| “I built that.” This page contains information about a custom map that is not an officially released Team Fortress 2 map. All released Valve and Community-made TF2 maps can be found on the list of maps.
Basic Information
Developer(s): |
Map Info
Environment: |
Indoor/outdoor industrial/desert/space
Hazards: |
Pumpkin bombs, pitfall
Map Overview
Wubwubwub is a community-made dubstep-inspired King of the Hill map which takes places inside what appears to be basic industrial building at the start of the round. When the point is captured by either team, the players are stunned and the first audio clip begins to play. The bass cannon is introduced by the audio as it rises up adjacent to the point. The bass cannon "fires" as the music starts, launching the players away from it and blasting the roof of the map off, revealing a desert landscape. Various visual effects go off in time with the music, as well as the bass cannon firing again at key times. As the next song begins to build up, the map appears to tip up on its side and launches into space, dropping its barriers and revealing the map itself to be a massive space ship. A large amount of extremely visually intense effects go off, culminating in a neon green strobe effect appearing over the entire sky, neon green stripes all over the ground and walls, and the map creator's name appears on the wall behind the base cannon, strobing again in neon green. After an abrupt halt in the music and effects, the map begins its music randomizer cycle. The map selects a random build up, voice clip, and dub-step drop/song. The map has a total of 616 possible song combinations, selecting each on the fly after a brief pause. Each song has its own "map choreography" programmed for it, with the visual effects set to change with the music. As the map is extremely visually intense, it is recommend that those sensitive to flashing lights do not play it.
This map was originally released for the 2014 April Fools Game Day and was publicly released by UEAKCrash on the TF2 Maps Forums.
Control point timing
Bass Cannon Platform
BLU's side of the map, inactive state
RED's side of the map, inactive state
The bass cannon starts to open its doors, with the Scout in a stunned state.
The bass cannon immediately before firing the first blast.
Map event (e.g., music) logic path
Each song on the map has different timing for when the bass cannon fires its blasts.