Hey, look, it's my profile. Woo-hoo. It's gonna take longer than it took for Meet the Pyro to come out to make this page...oh wait. Anyway, I'm a casual visitor here at the TF2 Wiki, and a longtime fan of Team Fortress 2. That's right, I link things on my profile. Shameless advertising at its finest. Anyway, details...well...my favorite map is probably 2fort(How original). My favorite class is Scout, but my favorite class to play as is Sniper. And my favorite team is BLU. What, you want me to stop posting links? Alright, alright, I'll stop. I'm just so excited for the new major content update for Pyro called Pyromania which features a new map and game mode called Doomsday and more insight on Poopy Joe, the disappearance of Australium, and the release of Meet the Pyro, starring Pyro. ...dang it. I've gotta stop doing this.