Team Fortress Wiki:Tips Revision/Suggestions

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This page is for suggesting new tips to be added to the project, or changes to the tips already in the Final page. Tips here will be regularly reviewed and, if of sufficient quality, will be moved to the Final page; tips not of quality will be left for editors to improve.



When suggesting changes to current tips, include the existing full line from Final page, and your modified line below - this allows for easy comparison of your changes and for easy replacement within Final page.

*  "Tip_1_1"     "As a Scout, jump while in mid-air to change direction and avoid enemy fire."
**  "Tip_1_1"     "As a Waffle, invent a Dispenser to shoot chickens on the moon."

New tips

For new tips, simply suggest the tip's text - not adhering to tf_english formatting - this will be implemented if a tip is accepted into Final page. Feedback on new tips, or changes to them, should be given on a new line below the tip. Sign tips and responses to tips to make it easier to keep track of changes.

* "As a Waffle, invent a Dispenser to shoot chickens on the moon." ~~~~
** "As a Chicken, invent a Waffle to shoot Dispensers on the moon." ~~~~
*** I'm not a chicken though? ~~~~


Suggest changes or updates to current Final page tips here.



"Tip_3_19" "As a Soldier, you can use the Rocket Jumper to get to the front lines quickly without taking damage. It inflicts no damage at all, requiring you to rely on your secondary and melee weapons to deal damage." Balladofwindfishes 13:06, 3 July 2012 (PDT)




"Tip_6_13" "As a Heavy, the Gloves of Running Urgently increase your speed dramatically but cause you to take mini-crits while in use. Use the speed bonus to quickly reach the frontlines or to ambush enemies." Balladofwindfishes 13:06, 3 July 2012 (PDT)




  • Pictogram info.png REJECTED "As a Sniper, aim for the enemy crotch."
    • Valve rejected it, it's obvious why (though I was hoping they'd let it slip on humour value)... Anyway, as per the new (as stated above) rejected-tip-watdo policy - it must be listed in case anyone wishes to improve it. :3 -RJ 12:50, 23 March 2012 (PDT)
      • "As a Sniper, don't aim for the enemy crotch." -Mr. Magoolachub 02:22, 26 March 2012 (PDT)
        • They said no to this one as well. I've suggested, "As a Sniper, sometimes aim for the enemy crotch." as a compromise between the two rejected tips (cause two negatives make a positive)... I guess I gotta wait until the next team-meeting to see what they think of that one. -RJ 12:54, 27 March 2012 (PDT)


Arena tips

Capture the Flag

Pictogram info.png Notice Too long to be implemented in-game. Reference -RJ 11:06, 14 April 2012 (PDT)
"Tip_ctf_2" "If neither team is able to capture the Intelligence or the number of captures are equal when the round ends, you will enter Sudden Death mode. In Sudden Death mode, you cannot respawn and cannot change class after leaving the spawn point, similarly to Arena. Choose your class and tactics carefully!"
Pictogram info.png Notice Too long to be implemented in-game. Reference -RJ 11:06, 14 April 2012 (PDT)
"Tip_ctf_6" "Because you and your team will be rewarded with a 100% chance of critical hits after capturing the Intelligence, it may not always be advantageous to capture the Intelligence immediately. Communicate with your team, and complete the capture when your teammates are in a position to make the most of the bonus critical chance."
Pictogram info.png Notice Too long to be implemented in-game. Reference -RJ 11:06, 14 April 2012 (PDT)
"Tip_ctf_7" "If you or a teammate are killed while carrying the Intelligence, it will remain on the ground for 60 seconds before returning the enemy's base. This should provide you with enough time to respawn and work with your team in order to pick it up and complete the capture!"

Control Points tip

King of the Hill

Pictogram info.png Notice Too long to be implemented in-game. Reference -RJ 11:06, 14 April 2012 (PDT)
"Tip_koth_1" "In King of the Hill, the only way to win the round is to capture the control point and retain control for three minutes. Due to this, a strong offensive team is required at the beginning of the match but, once the point has been captured, play defensively and prevent the team from taking the point!"

Medieval Mode

Abuse tips

General tips

Pictogram info.png Notice Too long to be implemented in-game. Reference -RJ 11:06, 14 April 2012 (PDT)
"Tip_general_9" "Don't forget to utilize your Voice commands (%voice_menu_1%, %voice_menu_2%, %voice_menu_3%)! Thank a teammate for their assistance, alert your team to the presence of an enemy Spy, or warn your allies that there are incoming enemies!"
The %voice_menu_*% lines cause my script to fail on this, but there are opportunities to shorten it anyway - so let's take them. "Don't forget to use your Voice commands (%voice_menu_1%, %voice_menu_2%, %voice_menu_3%)! Thank a teammate for their help, alert your team to an enemy Spy, or warn your teammates of incoming enemies!" -RJ 11:06, 14 April 2012 (PDT)
  • "Tip_general_12" "Weapons can be obtained a number of ways. They can be randomly awarded as you play, traded, crafted, or purchased in the Mann Co. Store! Check the crafting menu to see if you can make weapons you don't have out of weapons you've been awarded & don't want." Citizen Snips 13:40, 16 April 2012 (PDT)

New tips

Suggest brand-new tips here.



  • "As a Soldier, you can hold MOUSE 1 when you activate your Buff Banner, Battalion's Backup, or Concheror. This will let you hold the buff until you let go of the button." Citizen Snips 18:24, 24 March 2012 (PDT)
    • I assume there's an animation of some sort that plays prior to the buff taking effect - and this does the animation but delays the effect until the player wishes (I haven't used the banners/variants of it in a while, so I'm a tad rusty). Would this action be considered a glitch/unintended behaviour? -RJ 13:32, 29 March 2012 (PDT)
    • If your banner is full and you hold MOUSE1, the bugle will play; however, you will remain in a "blowing bugle" position until you release the button, at which point the buff activates. This can come in handy, as while you can't attack while in this position, as soon as you let go, you can start unleashing mini-crits. I think this was intentional by Valve. Citizen Snips 18:37, 29 March 2012 (PDT)
      • Ah, I understand now. Perhaps (rushing a bit cos work to work), "As a Soldier, you can hold your primary attack (%attack%) when you activate your Buff Banner, Battalion's Backup, or Concheror; to play the activation animation of the items, but delay in activating the items' abilities until you release the key." -RJ 08:01, 30 March 2012 (PDT)
      • Eh, that's a little clumsy. Citizen Snips 11:23, 30 March 2012 (PDT)
        • "As a Soldier, when using the Buff Banner, Battalion's Backup, or Concheror, you can hold primary fire (%attack%) to delay and choose the exact moment the buff is released." -RJ 08:50, 14 April 2012 (PDT)
          • A bit better. But I think having primary fire and MOUSE1 is a bit redundant. I'd say stick with the latter. Citizen Snips 16:50, 14 April 2012 (PDT)
            • People can remap MOUSE1, however; as far as you know, MOUSE2 is how I fire my weapons, and MOUSE1 is secondary fire. Primary fire is universal (no matter what it's mapped to. ~Sven~ 16:35, 16 April 2012 (PDT)
              • What I meant by that is the coding so that it'll show whatever primary fire is. In other words, "As a Soldier, when using the Buff Banner, Battalion's Backup, or Concheror, you can hold %attack% to delay and choose the exact moment the buff is released." Citizen Snips 16:52, 16 April 2012 (PDT)
  • "As a Soldier, remember that equipping the Beggar's Bazooka does not allow you to collect ammunition from dispensers. Search for ammo packs around the map or pick up enemy weapons if your ammo runs low." Bruss48 19:02, 1 October 2012 (PDT)


  • "As a Pyro, equipping the Rainblower allows you to spread rainbows and happiness to everyone around you! Taunting will blow bubbles and spread kindness around you in a large area." Balladofwindfishes 13:06, 3 July 2012 (PDT)
  • "As a Pyro, the Scorch Shot does more damage the further away the enemy is from you. Keep a good distance from your enemy to maximize damage." Balladofwindfishes 13:06, 3 July 2012 (PDT)
    • Technically, the Scorch Shot doesn't do more damage from farther distance, so I'd like to say it can knock back enemies further away. Also, I'd like to say something about only a direct hit can cause knockback, but that's just my two cents. Bruss48 19:02, 1 October 2012 (PDT)
  • "As a Pyro, don't wait for your enemies to stand in wet areas with the Neon Annihilator! Use your Flamethrower's compression blast to send them into areas with water and hit them with the Neon Annihilator for a guaranteed critical hit! Bruss48 13:55, 3 October 2012 (PDT)





  • "As a Medic, the Quick-Fix will make you move faster when healing a Scout. Stick with one to move at breakneck speed!" Citizen Snips 17:55, 24 March 2012 (PDT)
    • "As a Medic, the Quick-Fix adjusts your movement speed to match the base speed of your heal target. Heal Scouts for a significant speed-boost when needed." I do wonder if this tip is significant enough to accept... It re-states the items stats - which adequately covers its core message, but the mentioning of healing Scouts for a speed boost may be easily overlooked by players. What do you guys think? -RJ 13:32, 29 March 2012 (PDT)
    • More emphasis should probably be on the Scout speed boost; I'm pretty sure that it doesn't work on artificially faster allies (such as GRU-wielding Heavies or Demomen with heads), so really it's only there for sticking to Scouts, making that the only real utility of the weapon. Citizen Snips 19:08, 29 March 2012 (PDT)
      • "As a Medic, the Quick-Fix adjusts your movement speed to match the base speed of your heal target. Heal Scouts for a significant speed-boost when needed." ? -RJ 08:50, 14 April 2012 (PDT)
        • "When needed" isn't really necessary, seeing how it's the primary function of the weapon, aside from healing people up. Scouts are the only good Medic buddies with the Quick Fix, so the tip should point that out. And we also have to point out that the effect ONLY kicks in when healing Scouts. So perhaps something along the line of "As a Medic, the Quick-Fix increases your movement speed when you're healing a Scout. Stick to one when you want to get across the battlefield faster, or when you have no one else in need of healing." Citizen Snips 16:55, 14 April 2012 (PDT)
  • "As a Medic, be wary of who you decide to Ubercharge. A Heavy or Soldier can wreak havoc while invulnerable, but charging a Scout or Spy will be detrimental to both of you." Citizen Snips 18:24, 24 March 2012 (PDT)
    • There are situations where an ubered Scout can be pretty disruptive (I main scout, totally unbias comment), so I'm a bit iffy of naming particular classes... herpaps, "As a Medic, consider the situational requirements of the opportunity presented in front of you and Ubercharge a class that can adequately fulfil as many of the aforementioned requirements in order to have the greatest chances for success." (lul) "As a Medic, be careful of who you decide to Ubercharge. Consider..." gfdhgdg, my jokey convoluted suggestion is the best one I can come up with right now. :3 -RJ 13:32, 29 March 2012 (PDT)
    • While a great Scout/Medic pair could do some damage, in the end, they'd mostly just end up as a distraction; Ubering is meant to take on hordes, while Scout is best for one-on-one encounters, which means that facing a blockage as an Uber Scout is a bit of a moot point. As for Sentries, good luck getting close enough to do any real damage before one of you is thrown away by the knockback. And this is a great pair we're talking about; these tips are meant for new to average players, and for most of them, a Heavy or Soldier is the best target, while Ubering a Scout would be disastrous. While some situations might be decent with an Ubered Scout, an Ubered Heavy, Soldier, Demoman, or even Pyro is always a better solution. Citizen Snips 19:08, 29 March 2012 (PDT)
      • Yeah, but I don't think naming particular classes to uber is going to be great at helping them learn. I'd say one of the biggest problems with newbie medics right now is them only healing and ubering a single person the whole game - we should have a tip that tries to break them away from this habbit. I'm having difficulty crafting a tip that can convey this message though, without becoming convoluted. -RJ 08:50, 14 April 2012 (PDT)
        • "As a Medic, you should always heal all classes, but your Ubercharge should be saved for a class that can deal a lot of damage throughout the Ubercharge's duration, such as a Soldier, Demoman, or Heavy." Citizen Snips 16:55, 14 April 2012 (PDT)



  • As a Spy, the Red-Tape Recorder can reverse building construction, but takes slower to demolish buildings. Use it on enemy Sentry Guns so your teammates have less of a threat when they encounter them. Bruss48 19:02, 1 October 2012 (PDT)

Capture the flag


  • "If you need to retreat from a fight, try to get to a location with a friendly Sentry nearby. Any enemy foolish enough to follow you will meet an untimely end while you recover." Citizen Snips 18:24, 24 March 2012 (PDT)
    • "If you need to retreat from a fight, try to stay near teammates or Engineer nests for protection while you recover." -RJ 13:32, 29 March 2012 (PDT)
    • This tip was meant to be less about using the nest as a safe place to recover, and more about tricking enemies into following you to an allied sentry. Citizen Snips 18:33, 29 March 2012 (PDT)
      • In pubs I don't think baiting players is really that beneficial... players will die willy nilly and carelessly anyway; staying alive and behind protection is more important. -RJ 08:50, 14 April 2012 (PDT)
        • But getting to save cover will save a player from dying carelessly. This tip is meant to help people know where to retreat to. Running to the nest will ensure your survival and their death; running somewhere else will get you killed. The way you worded it, it's more about when you're wounded, but not in the middle of a fight. Perhaps something like this: "If you need to retreat from a fight, get to an area where your teammates or a friendly Sentry are waiting. They can cover your retreat while you recover health. Citizen Snips 17:00, 14 April 2012 (PDT)
  • "Shoot the Medic first! Your enemies will be much easier to kill when their health isn't constantly regenerating." Citizen Snips 18:24, 24 March 2012 (PDT)
    • "An enemy Medic is able to regenerate enemies' health in fights. Consider focusing your attack on the enemy Medic to better your teams chances of winning the fight." -RJ 13:32, 29 March 2012 (PDT)
    • Personally, I think "Shoot the Medic first!" should be kept in, if only because of [[1]]. Citizen Snips 18:33, 29 March 2012 (PDT)
      • "Shoot the Medic first! Your enemies will be much easier to kill when they don't have a Medic regenerating their health." -RJ 08:50, 14 April 2012 (PDT)
  • "If you see an enemy covered in Jarate, take that chance to finish them off before its effect wears off." Citizen Snips 18:24, 24 March 2012 (PDT)
    • "Enemies coated in Jarate take damage as Mini-crits. Take the chance to finish them off before the Jarate wears off." -RJ
    • Worded like this, it makes it a more Sniper-specific tip. This should be about telling non-Snipers to point out and take down Jarate-covered enemies. Citizen Snips 18:33, 29 March 2012 (PDT)
      • "Enemies coated in Jarate take damage as Mini-crits. If you see one, take the chance to finish them off before the Jarate wears off." -RJ 08:50, 14 April 2012 (PDT)
  • "Want one of those fancy hats for yourself? Make any purchase in the Mann Co. Store, and your account will be upgraded to Premium. Only Premium account holders can find and craft cosmetic items!" Citizen Snips 13:40, 16 April 2012 (PDT)
  • "Having a Premium account lets you give items to friends, craft more items, hold more items in your backpack, and best of all, craft and find hats and other cosmetic items!" Citizen Snips 13:40, 16 April 2012 (PDT)
  • "If a player is being obnoxious with his microphone, click the Mute button from the Main Menu to silence him." Citizen Snips 13:40, 16 April 2012 (PDT)
  • "You can start a vote by clicking the Vote button from the Main Menu. Choose your next map, kick out a troublesome player, or scramble unbalanced teams." Citizen Snips 13:40, 16 April 2012 (PDT)
  • "By clicking the Advanced Options button from the main menu screen, you can tweak gameplay settings, such as automatically healing as a Medic without holding %attack% and viewing a smaller disguise kit screen as a Spy." Citizen Snips 13:40, 16 April 2012 (PDT)
  • "Need some help? Click the Request Coach button on the Main Menu, and a fellow player may come to help you out." Citizen Snips 13:40, 16 April 2012 (PDT)
  • "You can craft any two weapons to make Scrap Metal; you can then craft three Scrap Metals to make a Reclaimed Metal, craft three Reclaimed Metals to make a Refined Metal, and craft three Refined Metals to make a cosmetic item!" Citizen Snips 13:40, 16 April 2012 (PDT)
  • "Pressing F5 at any time will save a Screenshot, which you can then upload to your Steam profile. Record an impressive scoreboard, or capture a hilarious deathcam!" Citizen Snips 13:40, 16 April 2012 (PDT)
  • "Press F6 to begin recording gameplay footage of your current life. You can use the Replay Editor from the Main Menu to edit, render, and upload Replays to YouTube. Be the next Saxxy winner!" Citizen Snips 13:40, 16 April 2012 (PDT)
  • "You can view locked Achievements by clicking the Achievements button on the Main Menu. Click the check box by one of them, and it'll show up on your HUD at all times to remind you on your progress." Citizen Snips 13:40, 16 April 2012 (PDT)
  • "Use the Y key to chat in-game. Use the U key to chat privately with your team." Citizen Snips 16:06, 16 April 2012 (PDT)
  • "Hold the V key to use your microphone." Citizen Snips 16:06, 16 April 2012 (PDT)
  • "Use the G key to taunt, which will humiliate your enemies after killing them. Some taunts are even lethal!" Citizen Snips 16:06, 16 April 2012 (PDT)
  • "Use the M key to bring up your loadout. If you are in your spawn room, your changes will be made immediately. If not, your loadout will change after respawning." Citizen Snips 16:06, 16 April 2012 (PDT)
  • "Use the F1, F2, F3, and F4 keys to switch between loadout presets on the fly." Citizen Snips 16:06, 16 April 2012 (PDT)
  • "Use the N key to bring up your inventory menu, where you can change your loadout, view your inventory, craft and trade items, and view the Mann Co. Catalog." Citizen Snips 16:06, 16 April 2012 (PDT)
  • "Use the [actionslot] key to use items in that slot. These can range from noisemakers to special taunts." Citizen Snips 16:06, 16 April 2012 (PDT)

Payload Race

Medieval Mode

  • "As a Sniper, you will have the most advantage on the battlefield when using a good loadout in Medival Mode. The Huntsman, which can score headshots on foes. Jarate, which scores Mini-Crits against foes covered by the fluid and Bushwacka which can pick enemies off by random critical hit or the Jarate's mini-crit is a good example of a loadout. Stunned.png TheNobleScout 00:12, 11 April 2012 (PDT)
"...good loadout..." I think that bit of the first sentence is a bit subjective. Others may find that the Danger Shield is "good," for example. Not sure... Something just seems off about this tip. ~Sven~ 16:42, 16 April 2012 (PDT)
  • "As a Pyro, you will have a big melee advantage with the Sharpened Volcano Fragment. Combinating both the afterburn and the melee damage." Stunned.png TheNobleScout 00:12, 11 April 2012 (PDT)
  • "As a Scout, you can assist hitting enemies which has been lighted up by the Sniper's fire arrow or Pyro's Sharpened Volcano Fragment with your Sun-on-a-Stick. The Sun-on-a-Stick will provide mini-crit hits." Stunned.png TheNobleScout 00:12, 11 April 2012 (PDT)
  • "As a Scout, you can use the Fan O'War to hit a class and run away to let allies dealing damage. But be aware, you can only mark one enemy at a time!" Stunned.png TheNobleScout 00:12, 11 April 2012 (PDT)
  • "As a Heavy, closer combats mean more chances of getting crits on enemies with the Holiday Punch. Leave them laughing for your team to finish them!"  –  Epic Eric (T | C) 13:49, 16 April 2012 (PDT)
  • "As a Heavy, use your Killing Gloves of Boxing to slay waves of enemies with crits."  –  Epic Eric (T | C) 13:49, 16 April 2012 (PDT)
  • "As a Heavy, remember to throw Sandviches to teammates and regenerate them with small health packs dropped from dead enemies."  –  Epic Eric (T | C) 13:49, 16 April 2012 (PDT)