Team Fortress Wiki talk:Projects/TF2 Weblinks

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Revision as of 02:42, 8 November 2010 by Ares5566 (talk | contribs) (Changes)
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  • Remove TF2Lobby (outdated and in general bad quality)
  • Direct Hit is European Based Delete it. Outdated
  • Add Saxton Hale facts
  • Remove community (its pretty much advertisement)
  • Add TF2 Romania to Languages
  • Change psychostats with Hlstatsx

-- Nightbox (t s) 16:51, 10 September 2010 (UTC)

  • Tf2Lobby is a often used site and should stay. Especially because the ETF2L Highlander League uses it. (And I know its only because you don't like the site)
  • -
  • I dont thinke we should add a fun-site. This page should help new players to quickly find TF2 news sources.
  • I dont know. But fpsbanana should stay.
  • Yes.
  • Yes.
+ we should have little flags for the "Alternative language" websites.
--Picard lm(de) 17:00, 10 September 2010 (UTC)

  • Remove TF2Lobby (outdated and in general bad quality)
No way. It's still widely used.
  • Direct Hit is European Based Delete it. Outdated
Maybe put "no longer updating" after that one too?
  • Add Saxton Hale facts
I don't know. Maybe it could be added the Others category where it's kind of out of the way?
  • Remove community (its pretty much advertisement)
In my opinion they are the good kind of ads. New user comes here, checks the communities out, and just might join one.
  • Add TF2 Romania to Languages
Sure, why not. Also other language sites, like this Hungarian one (It's updated with news quite often, and has an active community).
  • Change psychostats with Hlstatsx
Absolutely. I haven't even heard of psychostats before.
Perhaps we should put more important links on the top in a separate category, and the others left like this below them?
--Underyx 19:13, 11 September 2010 (UTC)
HLstats is now gameme stats and is so widely used should be linked. id just relayout the page in ranked order, valve links, valve blogged links, notable tf2 competetive links, podcasts, then the rest--Markd 13:45, 1 October 2010 (UTC)
  • Remove community (its pretty much advertisement)i second the motion Ares5566 02:41, 8 November 2010 (UTC)