June 10, 2010 Patch
Revision as of 07:01, 3 April 2012 by WindBOT (talk | contribs) (Auto: templateParamFilter, patchLayoutFilter (Requested on User:WindBOT/PageRequestsForce))
This article is specific to the patch released. For information on the update, see Mac Update.
Source: Part 1 – 11 Jun 2010, Part 2 – 11 Jun 2010
Official update page: The Mac Update
Patch notes
Part 1
- Added Mac support.
- Overhauled the main menu, and added help to Loadout, Backpack, and Crafting screens.
- Added Training, with support for General gameplay & Soldier class training for now.
- Added Offline Practice mode, with support for KOTH maps and Dustbowl.
- The "Open Character Loadout" key will now go to your future class if you’ve requested a class change, but haven’t respawned yet.
- Community Requests:
- Added "mp_forceautoteam", a server convar that forces all joining players to autoteam.
- Added "mp_stalemate_meleeonly", a server convar that allows melee weapons only during stalemates.
- Added "ExtinguishPlayer" input to tf_player for map makers.
Part 2
- Fixed training servers showing up in the server browser for other users
- Fixed a crash related to level changes while playing a game with bots
- Fixed a potential crash on startup
- Remove debug "crash" command on dedicated servers
Undocumented changes
- The liquid spill from readying a can of Crit-a-cola is now purple, instead of the green that Bonk! Atomic Punch uses.
- Looking at a bot player for some seconds now causes it to taunt.
- The Eyelander now collects the heads inside Eyelanders of Demomen it decapitates.
- mat_picmip is now clamped to values from -1 to 4.