Team Fortress Wiki:Tips Revision/Suggestions
Please sign any contribution to tip suggestions, be it a new tip or a suggestion for change, with four tildes (~)! |
This page is for suggesting new tips to be added to the project, or changes to the tips already in the Final page. Tips here will be regularly reviewed and, if of sufficient quality, will be moved to the Final page; tips not of quality will be left for editors to improve.
When suggesting changes to current tips, include the existing full line from Final page, and your modified line below - this allows for easy comparison of your changes and for easy replacement within Final page.
* "Tip_1_1" "As a Scout, jump while in mid-air to change direction and avoid enemy fire." ** "Tip_1_1" "As a Waffle, invent a Dispenser to shoot chickens on the moon."
New tips
For new tips, simply suggest the tip's text - not adhering to tf_english formatting - this will be implemented if a tip is accepted into Final page. Feedback on new tips, or changes to them, should be given on a new line below the tip. Sign tips and responses to tips to make it easier to keep track of changes.
* "As a Waffle, invent a Dispenser to shoot chickens on the moon." ~~~~ ** "As a Chicken, invent a Waffle to shoot Dispensers on the moon." ~~~~ *** I'm not a chicken though? ~~~~
Suggest changes or updates to current Final page tips here.
REJECTED as of the March 22, 2012 Patch; "As a Soldier, the Righteous Bison can be used to light the arrows of friendly Huntsman Snipers on fire."
- I can understand why the tips was rejected: new players should be given information that would be beneficial to themselves and their team, and information which should not distract them from core gameplay concepts; this tip, in retrospect, a bit too 'limited' in scope to be burdening a new player with - the player might interpret it as being an important gameplay concept (because it is in the tips) that they would benefit from mastering, it is not and of little benefit.) Anyway, I've listed it (and will list all rejected tips) in this change section so that if anybody can see a way to refine the tip to improve it - they're available too. -RJ 12:50, 23 March 2012 (PDT)
- "Tip_3_19" "As a Soldier, you can use the Rocket Jumper to get to the front lines quickly without taking damage. Be careful however, as you will take increased damage from most weapons while it is equipped, and you will need to rely on your secondary and melee weapons in order to deal damage."
- Currently in-game, but too long for the TipLabel container. -RJ 13:42, 24 March 2012 (PDT)
- "Tip_3_19" "As a Soldier, you can use the Rocket Jumper to get to the front lines quickly without taking damage. Be careful however, you will take increased damage from most weapons, and you will rely on your secondary and melee weapons to deal damage." Opinions? -RJ 13:42, 24 March 2012 (PDT)
- "Tip_3_23" "As a Soldier, you can use %attack2% when wielding the Cow Mangler 5000 to fire a charged shot, dealing additional damage and setting the enemy briefly on fire. Be careful however, as a charged shot entirely depletes the Cow Mangler 5000's ammunition."
- Currently in-game, but too long for the TipLabel container. -RJ 13:42, 24 March 2012 (PDT)
- "Tip_3_23" "As a Soldier, you can use %attack2% when wielding the Cow Mangler 5000 to fire a charged shot, dealing extra damage and setting the enemy briefly on fire. Be wary however, A charged shot entirely depletes the Cow Mangler 5000's ammunition." Opinions? -RJ 13:42, 24 March 2012 (PDT)
- "Tip_7_26" "As a Pyro, the Degreaser inflicts less afterburn damage but allows you to switch weapons almost instantly. This allows you to more easily perform deadly combination attacks, such as setting the enemy on fire and then using the Axtinguisher in order to inflict a critical hit!"
- Currently in-game, but too long for the TipLabel container. -RJ 13:42, 24 March 2012 (PDT)
- "Tip_7_26" "As a Pyro, the Degreaser inflicts less afterburn damage but allows you to switch weapons almost instantly - allowing you to more easily perform deadly combination attacks, such as setting the enemy on fire and using the Axtinguisher to inflict a critical hit!" Opinions? -RJ 13:42, 24 March 2012 (PDT)
- "As a Demoman, heads taken with the Eyelander also increase the damage your shield does. Use this with the Splendid Screen to maximize damage!" GianAwesome 22:02, 23 March 2012 (PDT)
- "As a Heavy, your Sandvich can be replenished by collecting any kind of health kit. Always eat the Sandvich first and use a health kit close-by to replenish it." GianAwesome 22:02, 23 March 2012 (PDT)
- "Tip_9_29" "As an Engineer, the Widowmaker draws from your limited metal reserves for each shot. Make sure that you take note of ammo box locations and friendly Dispensers to quickly resupply when you need to; also consider equipping the Pistol to be able to deal damage when you can't."
- Currently in-game, but too long for the TipLabel container. -RJ 13:42, 24 March 2012 (PDT)
- "Tip_9_29" "As an Engineer, the Widowmaker draws from your metal reserves for each shot. Make sure that you take note of ammo locations and Dispensers to quickly resupply when you need to, also consider equipping the Pistol to be able to deal damage when you can't." Opinions? -RJ 13:42, 24 March 2012 (PDT)
- "Tip_9_21" "As an Engineer, the Southern Hospitality can be very useful for Spy checking. If you hit an enemy and they start bleeding, you have discovered an enemy Spy." Should be changed to "As an Engineer, the Southern Hospitality can be very useful for Spy checking. If you hit a teammate and they start bleeding, you have discovered an enemy Spy." Mtallmen 184 12:08, 25 March 2012 (PDT)
- "As a Medic, your Crusader's Crossbow does increased damage to enemies or healing to teammates if you are far away from them." GianAwesome 22:02, 23 March 2012 (PDT)
REJECTED "As a Sniper, aim for the enemy crotch."
- Valve rejected it, it's obvious why (though I was hoping they'd let it slip on humour value)... Anyway, as per the new (as stated above) rejected-tip-watdo policy - it must be listed in case anyone wishes to improve it. :3 -RJ 12:50, 23 March 2012 (PDT)
- "Tip_8_34" "As a Spy, your Electro Sappers disable Sentry Guns before destroying them. Communicate with your team, and sap a Sentry Gun just before your teammates attack. This will prevent the Sentry from firing, and also make it more difficult for an Engineer to repair it."
- Currently in-game, but too long for the TipLabel container. -RJ 13:42, 24 March 2012 (PDT)
- "Tip_8_34" "As a Spy, your Electro Sappers disable Sentry Guns before destroying them. Communicate with your team and sap a Sentry Gun as your teammates attack. This will prevent the Sentry from firing, and make it more difficult for an Engineer to repair it." Opinions? -RJ 13:42, 24 March 2012 (PDT)
- I could agree with this. No important points are removed so it should be made this way. (Forgive me if I made opinion in the wrong section) Xierra 19:32, 24 March 2012 (PDT)
Arena tips
Control Points tip
Medieval Mode
Abuse tips
General tips
New tips
Suggest brand-new tips here.
- "As a Soldier, you can hold MOUSE 1 when you activate your Buff Banner, Battalion's Backup, or Concheror. This will let you hold the buff until you let go of the button." Citizen Snips 18:24, 24 March 2012 (PDT)
- "As a Pyro, you make a great Sentry bodyguard. Your Flamethrower can detect spies and reflect projectiles, while your Homewrecker can knock Sappers off." Citizen Snips 18:24, 24 March 2012 (PDT)
- "As a Heavy, stay close to the Payload cart. It will constantly replenish your health and ammo, allowing you to plow through your enemies as you push it along." Citizen Snips 18:24, 24 March 2012 (PDT)
- "As an Engineer, make sure you place your Teleporter entrance so that your teammates can spot it easily." Citizen Snips 18:24, 24 March 2012 (PDT)
- "While defending as an Engineer, make your first priority in Setup to build your Teleporter Entrance. It only takes a few seconds to go back to your supply cabinet and restock on Metal, and it'll help your team in the long run." Citizen Snips 18:24, 24 March 2012 (PDT)
- "As an Engineer, the best place to set up a nest is by an Ammo kit. A constant supply of Metal will help you build fast and keep your buildings alive longer. Citizen Snips 18:24, 24 March 2012 (PDT)
- "As a Medic, the Kritzkrieg's Ubercharge excels at ambush. A good coordination and the right choice of patient can deliver a devastating blow to the enemy team in a single Kritz Uber." Xierra 09:08, 24 March 2012 (PDT)
- "As a Medic, the Quick-Fix will make you move faster when healing a Scout. Stick with one to move at breakneck speed!" Citizen Snips 17:55, 24 March 2012 (PDT)
- "As a Medic, be wary of who you decide to Ubercharge. A Heavy or Soldier can wreak havoc while invulnerable, but charging a Scout or Spy will be detrimental to both of you." Citizen Snips 18:24, 24 March 2012 (PDT)
- "As a Medic, healing wounded allies should be prioritized above overhealing. This also fills your Ubercharge meter faster." Citizen Snips 18:24, 24 March 2012 (PDT)
- "As a Sniper, the Cozy Camper is helpful if you have troubles aiming because of flinching." Xierra 08:46, 24 March 2012 (PDT)
- "As a Spy, if you're convincing enough, you can make an enemy Medic waste an Ubercharge on you. Run into a pack of your allies while disguised as an enemy Heavy, wait until the Ubercharge runs out, and watch the sparks fly." Citizen Snips 18:24, 24 March 2012 (PDT)
- "As a spy, if you are having trouble getting into an enemy engineer's nest, try taking his teleporter, this may catch him off guard and give you the advantage." Percussorem 20:04, 25 March 2012 (PDT)
- "When playing Capture the Flag, If you're headed back to your base with the intelligence and a friendly Scout runs by you, press L to drop the intelligence so that he can get it to the base faster." Citizen Snips 18:24, 24 March 2012 (PDT)
- "If you have a Soldier on your team wielding the Buff Banner, Battalion's Backup, or Concheror, be sure to communicate and keep an eye on him; you'll want to be nearby when he uses it". Citizen Snips 18:24, 24 March 2012 (PDT)
- "If you need to retreat from a fight, try to get to a location with a friendly Sentry nearby. Any enemy foolish enough to follow you will meet an untimely end while you recover." Citizen Snips 18:24, 24 March 2012 (PDT)
- "Shoot the Medic first! Your enemies will be much easier to kill when their health isn't constantly regenerating." Citizen Snips 18:24, 24 March 2012 (PDT)
- "If you see an enemy covered in Jarate, take that chance to finish them off before its effect wears off." Citizen Snips 18:24, 24 March 2012 (PDT)
- "If you spot a friendly Medic alone, accompany him until you regroup with your team. You both stand a better chance surviving together than you do alone." Citizen Snips 18:24, 24 March 2012 (PDT)
- "If your Medic suddenly stops healing you, watch out; a Spy might have just backstabbed him, and is behind you poising for a second kill." Citizen Snips 18:24, 24 March 2012 (PDT)
- "Keep an eye on your Medic. Listen out for his calls and watch his health. Keeping him alive will help him keep you alive." Citizen Snips 18:24, 24 March 2012 (PDT)
Payload Race
- "Watch out for the cart's timer. If it reaches 0, the cart will start to go back until an ally player touches it!" GianAwesome 12:00, 25 March 2012 (PDT)
- "As an Engineer, your Sentry Guns are more usefull while defending. If you're attacking, focus on building Teleporters and Dispensers so your team can move the cart." GianAwesome 12:00, 25 March 2012 (PDT)
Medieval Mode
- "As a Medic, taunting with your Amputator will allow you to heal surrounding allies. Be warned: you'll be defenseless while doing so!" ~Sven 10:27, 25 March 2012 (PDT)
- "As a Heavy, avoid using the Fists of Steel. While defending well against arrows, you make yourself twice as vulnerable to melee weapons!" ~Sven 10:27, 25 March 2012 (PDT)