A Stupid Brony that Plays TF2

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Revision as of 10:24, 25 November 2015 by Ubeo (talk | contribs)
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Nothing About Me

Your Ass
Basic information
Type: Offend-Siff (Offensive)
Gender: Maal (Male)
Health: 125 /Medic emblem RED.png185
Speed: 133% (Not my IRL Speed)
Native language: Engrish (English)
Age: 400k (jk)
Team Fortress 2
Favourite classes: Scoot (Scout)
Favourite maps: TewFert (2Fort)
Favourite weapons: Scootergun (Scattergun)
Favourite hats: Teh Gast-lee-er-est Jahy-buhs (It's quite fancy)

  • You expect something from me, eh?
  • well, you're getting nothing from me!
  • Visit my dumb friend. Go on, click it.

How to Live on Like a Normal Person

  1. Get off This Page
  2. Turn Off your Computer
  3. Get out of your damned room
  4. Try to avoid using your smart phone
  5. Get a life

Random List of...


The List of Reasons Your Still Here

  1. I've told you about this page.
  2. You're Interested about how to make a dumb page like this!
  3. Staring at the Brony Userbox.
  4. You're thinking I'm dumb as hell.
  5. I've ran out of Reasons.


Cocain Land


This dude sniffs Coke.

Crappy Goals

  1. Get rich 'Wait whut?'
  2. Get more Scout Miscs. 'You Serious?'
  3. Get a god damn key 'ffs, shut up, dude, no one want's to hear you'

What I think when I see a Friendly in a Pub Server

I think I'll kill this guy

"Wait!, Don't."


"Wait, Check if he's Really Friendly."
-Shoots Me-


"Damn, I knew it!"

This is here to piss many off.

Userbox Brony Fluttershy.png This user is a brony, and likes to watch My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Their favorite character is Fluttershy.