Category talk:Infobox templates
Sorting out these infoboxes
Info Nobody voting for Individual infoboxes after 4 days, I think we can consider a Global infobox the agreed solution. -RJ 17:34, 25 October 2010 (UTC)
Infobox attributes
This will list all of the current attributes categorised according to their exclusivity toward types of item, feel free to add attributes that you think should be implemented. This list will be invaluable when it comes to authoring the infobox documentation.
- name-override
- name
- image
- released
- contributed-by
- availability
- tradable
- craftable
- has-team-colors
- used-by
- item-name
- slot
- paint
- name-tag
- quality
- display-loadout-stats
- purchasable
- level-and-type
- att-1-positive
- att-1-negative
- att-1-neutral
- att-2-positive
- positive-attributes
- att-2-negative
- att-2-neutral
- att-3-positive
- att-3-negative
- negative-attributes
- att-3-neutral
- att-4-positive
- att-4-negative
- att-4-neutral
- att-5-positive
- att-5-negative
- att-5-neutral
- att-6-positive
- att-6-negative
- att-6-neutral
- item-description
- item-uses
- item-flags
- backpack-image
- skin-image-red
- skin-image-blue
- has-two-models
- TFC-model
- QTF-model
- is-censored
- kill-icon1
- kill-icon2
- kill-text
- dark-killnotice
- kill-icon3
- kill-icon4
- kill-icon5
- kill-icon6
- ammo-loaded
- ammo-carried
- reload
- reload-type