June 20, 2014 Patch
Source: Team Fortress 2 Update Released
Patch notes
- Added a new startup music track from Expiration Date
- Added a crafting recipe for The Back Scatter
- Fixed a client crash caused by Strange Fists
- Fixed players using the partner taunts to enter enemy spawn rooms
- Fixed a regression with the Disco Beat Down unusual effect
- Fixed The Classic automatically zooming in after going through a teleporter while charging
- Updated The Tide Turner to also refill the charge meter from impact kills
Files changed
- Note: The changelog below is generated from a diff of two revisions of the game. This data may be incomplete or inconsistent.
Revision changes
Modified: tf/resource/tf_brazilian.txt
Modified: tf/resource/tf_english.txt
Modified: tf/resource/tf_french.txt
Modified: tf/resource/tf_german.txt
Modified: tf/resource/tf_greek.txt
Modified: tf/resource/tf_hungarian.txt
Modified: tf/resource/tf_korean.txt
Modified: tf/resource/tf_koreana.txt
Modified: tf/resource/tf_swedish.txt
Modified: tf/resource/tf_tchinese.txt
Modified: tf/resource/tf_turkish.txt
Modified: tf/resource/tf_ukrainian.txt
Modified: tf/scripts/items/items_game.txt
Modified: tf/steam.inf
Modified: tf/bin/client.dll
Modified: tf/bin/server.dll
Modified: tf/tf2_misc_dir.vpk/particles/taunt_fx.pcf
Added: tf/tf2_sound_misc_dir.vpk/sound/ui/gamestartup17.mp3
Deleted: tf/tf2_textures_dir.vpk/materials/models/player/items/taunts/whoopass_can_dont_ship.vtf