Friendly fire

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Watch, he'll turn red any second now... Any second now...
The BLU Soldier on one of the hazards of friendly fire
Friendly Fire.png

Friendly fire is used to describe a situation in which a player can damage or even kill a teammate.

The ability to inflict friendly damage was originally an option available to servers during the Team Fortress 2 beta. Overall, this made setting up an ÜberCharge quicker and assisted Spies, as it discouraged Spy checking. Valve removed the feature upon release as it was known to cause errors within the game's code and harbor potential for griefing. The low focus on accurate shooting also meant that friendly fire could become an impediment if several classes attempted to cooperate with one another.

Full friendly fire is still available as a server option, but is rarely used in standard play. Because the feature has remained relatively unchanged since the beta, there are several unexpected situations that are covered below. Killing an ally will reduce the player's Kill statistic, but still reward a scoreboard point.

On some servers friendly fire is temporarily enabled for various reasons, such as while waiting for enough players to join, after the round ends, and during Stalemate.

Console option

See also: List of useful console commands
  • mp_friendlyfire 0/1

In regular play

  • If a Medic is healing an enemy Spy that kills a teammate or destroys a building, the Medic will receive an assist as if he were on the Spy's team.
  • If a player kills an enemy who is then autobalanced to the other team, the kill feed will report the death as it were a team kill.

Special scenarios



  • Mad Milk will not affect teammates negatively.


  • Rockets will pass through allies but deal splash damage from the resulting explosions.
  • The Cow Mangler 5000 and Righteous Bison, which use bundles of flame particles to simulate projectiles, do not damage teammates.



  • Grenades and Stickybombs will pass through allies but deal splash damage from the resulting explosions.



  • The Sniper Rifle and its variants cannot headshot teammates.
  • The Huntsman cannot hit teammates at all.
  • Jarate will not affect teammates negatively.


  • It is impossible to backstab teammates or sap allied buildings.



A Heavy killing a Scout on his team with friendly fire enabled.

Killicon minigun.png

A Medic getting an assist for healing an enemy Spy that backstabbed a Sniper.

Spy + BLU Medic 
Killicon backstab.png

See also