September 29, 2011 Patch (Beta)
Source: TF2 Beta forums (Web Archive)
Patch notes
- Огнемет:
- Урон увеличен на 10%
- Дожигатель:
- Удалены +10% бонусного урона
- Чистильщик:
- Добавлено -10% урона
- Удалены -25% повреждений от ожога
Files changed
- Note: The changelog below is generated from a diff of two revisions of the game. This data may be incomplete or inconsistent.
Revision changes
Modified: team fortress 2 beta content.gcf/tf_beta/bin/client.dll
Modified: team fortress 2 beta content.gcf/tf_beta/bin/client.dylib
Modified: team fortress 2 beta content.gcf/tf_beta/bin/server.dll
Modified: team fortress 2 beta content.gcf/tf_beta/bin/server.dylib
Modified: team fortress 2 beta content.gcf/tf_beta/scripts/tf_weapon_flamethrower.ctx
Modified: team fortress 2 beta engine.gcf/bin/GameUI.dll
Modified: team fortress 2 beta engine.gcf/bin/GameUI.dylib
Modified: team fortress 2 beta engine.gcf/bin/MaterialSystem.dll
Modified: team fortress 2 beta engine.gcf/bin/engine.dll
Modified: team fortress 2 beta engine.gcf/bin/engine.dylib
Modified: team fortress 2 beta engine.gcf/bin/launcher.dll
Modified: team fortress 2 beta engine.gcf/bin/materialsystem.dylib
Modified: team fortress 2 beta engine.gcf/bin/replay.dll
Modified: team fortress 2 beta engine.gcf/bin/replay.dylib
Modified: team fortress 2 beta engine.gcf/bin/shaderapidx9.dll
Modified: team fortress 2 beta engine.gcf/bin/shaderapidx9.dylib
Modified: team fortress 2 beta engine.gcf/bin/shaderapiempty.dll
Modified: team fortress 2 beta engine.gcf/bin/shaderapiempty.dylib
Modified: team fortress 2 beta engine.gcf/bin/stdshader_dbg.dll
Modified: team fortress 2 beta engine.gcf/bin/stdshader_dx6.dll
Modified: team fortress 2 beta engine.gcf/bin/stdshader_dx7.dll
Modified: team fortress 2 beta engine.gcf/bin/stdshader_dx8.dll
Modified: team fortress 2 beta engine.gcf/bin/stdshader_dx9.dll
Modified: team fortress 2 beta engine.gcf/bin/stdshader_dx9.dylib
Modified: team fortress 2 beta engine.gcf/bin/tools/commedit.dll
Modified: team fortress 2 beta engine.gcf/bin/tools/pet.dll
Modified: team fortress 2 beta engine.gcf/bin/tools/vmt.dll