Killstreak Kit Fabricator

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Killstreak Kit Fabricators are items which, similar to Chemistry Sets, will create a Specialised or Professional Killstreak Kits once a recipe has been completed.

Specialized Killstreak Kit Fabricators

Specialised Killstreak Kit Fabricator

Specialized Killstreak Kit Fabricators always require the following:

  • Any Unique (or at least not Strange) Killstreak weapon
  • 24 random battle-worn robot parts
  • 5 random reinforced robot parts

Upon completion, a Specialized Killstreak Kit Fabricator will create a Specialized Killstreak Kit with a randomly selected sheen.

Professional Killstreak Kit Fabricators

Professional Killstreak Kit Fabricator

These have a more complex recipe:

  • 2 Unique Specialized Killstreak weapons
  • 16 random battle-worn robot parts
  • 6 random reinforced robot parts
  • 3 random pristine robot parts

Upon completion, a Professional Killstreak Kit will be created with a random sheen and "killstreaker" effect.

To make a Professional Killstreak weapon from scratch will therefore require:

  • 2 killstreak kits and their matching unique weapons
  • 2 specialized killstreak kit fabricators and their matching unique weapons
  • a professional killstreak kit fabricator and its matching weapon (which doesn't have to be unique)
  • 64 battle-worn robot parts
  • 16 reinforced robot parts
  • 3 pristine robot parts