Team Fortress Wiki talk:Wiki Cap

From Team Fortress Wiki
Revision as of 11:18, 7 November 2010 by Smashman (talk | contribs) (Grammatical Error)
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TF2 Wiki edits

Do the guidelines here count edits from back when this was TF2 Wiki? I'm going to make a wild guess and say no, but I'd like some confirmation of this. --Powerlord 18:53, 6 November 2010 (UTC)

If you have an account on the old wiki it will be taken into consideration but ideally it's meant to reward recent edits. -- Pilk (talk) 18:54, 6 November 2010 (UTC)

bad english

sorry, but my english is not great whats does this mean?:

   * Demonstrate a strong desire to help improve and update the Wiki through useful edits and contributions.
   * Participate in the community by contributing to discussion. We also have an IRC channel where you can get to know and become part of the regulars!
   * Adhere to the policies and practices of the Official Team Fortress 2 Wiki, including observing the style guide and the official policies.
  Properly implement licenses on images, sounds, and any other kinds of uploads, media or otherwise. 

i wish i could get it. but i just have 100 edits. working on translations. and i have no idea what this means.--The preceding unsigned comment was added by Jem (talk) • contribs)

The first part means that you show dedication in your work, and you try to talk to others about your edits, on talk pages, etc. to make sure your edits are good. The second is a bit of the same line, talk to other editors! Discuss your edits with others to make sure you're doing the right thing. A wiki is useless if we don't talk together. The third is pretty simple—follow the rules as they're put in place, as opposed to going around and implementing new styles constantly. We need consistency. The final you mention simply has to do with licensing and categorising images properly whenever you upload them, so you don't leave others to go around and pick up the pieces to make sure things are licensed and categorised properly. There's more information about that particular topic. ~ lhavelund (talkcontrib) 19:59, 6 November 2010 (UTC)

ok, then all is good for me. noy, need 300 more edits:( but, i am dutch so i go further with translating Jem 20:34, 6 November 2010 (UTC)

The Jig is up Smashman

[14:53] <Psychopath> Smashman, You know that people will do anything for a hat, so you give some criteria for contributions that are HELPFUL, the only way to get the hat is to be HELPFUL. The mindless spammers will become more intelligent in their conquest for said hat. Mission F*CKING ACCOMPLISHED!


It is rumble. – Smashman (talk) 20:00, 6 November 2010 (UTC)
For those that don't get the reference: --CruelCow 20:55, 6 November 2010 (UTC)

Grammatical Error

Normally, I'd fix something like this myself, but it seems I don't have the permission to edit this page. The following sentence is missing a word.

   *Our resident bot WindBOT periodically compiles a list potential candidates based on a number of rules.

Instead, it should be:

   *Our resident bot WindBOT periodically compiles a list of potential candidates based on a number of rules.

Obviously, the 'of' does not need to be bold. Magnum357 00:11, 7 November 2010 (UTC)

Pictogram tick.png Done: Thanks. – Smashman (talk) 11:18, 7 November 2010 (UTC)

Further Clarification

There were a few people in the IRC who thought that only 1 person is getting a hat per week, limiting to 52 people getting a wiki cap per year. Read the final line on the page:

  • At least one Wiki Cap will be distributed per week. This means the hat is accessible and regularly available.

That means that anyone who qualifies for a wiki cap and is "aok'd" by the staff should be receiving a wiki cap on that given week. I recommend the wiki cap guidelines page have that highlighted in bold or something so people stop brewing up misconceptions. Psychopath 01:14, 7 November 2010 (UTC)

Pictogram tick.png Done :) -RJ 01:19, 7 November 2010 (UTC)

Question No.2

I want to know if is it needed to have the same email adress as your steam login to get the wiki cap. I have a different one here, but the username/loginname is the same. Never thought about that before, and i don't think i will get a wiki cap in the next 3month; but i would like to ask about how do you get your cap first, not that i'm afraid that you leave me out :) <> godlike11219 11:05, 7 November 2010 (UTC)