Template:Mann vs. Machievement list

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In a single wave, kill 15 bomb-carrying robots in a row before they level up.

Destroy the tank during the final seconds of the bomb being deployed.

Brotherhood of Steel
Brotherhood of Steel
Complete a mission with 5 people on your Friends List.

Clockwork Carnage
Clockwork Carnage
Destroy two tanks within 5 seconds of each other.

Clockwork Conqueror
Clockwork Conqueror
Destroy a tank within 20 seconds of its arrival.

Ctrl + Assault + Delete
Ctrl + Assault + Delete
Destroy a sentry buster before it reaches its target.

Deus Ex Machina
Deus Ex Machina
Defeat a wave in an advanced difficulty mission without dying once.

Do Androids Dream?
Do Androids Dream?
As a Scout, use the Sandman to mark 15 robots for death in a single wave.

Engine Block
Engine Block
Prevent the bomb from ever reaching an alarm zone during the final wave of an advanced difficulty mission.

Fast Cache
Fast Cache
Pick up a credit pile that is about to expire.

Frags to Riches
Frags to Riches
Earn all credit bonuses in an advanced difficulty mission.

German Engineering
German Engineering
Use a canteen charged with 'ÜberCharge' to destroy 15 robots.

Ghost in the Machine
Ghost in the Machine
Use a canteen charged with 'Teleport to Spawn' and then kill the bomb carrier within 5 seconds.

Hack of All Trades
Hack of All Trades
Play an entire mission as a single class, and do this for every class.

Hard Reset
Hard Reset
As a Pyro, reset the bomb 3 times in a single wave.

Heavy Mettle
Heavy Mettle
During a wave, use rage as a Heavy to push a robot about to deliver the bomb.

Kritical Terror
Kritical Terror
Use a canteen charged with 'Crit Boost' to destroy a giant robot.

Maximum Performance
Maximum Performance
Max out all resistances on a single class.
Metal Massacre
Metal Massacre
Destroy 1,000,000 robots.

Negative Charge
Negative Charge
Kill 5 Medics that are ready to deploy an ÜberCharge in a wave.

Raid Array
Raid Array
Complete the Crash Course, Doe's Drill, and Mann-euvers missions.

Real Steal
Real Steal
As an Engineer, escape with your sentry as a sentry buster is about to detonate.

Shell Extension
Shell Extension
During a wave, use a canteen charged with 'Ammo Reload' to refill an empty weapon slot.

Silicon Slaughter
Silicon Slaughter
Destroy 100,000 robots.

Sly Voltage
Sly Voltage
As a Spy, sap 10 robots at once.

Spam Blocker
Spam Blocker
During a wave, defend the hatch 10 times from robots about to deliver a bomb.

Spark Plugger
Spark Plugger
As a Sniper, kill 4 enemies simultaneously.

Steel Fragnolias
Steel Fragnolias
Complete all waves successfully in a mission.

Reward: Power Up Canteen

System Upgrade
System Upgrade
Max out all primary weapon upgrades.

Collect 1,000,000 credits in your career.

Tech Wrecker
Tech Wrecker
As a Demoman, kill 10 robots in a single detonation.

Buff 4 or more teammates as a Soldier at the same time in a single wave.

During a wave, use a canteen charged with 'Instant Building Upgrade' to build a new sentry gun within 3 seconds of your previous sentry gun's destruction.

Vial Sharing
Vial Sharing
As a Medic, share your canteen 5 times in a single wave.

Wage Against the Machine
Wage Against the Machine
Earn a credit bonus at the end of a wave.