Реплики Солдата
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- 1 Основные реакции
- 1.1 После убийства более 2-х врагов менее чем за 20 секунд
- 1.2 Помощь при убийстве
- 1.3 Превосходство над одним противником
- 1.4 Превосходство над двумя противниками
- 1.5 Превосходство над тремя и более противниками
- 1.6 Отмщение
- 1.7 Телепортация
- 1.8 После лечения Медиком
- 1.9 Захват Разведданных/Контрольной точки
- 1.10 Attacking, Control Point Unoccupied
- 1.11 Защита
- 1.12 Начало матча
- 1.13 Победа в матче
- 1.14 Domination of a Scout
- 1.15 Domination of a Soldier
- 1.16 Domination of a Pyro
- 1.17 Domination of a Demoman
- 1.18 Domination of a Heavy
- 1.19 Domination of an Engineer
- 1.20 Domination of a Medic
- 1.21 Domination of a Sniper
- 1.22 Domination of a Spy
- 1.23 Поражение в матче/Мгновенная смерть
- 1.24 Ничья
- 1.25 При воспламенении
- 1.26 После уничтожения строения Инженера
- 2 Реакции, специфичные для Солдата
- 3 Не привязанные реакции
Основные реакции
После убийства более 2-х врагов менее чем за 20 секунд
- "Maggots!"
- "Time to inform your next of kin!"
- "If God had wanted you to live, he would not have created me!"
- "Take your lumps like a man, Private Twinkletoes."
- "You are all weak. You are all bleeders."
- "This is my world. You are not welcome in my world."
Помощь при убийстве
Превосходство над одним противником
- [Забавный смех]
Превосходство над двумя противниками
- [Смех]
- "I joined this team just to kill maggots like you."
Превосходство над тремя и более противниками
- [Ликующий смех]
После лечения Медиком
Захват Разведданных/Контрольной точки
- "Это мои разведданные."
- "Я забрал разведданные."
- "А вот так это делается ребята!"
- "Эта точка моя! Ты понял?"
- "А вот это мне по душе!"
- "Мы захватили мою точку!"
Attacking, Control Point Unoccupied
Начало матча
- "В атаку!"
- "Покажите им, ребята!"
- "Кто не успел, тот опоздал!"
- "Вперед!"
- "В наступление!"
- "Хехехеааа!"
Победа в матче
- "Сегодня хороший день!"
- "Я могу гордится вами, ребята!"
- "Каждый из вас заслуживает медали!" [Эмоционально]
- "Раздавили их как червей, ребята!"
- "Бу-я!"
- "Ху-ах!"
Domination of a Scout
- "Dominated, short pants!"
- "How's that domination feel, city boy?"
- "You kids today don't know how to dominate."
- "Less talk, more fight."
- "You cannot run from me, my gun is faster."
- "You run fast, my bullets run faster."
- "Never bring a bat to a battlefield, war is not a game."
- "Your mouth wrote checks, my gun has cashed them."
- "Got anything funny to say about that, funny man?"
- "Never send a boy to fight a man's war."
- "You were in a big fat hurry to die, son."
Domination of a Soldier
- "Dominated, hippie! Get a job!"
- "You better hope there's hacky-sack in Hell, hippie!"
- "You are now a conscientious objector to being dead, hippie!"
- "What's the matter, hippie? Hair get in your eyes?"
- "Get a haircut, hippie."
- "You're a disgrace to the uniform."
Domination of a Pyro
- "I just tore you a new chimney, Smokey Joe."
- "You cannot burn me, I'm already on fire."
- "You cannot burn me, I'm already ablaze with passion FOR WAR."
- "You cannot burn me, I do not have time to combust!"
- "Fire is for cooking s'mores son, get a REAL GUN."
- "Your fire-retardant ass just got dominated."
- "Ha! You fight like a girl."
- "How do you like that, All-Quiet-On-The-Western-Front?"
- "Get a haircut, hippie! (whispered) Just in case."
Domination of a Demoman
- "Dominated, you one eyed cross-dresser."
- "Consider yourself dominated, you Scotch son of a bitch."
- "Dominated, you skirt-twirling drunk."
- "I love your death cyclops; your death is sweet to me like love is sweet."
- "Scotland is not a real country, you are an Englishman with a dress."
- "You're like the Cyclops of Greek myth, except you're Scottish, and I hate you."
Domination of a Heavy
- "You just got dominated, Sputnik."
- "Stars and Stripes beats Hammer and Sickle, LOOK IT UP."
- "You just got dominated, Comrade."
- "Dominated, you red menace."
- "Go play your pinko chess game with the devil, Commie."
- "This American boot just kicked your ass back to Russia."
- "Checkmate, Stalingrad."
Domination of an Engineer
- "Dominated, grease monkey."
- "You just got dominated, toymaker."
- "Stop hiding behind your little toys and FIGHT LIKE A MAN."
- "I will eat your ribs, I will eat them up!"
- "That's where books get you, professor."
- "Go back to Calgary, you cow-herdin' Canadian."
Domination of a Medic
- "You just got dominated, Oktoberfest."
- "You just got dominated, Fritz."
- "America wins again!" ]]
- "Welcome to the United States of YOU JUST GOT DOMINATED."
- "I'm gonna mail my boot to the Kaiser with your ass around it!"
- "Gotcha, Herr Doktor."
Domination of a Sniper
- "This is not a camping trip Sheila, this is war, and I love it!"
- "You will not turn my battlefield into a campground."
- "Now hear this camper, you are not wanted upon my beloved battlefield!"
- "I will send my condolences to your kangaroo wife."
- "You are a coward, and you've died like one."
- "The next time you want to kill a man, look him in the eyes."
- "You just got dominated, Bilbo Baggins!"
- "You just got dominated, Balbo Biggins!"
- "You just got dominated, Bablo Bravins!"
- "You just got dominated, Barble Bapkins!"
- "You just got dominated, Basbo Bibbins!"
- "Aww, am I too violent for you, cupcake?"
- "Your country did not prepare you for the level of violence you will meet on my battlefield!"
- "You just got dominated, Bulbo Buttons!"
Domination of a Spy
- "Gotcha, crouton."
- "You just got your Frenchie ass dominated."
- "Ohh-honh-honh-honh-YOU'RE DOMINATED."
- "Dominated, you rifle dropping coward."
- "Hit the showers, Frenchie."
- "Your white flag does not stop American bullets."
- "Words cannot express how much I hate France right now."
- "Bon voyage, crouton!"
Поражение в матче/Мгновенная смерть
- "Буууу..."
- "Каждый каждый из вас неудачник."
- "Вы что на трибунал напрашиваетесь?"
- "Кто из вас дуболомы всех подвел?"
- "Ты опозорил всю команду!"
- "Вы все самая жалкоя пародия на солдат которую я когда либо видел!"
- "Боль, это выходящая из тела слабость."
- "Упал, отжался!"
- "Прекратить торможение!"
- "Если придеться расколоть кому нибудь башку, я это сделаю."
- "Отличная работа... другой команды!"
- "Всех в штрафбат."
При воспламенении
После уничтожения строения Инженера
Реакции, специфичные для Солдата
Убийство Ракетомётом
Убийство критическим ударом Ракетомётоа
Убийство Лопатой
Запуск Вдохновляющево знамя
- "В атаку!"
- "Покажите им, ребята!"
- "Кто не успел, тот опоздал!"
- "Вперед!"
- "В наступление!"
- "Хехехеааа!"
- BLU Bugle Call
- RED Bugle Call
Не привязанные реакции
Неизвестные условия
- "If you know what's good for ya, you will run!"
- "You are scum! You are nothin' but a bunch of cowards!"
- "I am going to enjoy killing each and everyone of you sorry sacks of scum!"
- "You sissified maggot scum have just signed your death warrants!"
- "I am going to claw my way down your throat and tear out your very soul!"
- "Each and every one of you will be sent home to your momma in a box!"
- "We have you surrounded, at least from this side!"
- "Do not look at me, I did not ask you a question!"
- "Surrender now maggots and you will not be harmed!"
- "The last word out of your sorry mouth will be Sir, and it will be loud!"
- "You are a spineless worm! You are a mistake of nature! You are walking vomit!"
- "You are a maggot hatched from a mutant maggot egg!"
- "I am going to strangle you with your own frilly training bra!"
- "You are all maggots, you scum sucking fruit baskets!"
Неизвестноя насмешка "Hat over heart"
- "You will not be missed."
- "I never liked you."
- "You were loud and ugly and now you're DEAD! Amen."
- "You're dead, that's good, amen."
- "Godspeed you magnificent bastard."
- "You were good son, real good; maybe even the best."
Насмешка Уравнителя
- "C'mere, sweetheart..."
- "C'mere, sister."
- "C'mere Sally."
- "C'mere, cupcake."
- "C'mere, pumpkin."
- "Blammo!"
- "Boom!"
- "Pa-POW!"