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User ~www~ Avatar cont.png

Hi ~www~

There is this guy who is new like me who said he was could translate chinese zh-hant.

I think you can solve his questions more than me :)

Here is the link where i answered his questions :D


I see. Thanks for your notice. I will have a look and talk to him. ~www~ 04:34, 31 July 2012 (PDT)

Hey ~www~ need some help :D

Hey ~www~, im just here to tell you that is it possible that i could help translate for zh-ant?

Because i want to help contribute more also im actually half Hong Kong because my mother is from Hong Kong :D Killicon flaming huntsmanhs.pngHecarimz 05:44, 31 July 2012 (PDT)

I really appreciate your will to help zh-hant. However, as far as I know, though both HK and Taiwan are using Traditional Chinese as written language, there are still some places which are very different, for example: grammar, the way to describe a thing...etc. That's why 港澳繁體 is totally different from 台灣正體, even though they use same words. There were some translators from Hong Kong before, and I have to say that I need to help them fixing a lot of grammar problems and some words because it was really different from the Taiwanese style. Most of the people who visit zh-hant are Taiwanese, and I come from Taiwan. Thus, in order to make the articles more fluent and readable for Taiwanese , I have no choice but to turn all HK sytle edits into TW style when I saw them. My acts could cause huge changing and fixing if your edits are HK style. Please accept my apology if my acts or words here are not comfortable to you. About editing zh-hant pages, I suggest you look up the difference between HK Chinese and TW Chinese before editing zh-hant. If there are too many things that you cannot change to edit zh-hant pages, I think editing English pages rather than Chinese pages will be a more suitable choice for you. Hope to see you again in Wiki~ ~www~ 06:19, 31 July 2012 (PDT)

Kk, ill try my best ill send you the articles first :D Killicon flaming huntsmanhs.pngHecarimz 06:52, 31 July 2012 (PDT)


So... is there any way that i could contact you, like on steam :D I added you Btw are we missing the page of Competitive Play in zh-hant i saw there was like 300 - 390 links Should we start to get a move on? Killicon flaming huntsmanhs.pngHecarimz 07:05, 31 July 2012 (PDT)

At this time I think the talk page will be fine, because I will check the messege almost everyday. About Competitive Play pages, I remember there's a partner of mine said that he will take care of it in the future. I think just let him handle it.
There's one important point I should remind you first: Translating the pages with automated tools (Google...etc) are strictly forbidden. Users who are found doing this may be blocked from further editing. So, please translate the pages all by yourself in the future. If you have any translating questions, just ask for help. Don't use automated translators to solve all the problems. Thanks. ~www~ 07:22, 31 July 2012 (PDT)

Got it, ill ask questions when i need help. Killicon flaming huntsmanhs.pngHecarimz 07:32, 31 July 2012 (PDT)

Thunder Mountain 中文譯名

在忙對吧?一些蠢建議又來了。 Thunder Mountain 譯造雷山對吧, 雷霆山脈應該比較好啦,畢竟地圖名字兩個字以上比較好聽吧。看你意見怎樣

SPLvFOR 04:51, 5 August 2012 (PDT)

我想目前為止翻譯作雷山就好了。Thunder Mountain 是一個真正存在的地區(在美國),中文翻譯作雷山,考慮到 TF2 大部分的地區都在美國發生,我覺得翻譯成雷山感覺比較適合。況且我個人不覺得雷山會比較難聽。謝謝你的意見。~www~ 08:32, 6 August 2012 (PDT)


明明是想撤銷自己的文章,發現應該恢復的內容卻沒跳出來,而且註解是寫Undo edit by Ivansays (Talk) (1112452) 而不是自己的名字 手動貼回文章後發佈卻忘了改掉 Ivansays 的名字,希望別對Ivansays造成誤會 TwinSignal 02:44, 13 August 2012 (PDT)

最近維基百科的編輯紀錄和提交系統有點異常,我也發現有這樣的問題(主要是明明先提交的編輯竟然被排在比較上頭)。有什麼需要說明的事我會再跟他講,Tks。~www~ 02:57, 13 August 2012 (PDT)

Removing bolding

I did as you requested on Moussekateer's talk page. See Balloonicorn/zh-hant. I left the title bolded, though that can be removed too if you wish. I hope this helps! – Smashman (talk) 01:22, 15 August 2012 (PDT)


TF2B has changed their linking system; you should change the link at the top of this page to instead link to Darkid (talk|contribs) 12:03, 23 August 2012 (PDT)

Thanks for your advice :) ~www~ 20:00, 23 August 2012 (PDT)


Hey www, i think there is a new patch or update can u notice others to make an article please :D Killicon flaming huntsmanhs.pngHecarimz 01:53, 28 August 2012 (PDT)

You mean beta patch? If you were saying Beta update, then it's already there. ~www~ 03:51, 28 August 2012 (PDT)

Translating Progress zh-hant

I added a translation progress bar, i hope it looked better but i think it could be modified :D Killicon flaming huntsmanhs.pngHecarimz 22:30, 1 September 2012 (PDT)

Thanks, but I think that page have been deserted for a long time. ~www~ 00:56, 2 September 2012 (PDT)
just making it fancy ya know :) Killicon flaming huntsmanhs.pngHecarimz 02:11, 2 September 2012 (PDT)






另,我在“被删除的 backburner 条目”简介中也说过,那只是第一个版本,后续我会根据英文版本来扩充简中版本。

请~www~给我一个删除 Backburner 简中版本的合理理由。The preceding unsigned comment was added by Shaozhihao (talk) • (contribs)

我想你應該是最近才來這邊的維基百科吧?那麼你應該不知道之前關於繁體和簡體的討論了。之前有過 "繁體中文內容可否複製到簡體中文" 的辯論,很不幸地,不管是我或者是其他外國的管理員朋友們,都一致贊同簡體中文編輯者 "不可以" 直接複製繁體中文內容。你可以參考一下這一頁的討論以獲得更多關於這項禁令的資訊。因此,如有簡體新創頁面和繁中的翻譯雷同(即使本地化名稱不同)我都會將此種頁面視為抄襲進行刪除。我不接受 "先放置第一個版本,然後再進行擴充" 的說詞,既然有現成的英文版本,為何不直接翻譯?只要是自行翻譯(且經過我的檢閱確認無抄襲可能)的簡體中文頁面,我都不會進行刪除,但是只要是直接複製過去的,沒有任何例外,謝謝。~www~ 06:38, 25 September 2012 (PDT)
最终提问:谢谢你的回答。我要问一下作为管理员,你是怎么样看待简中和繁中的关系,是同一种语言的两种版本,还是完全是两种语言。如果简中和繁中是同一种语言的两种版本,我不认为我根据繁中版本并手动转换成简中是抄袭,因为根据使用条款,tf2 wiki上的内容可以被分发并修改,我只是根据繁中的内容进行适当修改,并分发到了简中版本。我不认为我违反了相关条例。如果你把简中和繁中看做两种语言,那我更不认同你删除我所创建的简中的版本的行为。因为我的简中的版本,完全就是根据繁中版本逐字逐句翻译过来的,很不凑巧,作为两种语言,简中和繁中太像了,我根本就不需要进行什么语法修改,所以导致简中版本和繁中版本除了个别名词有所不同,看起来完全就像是抄袭的,但是事实上我是翻译过来的。 我想要提醒管理员的是,在大部分的wiki网站,繁中和简中,是只需要创建其中一个版本,电脑就能自动转换成简中,很不幸的是tfwiki并没有这个功能,而我所做的,只是以手工来做机器的工作。 我看了相关讨论,我认为其他管理员之所以反对这种行为是不了解繁中和简中的关系,并认为这种方法可能会导致低质量的条目,但是我的行为既没有违反相关条例,而且创建的又不是低质量条目,所以请给我一个明确的理由。{{subst:void|This template should always be substituted. Please change {{Unsigned}} to {{subst:Unsigned}}}}The preceding unsigned comment was added by Shaozhihao (talk) • (contribs) 2025-03-11, 09:07 UTC
那麼我必須要反問你,簡體中文和繁體中文對你來說到底是什麼差別?如果是兩種不同語言的話,那麼你為什麼要 "使用" 繁體中文的內容,再貼到簡體中文來擴充呢?既然是兩種不同的語言,那我想你應該還是用英文版來進行你的內容擴充才是。
如果簡體中文是繁體中文的另一種版本,那麼我倒是想請問你又有什麼理由,由你將繁體中文變成簡體中文?第一,我非常反對不勞而獲的成就,因此請不要擅自認為,將別人的編輯轉換再直接貼上,是一種有貢獻,值得嘉獎的行為。要是有簡體中文使用者真的需要簡體中文的版本,那麼讀者為什麼不直接用別的轉換方式就可以直接看到內容?既然這種可行的做法存在,那麼為什麼又需要你的 "轉換"?我必須再次強調,我非常反對不勞而獲,因此只要是直接複製過去的文章,即使有經過名稱等微幅修正,我一概不會承認,並且會直接刪除。這個百科沒有簡繁轉換的功能,其目的就是在於兩者的差別並不是只靠 "用手工來替代機器工作" 就可以掩蓋的差別。難道兩者之間幾乎沒有語法差異嗎?難道只要改變物品的名稱就可以了嗎?我希望你能體認這一點。
第三,我知道你想拿使用條款來壓制住我對簡體中文的制裁。前一個人跟我有所爭論的編輯者也拿了同樣的東西來辯駁,不過為什麼我還是能夠獲得管理員的支持?不是因為管理員不了解所以盲目支持我,那是因為我以前(以及現在)有足夠、充分且合理的證據以及理由,讓管理員相信兩種語言必須要分開,而且也體認到了真的有抄襲的現象存在(我還特地拿了許多簡體中文和繁體中文的文獻及異同記錄來佐證)。要是我的刪除行為真的是他們無法認同的,那他們早就阻止我的行為了,不過他們沒有,所以這代表著我已經說明過,且刪除行為已經獲得一致決議及贊同。同時他們也希望,藉由我的檢閱及刪除動作,能避免任何有心人士在使用條款的漏洞之下,做出不符編輯倫理的行為(也就是說,不勞而獲的低質量行為)。請你記得,規則是死的而人是活的,規則是個大方向,而管理的人必須針對現實上所可能產生的問題,做出不同的應對方式,我想信這樣的做法是一個有效且良好的管理辦法,而不是死抓著權力不放的壓制行為。我能夠合理地認為,你所做出的回覆,多少有針對本人進行有關惡意刪除的批評的跡象。我在此要嚴厲地否認這項指控。我相信吉米.威爾斯本人當初創立維基百科及制定使用條款的時候,本意是讓知識能夠更加的廣佈,也因此可讓翻譯者能夠自由去翻譯知識並更加流傳,並不含 "抓取相近語言,不加思考就轉換貼上" 的精神。因此,當你進行簡體中文的翻譯時,請你直接依照英文版翻譯,簡體和繁體並不像你所認為的差異不大,其實差異很多。而且,我不希望有人背離維基百科的真正精神。
希望你在為簡體中文做出貢獻的時候,能夠想到以上我所列舉的幾點。並且請你不要再做出直接轉換內容(根據你的說法是 "根據繁體進行適當修改")的行為,否則會依然會執行刪除。我對這件事的解釋就到此為止。~www~ 06:48, 26 September 2012 (PDT)

A Lovely Vacation Spot

Why not 「渡假勝地」but「郊遊聚餐好地方」?

Jcmbmhitacid 09:56, 27 October 2012 (PDT)

I use google translate so I can get the freakin wiki cap I don't feel like wasting a hour on a page.

gdfsgdfg 03:08, 21 November 2012 (PST)

And what's your problem why do you wanna lock my account, I joined in 2010 I should be locking your account.I use google translate to let someone else fix the translation cause I am bad at english.

I have did a lot of contribs you don't have the right to lock my account. gdfsgdfg 03:11, 21 November 2012 (PST)

Wikichievement unlocked!

Wikichievement Awarded by Reason
Permanent Revolution.png

Killing Spree
Do something worth a Wikichievement. Then, do it so much that it will award you this instead.

Asplode Wikichievement unlocked!
For deleting probably 100-200 auto-translated /ro pages. Alone. Here boy, take this.

Though it's not "official" Wikichievement and it's one of my Wikichievements, I couldn't come up with anything else. So, take this :)

-Asplode 03:57, 23 November 2012 (PST)