well, Engineer doesn't require too much jumping around or airshoting unless I become too combat craved. Scout is Scout, but I'm not the best one out there.
Magikarp MagionLSD Leaderboard class scout.pngLeaderboard class soldier.pngLeaderboard class demoman.pngLeaderboard class sniper.png Good Ol' Shane had problems with this team at first and told me some stuff, so I was able to help and join in as the scout mostly. I mainly roll Scout in competitive matches, also Medic cause I'm forced to in lobbies. I lost my Soldier skills which was good and got better at Demoman as my last resort class. Other than that, I like this team.
M-NINJA M-NINJA Leaderboard class sniper.pngLeaderboard class pyro.pngLeaderboard class soldier.png
Lagg stragglerastic Leaderboard class demoman.pngLeaderboard class soldier.png Love... Every single one of ya... not you. *Points at Smashman and RJackson* - I'll might as well do this since I have noticed the distinctive lack of hat in this current list, and stylish glasses. I'm a career Demoman. Member of the now disbanded ETF2L OTFWH team.
Medik TheMedik Leaderboard class medic.pngLeaderboard class spy.pngLeaderboard class soldier.pngLeaderboard class demoman.png I've been playing in highlander EU matches for the longest time with the UC guys, so it'd really be nice. Of course, I'd prefer Medic, but Spy/Soldier are both equal. I'll always be up for a game, too.
Natemckn natemckn Leaderboard class demoman.pngLeaderboard class soldier.pngLeaderboard class pyro.pngLeaderboard class medic.png I led my own team in the ETF2L highlander match and lost in group play. Looking forward to a second chance. I would be willing to lead again, but not alone, a co-leader would be very helpful.
Shadrxninja Shadrxninja Leaderboard class spy.pngLeaderboard class soldier.pngLeaderboard class sniper.png Would Prefer to play spy as I am getting good at it but soldier and sniper would be good to play too.
Swordz swordz Leaderboard class pyro.pngLeaderboard class engineer.pngLeaderboard class heavy.pngLeaderboard class soldier.png Would like to join. I play soldier but i'm sure the lag will kill me so i prefer to rely with engineer or pyro. I'm those dudes that you call when you are getting steamrolled and make you win. A mercenary. I also cook
Tele-viper [3] Pyro, Scout, Medic, Heavy. Prefer Heavy I'm a bit new and never REALLY done comp play before. but I think I can do this. No. I -KNOW- I can. Heavy Weapons guy is ready!
Tturbo Tturbo Leaderboard class spy.pngLeaderboard class pyro.pngLeaderboard class medic.png
if needed a bit of Leaderboard class soldier.png or Leaderboard class heavy.png (but not as great)
I'd like to join, but on a less regular basis, like a buddy, I play if needed but normaly I don't... I'm here to fill in the holes... But I'll be happy to fight for the honor of the OTFW a second time.
Vaught Vaught Leaderboard class scout.pngLeaderboard class pyro.pngLeaderboard class demoman.pngLeaderboard class heavy.pngLeaderboard class medic.pngLeaderboard class sniper.png Somewhat of a jack of all trades. I've no real preferred class, and I tend to do well with these classes, so pin me down as whatever the team needs! Note: I said well, not good.
WindPower WindPower Leaderboard class engineer.pngLeaderboard class heavy.pngLeaderboard class medic.png Hey look buddy, I'm an Engineer. Leader of the old ETF2L Highlander Wiki Team, I'm still up for playing, but do not want to be leader.
Wurghel Wurghel Leaderboard class medic.pngLeaderboard class heavy.pngLeaderboard class engineer.pngLeaderboard class pyro.png
Also a pretty good Leaderboard class soldier.png and Leaderboard class demoman.png
I'm brand new and thought this looked like fun. :D Classes in order of preference (with medic being my best). Also note I play as a love-everyone-equally medic, aggressive heavy, and an engy-defending pyro.

EU Team (16)

Name Steam profile Classes Comments

VeKoB VeKoB Leaderboard class scout.pngLeaderboard class pyro.pngLeaderboard class engineer.pngLeaderboard class medic.png Team play is the most important thing. The help to your friends - the key to your victory.

I never leave a friend in trouble and will do everything to win. I would prefer to play engineer or scout.

DrAkcel drakcel Leaderboard class scout.pngLeaderboard class soldier.pngLeaderboard class pyro.pngLeaderboard class heavy.pngLeaderboard class engineer.png I always wanted to play in Highlander games, so this is the best solution for me. And i want to try to play in team. I was playing some clan wars, so i don't think i will have a problem with teamplay. I am best as Heavy and Engineer, but i can be good as a Soldier, or as a Scout.
Infi^ MrInfidelz Leaderboard class soldier.pngLeaderboard class sniper.pngLeaderboard class scout.pngLeaderboard class demoman.pngLeaderboard class pyro.png If it means I can actually use the Black Box and not have a horrible ping on an US server, I'd like to play.
JORDN JORDN Leaderboard class pyro.png Leaderboard class scout.png Leaderboard class heavy.png I'm a great Pyro, I can easily take out most classes 1 on 1 given I do what a Pyro's meant to do. Ambush. Lovin' that Degreaser. Michael can tell you how much of an 'epic' Pyro I am. I stop him dropping Ubers on A. I'm quite an effective Scout, I usually go on the offensive and try to get information to my team on where they're holding up or what they've got in store, I can also hold my own in a fight provided it's not a counter class like a Heavy. Also me and Mike steamroll everything when we Heavy/Pyro Medic.
Leftism phillphill Leaderboard class scout.png Leaderboard class soldier.png Leaderboard class demoman.png Leaderboard class medic.png I play Medic at a mid- level in 6v6s although I'd prefer to stay away from the class in 9v9s, so I would prefer it if I was backup and "mentor" of sorts for the EU team's Medic. :P I can happily play Scout, Soldier and Demoman in 9v9s and I can do pretty much all the rollouts for the Soldier and Demoman on the 5cp maps and have a good mind for tactics as well. :D
Michael Michael_L Leaderboard class medic.pngLeaderboard class engineer.pngLeaderboard class soldier.png I'm up for the games. I play Medic best, with maybe a little Engineer or Soldier on the side if nesscary. But definitely not spy. Or scout. In fact, just assume me as Medic. I also drop Ubers on A
Neo_Player neoplayer Leaderboard class scout.pngLeaderboard class heavy.png And if really needing it Leaderboard class medic.png Entered the ETF2L Highlander with some random reddit folks, but we didn't do so good not passing the group stage. Played with some top European players in some mix matches last year, but since then only practiced was for the ETF2L challenged and not so much after that.
Nightbox nightbox Leaderboard class soldier.png Maybe I want to play, i can help you with management and also mid- Soldier ;)
NVis nvis Leaderboard class spy.pngLeaderboard class soldier.pngLeaderboard class medic.png (Leaderboard class engineer.pngLeaderboard class scout.png) I play a disproportionate amount of Spy. As a result, I make a fairly stab-resistant Medic and Engineer. My other hobbies include rocket jumping and pounding enemies with fish. (And in the game!)
Picard picard93 Leaderboard class pyro.pngLeaderboard class medic.pngLeaderboard class spy.png Im prefering Spy, but I can also play Medic or Pyro. Definitely not Soldier, Demoman or Scout.
RJackson [4] Scout, Pyro, Demo. I would happily lead an EU team, however with the quality of my internet I would need somebody else to lead with me to collect and upload demos.
ScatmanJohn [5] Spy, Soldier, Pyro, Engineer I would love to be on a wiki-team. Might even do better then I did on my old ETF2L team with a bit of luck. I would prefer to play spy if possible, but I could play soldier pyro or engineer at a push.
Smashman smashman2004 Leaderboard class pyro.png I'd be up for it. I've fallen in love with the Degreaser, so I'd love to play Pyro.
Cthulhu1992 oktoberwolf Leaderboard class soldier.pngLeaderboard class medic.png I can play Soldier, and if needed (probably not xD) Medic,although i tend to be a little aggressive with it at times :P
merple merple 20px (Anything but spy/heavy) You guys still looking for players? I played in the ETF2l tourney and play lobby/mixes. Happy to play any class other than spy/heavy. Someone on the team add me if you can use another player or sub :)
Moussekateer moussekateer Leaderboard class scout.pngLeaderboard class pyro.pngLeaderboard class medic.png20px I can't promise to be there for every match but I'd like to be a reserve. Those are the classes I'm pretty competent at. Let's do eeeeet!
Vulturas Vulturas

Leaderboard class soldier.png Leaderboard class demoman.png Leaderboard class engineer.png Leaderboard class medic.png

Doing my best for the Wiki! Inside or outside it!:D. I'm not the best demoman, just defending purposes only.