Team Fortress Wiki talk:Discussion/Wiki Cap

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Revision as of 22:14, 29 August 2012 by Wingless (talk | contribs) (veus~)
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Round-the-Clock Moderation

Whilst more of a combination of two of the existing ones, has there been a consideration of removing moderators who are inactive (through a discussions of course), then re-hiring around 5-6 moderators who are in different time zones? For instance, 5 mods from UK/West EU, 5 from USA, and 5 from Eest EU/Asia/Oceania. This kind of a set-up should give a strong moderator presence around the clock.

Most other solutions seem like they might not work in a democratic and fair system: non-staff members could easily bias votes if they think un/friendly things about the candidate, static discussions would mean people would put their views and generally not bother to look at it again, and less staff members mean less discussion.

Just some of my views ^^ User Wingless Winged Signature.png 15:14, 29 August 2012 (PDT)