“ | I joined this team just to kill maggots like you!
Click to listen
— The Soldier
” |
In Team Fortress 2 there are two companies locked in a war against each other, RED (Reliable Excavation Demolition) and BLU (Builder's League United). These two companies are the teams a user can play as. There is also a third "team", Spectator, which a player can be if they wish to spectate the participating players.
Team Selection
When the player joins a server, or presses whichever key is bound to changeteam
(Default .
); an interface pops up allowing the user to select their team: 1: Random/Auto Assign, 2: Spectator, 3: BLU or 4: RED.
By default, a player may be unable to choose a particular team if there is player difference (between the teams) of 1; the player will only be allowed to choose the smaller team. Server administrators are able to turn this feature off, or adjust the player-difference number via the Console command: mp_teams_unbalanced_limit
Once in-game, a player can check the teams by displaying the Scoreboard via the default key: Tab
, or the console command +showscores
In game
During a game, a player works with their team to fulfil the objectives of the game mode they're playing. In attack-defense game-modes, RED is the defending team and BLU is the offending team.
Some classes have weapons that are designed to interact with a player's team, for example the Medic's Medi Gun is used to heal teammates and the Soldier's Buff Banner, once charged, makes all damage done by nearby teammates mini-crits.
A team can consist of any number of players, each being one of nine Classes. Each class is designed, and has weapons, to fulfil a particular role within a team, and all nine classes are split into 3 sub-groups: Offensive, Defensive and Support.
In spectate mode, a player can watch the match through the eyes of any of the participating players, or roam around freely. While respawning, a player will be in spectate mode (but will not be listed as part of the Spectate team) until that player respawns.
While spectating, a player may use the primary and secondary fire buttons (Default: Mouse 1
, and Mouse 2
) to cycle their view through the participating players; a player can also use the spacebar key to switch between a first and third person perspective, or go into "noclip" mode (fly freely around the map).
- While RED and BLU are an abbreviation of Reliable Excavation and Demolition and Builders League United, respectively, they were actually named after their founders and CEO, Redmond and Blutarch Mann.