Template:Backpack item/doc

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< Template:Backpack item
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This template is used to display item stats similar to how they appear in-game.


Parameter Example Description
item-name Batter's Helmet Proper item name in English (e.g. Batter's Helmet instead of Casque de Batteur)
item-name-local Casque de Batteur Item name override, use on language pages.
custom-name Spam Hammer Adds a custom name with quotation marks.
quality normal Defaults to "unique" (the standard item yellow). See all accepted values in the list below.
prefix none
The Best
Set to "none" to hide the "Vintage" or "Community", etc, prefix but keeping the colour (necessary for language pages). Can also use a custom value, e.g. "prefix = The Best" will generate "The Best Flare Gun".
item-level Level 50 Item level. Defaults to "Level 0-100".


att-1-neutral = Cloak Type: Feign Death
att-2-positive = +80% cloak regen rate
att-3-negative = +60% cloak drain rate
(See section on examples below)

Displays up to 6 positive, negative and neutral values.
(See section on examples below) These parameters are provided for backwards compatibility. The newer att-n-neutral parameters should be used instead.
item-description This hat is the greatest. For items that have an in-game description. This displays the description in a smaller font in order to distinguish from neutral attributes.
item-uses 5 For items that have "uses". Displays the text "This is a limited item. Uses: 5".
item-flags Not Tradeable, Not Usable in Crafting For item flags. Displays them inside brackets: "( Not Tradeable, Not Usable in Crafting )".
width 25% Width parameter. Defaults to 100% in infoboxes, but for other usages, can be any value (%, px, pt, em).

Item quality

See also: Rarity

Values of the parameter "quality" accepted by this template.

Quality Hex value
normal #B2B2B2
unusual #8650AC
vintage #476291
customized #476291
unique #FFD700
community #70B031
self-made #70B031
valve #A50F79


Example usages of {{Backpack item}}.

{{Backpack item
| item-name = Cloak and Dagger
| item-level = Level 5 Invis Watch
| att-1-neutral = Cloak Type: Feign Death
| att-2-positive = +80% cloak regen rate
| att-3-negative = +60% cloak drain rate
| width = 25%

The above code will generate the following:

Backpack Cloak and Dagger.png

Cloak and Dagger
Level 5 Invis Watch

{{Backpack item
| item-name = Rocket Launcher
| item-name-local = Rawket Lawnchair
| quality = vintage
| prefix = The Greatest
| item-level = Level 50 Furniture
| att-1-positive = +20% additional comfort
| att-2-positive = +35% increase in lumbar support
| att-3-negative = +50% increase in financial hardship
| item-description = For those who favour comfort over fiscal stability.
| width = 50%

The above code will generate the following:

Backpack Rocket Launcher.png

The Greatest Rawket Lawnchair
Level 50 Furniture
+20% additional comfort
+35% increase in lumbar support
+50% increase in financial hardship
For those who favour comfort over fiscal stability.

See also

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