“ | 你只會剩下一個罐頭這麼多的骸骨。
— The Demoman
” |
凸緣遮雨帽是社群玩家為爆破兵設計的頭飾之一。 於October 6, 2010 Patch中發佈。 此頭飾跟酒鬼三角帽的設計非常相似,分別在於凸緣遮雨帽有著更闊和金色的邊緣,而外圍則是根據隊伍決定顏色的。
主條目: 油漆桶
- The original name for this hat was "Traditional Drinking Hat" before Valve renamed it.
- With the Polycount update's release, an asset managing error occurred, causing the Rimmed Raincatcher's model and texture to replace those of the Tippler's Tricorne. After noticing the error Valve decided to add the Rimmed Raincatcher as a separate hat and it was added to the drop system, but not yet added to the game files. Due to this, any player that managed to find the Raincatcher from a hat drop, or crafting result, would have an "Unknown Item" displayed in one of the on-line backpack viewers. This was shortly resolved after, when the October 6, 2010 Patch patch was released, which restored the Tippler's Tricorne to its original model and texture and added the Rimmed Raincatcher as a separate item to the game files.
- Although this hat is commonly worn by Scottish folks during celebrations that involve drinking alcohol, it is also commonly known to build up and redirect rain water from the wearer's face (as the name suggests).