Carouser's Capotain
“ | You're a back pokin' snake, and by God you'll die like one!
Click to listen
— The Demoman
” |
The Carouser's Capotain is an unlockable headwear item for the Demoman. It appears as a tall, team-colored hat that looks somewhat like a pilgrim hat with a team colored band and the Demoman's insignia above the brim.
Painted variants
Main article: Paint Can
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- A Capotain was a type of hat worn by those of the Puritan faith in the early colonization of eastern North America.
- The Capotain was also supposedly worn by Witch Hunters.
- The description is a reference to The Bible, Exodus 22:18, which is often translated as "Suffer not a witch to live". It has, however, been modified for the Demoman's use and effectiveness in destroying Sentry Guns.
- The hat was submitted under the name "The Inquisitor" before Valve renamed it "Carouser's Capotain". Because of the changed name, the hat's textures are in the Demoman hat folder twice.
- Valve re-skinned the hat after submission by the author.
- The Carouser's Capotain currently has a Painting bug. The correct color will show up when the Demoman is on RED team, but on BLU team the Paint will only show as a slight tint of the Blue.
- Many of the pilgrims that wore these hats originated in England which is part of the United Kingdom, since Scotland, the Demoman's country of origin, is in the United Kingdom, it is likely that some pilgrims were from Scotland as well.