Community Gravel Pit strategy/ko

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Community Gravel Pit strategy
Tf2 gravelpit.jpg
기본 정보
제작: 알 수 없음
맵 정보
환경: Industrial
설정: Daylight, sunny
맵 사진
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이 문서는 Community Gravel Pit strategy에 관련된 문서입니다.

전략 (모든 병과)

  • 지점 점령
주로, 수비조는 하나의 지점을 정해(A 또는 B) 방어 할것이며, 공격조는 매치가 시작되면 A 또는 B 지점을 공격할 것입니다. 전략을 잘 세우는 것은 팀을 승리로 이끔니다. 보통 다소 방어가 약한 지역은 파이로 또는 스파이로 방어를 하실 수 있습니다.
  • 방어
두 지역은 적들에게 에워싸일 수 있으니, 메딕과 함께 다니고 데모맨과 파이로를 조심해야 합니다. 센트리 건의 전략적 배치는 팀에 큰 이점이 될수 있습니다.
  • 공격
측면에서의 적의 공격에 유의하고, 특히 하나의 지역을 점령하였을 때는 더욱 더 유의하셔야 합니다. 특히나 Red팀은 다른 지역에 집중을 하고 있으며 백스탭 또는 헤드샷을 피하는데 주의를 기울일 것 입니다.


A 지점을 공격 할때

  • CP에서의 센트리 건은 제거하기 쉬우며, 센트리 건의 여러 각도로 공격을 할수도 있으며, 건물들은 매우 좁은 지역을 막을 수 있습니다. 라운드가 시작 될때 출입구 문에 있는 적의 점착 폭탄에 유의하십시요. 이것은 좋은 전략이기 때문입니다.
  • 때때로, 수비조는 3~4개의 센트리 건을 점령 지역 주변에 지어둠니다. 그것들을 부술 수 있는 가장 좋은 방법은 스파이가 전자교란기를 설치한다음, 데모맨과솔저가 그것들을 부수는 것 입니다. 센트리 건들을 부수고 적들을 제거 한다면, 지점을 점령하기 매우 쉬워 질것 입니다. 스나이퍼가 있다면 C에서 A로 오는 적들을 막을 수 있습니다. 또한 파이로가 점령 중에 계단에서 올라오는 적들을 막을 수도 있습니다. 이것이 가장 유명한 점령 중 적들의 공격을 막을 수 있는 방법입니다. 적 파이로들이 지역을 방어하러 온다면 만약 데모맨이 있다면 점착 폭탄을 점령 지점 위쪽에 설치합시다. ; 그들은 조금의 (또는 아무)피해를 입히기도 전에 죽고 말것 입니다.

B 지점을 공격 할때

  • 적 센트리 건들은 Blu팀이 B 지점을 점령하러 나올 때 큰 위협이 되므로 Blu 스파이들은 이들을 부수는 대에 주의를 기울려야 합니다. 데모맨은 CP에서 점령 지역을 정리 할때 매우 좋습니다. 파이로와 메딕은 점령 중 지점을 지켜야 하지만, 헤비를 이용한다면 더 편리할 것 입니다.
  • B 지점 지붕으로 로켓/점착 점프를 하십시요. 그리고 창문을 통하여 공격을 하여 수비조와 센트리 건을 부숴버리세요. 단지 기억하세요, 지붕 위에는 체력과 탄약 키트가 없습니다. 그러나, 만약 당신이 지붕의 끝으로 이동한다면, 메딕은 당신을 치료 할수 있습니다.
    • One will quickly realize, that, while its easy to attack the corners of the control point room, you have no sightlines for the center of the room, the place most likely populated by enemies. 만약 당신이 데모맨이라면, 답은 간단합니다: 벽에서 멀리 떨어져 유탄을 쏘십시요. 유탄은 점령 지역 코너에 떨어져, 지역을 막고 있는 불행한 사람은 유탄의 폭발에 휩쓸려 죽게 될 것입니다.

C 지점을 공격 할때

  • 센트리 건을 조심하시고, 그것들로 부터 거리를 유지하십시요. 솔저와 데모맨은 로켓/점착 점프로 많은 오르막 길을 무시하고 C 지점으로 가실 수 있습니다. 다른 유명한 전략은 당신이 마지막 두 지역을 점령하였을 때 스파이가 C 지점에서 미리 기다리고 있는 방법이 있습니다 (망토와 단검을 이용한다면 더 쉽습니다). 보통 C 지점이 잠겨 있는 동안 약한 방어를 하고 있을 경우, 스파이는 살아 남을 수 있어야 합니다. 만약 지점이 강한 방어를 받고 있을 경우, 데모맨이 유용할 것 입니다.
  • CP는 솔저와 데모맨 각각의 로켓/점착 폭탄 점프를 이용하여 더 쉽게 도달할 수 있습니다. 이것을 이용하여, 시작하자마자 C 지점으로 갈수 있는 A와 C 지점 사이의 터널로 접근하실 수 있습니다. 오른쪽 출구로 나가시면 C 지점으로 가실 수 있습니다. 터널과 CP 사이에는 작은 건물이 존재합니다. 이 건물의 지붕은 터널 입구로 나가시면 보실 수 있습니다. 솔저로, 이 지붕 위에 올라와 로켓 점프를 이용하여 CP로 가실 수 있습니다. 데모맨으로, 점착 폭탄을 지붕 위에 쏘아 지붕 위로 올라서서 점착 폭탄을 폭발시켜 올라가실 수 있습니다. 이 두가지의 방법들은 플레이어를 CP로 몰고 가야만 합니다. 당신은 또한 A 터널을 왼쪽편을 이용하여 로켓 점프를 하여 CP로 가실 수 있으며 (아래로 내려가는 계단을 타지 마세요) 또는 B 터널 입구를 통해서도 가실 수 있습니다. 그러나, 이러한 접근법은, 수비조가 주변에 모여 있기 때문에 위험 부담이 큼니다.
  • 파이로로 CP에 눈에 띄지 않게 도달하십시요. 만약 그것이 가능하다면, 두 팀이 정신없이 싸우는 동안에 당신은 탑의 꼭대기로 달려가실 수 있습니다. 탑에 도달하고 나서, 당신의 화염방사기의 플렛폼만한 크기의 화염을 내뿜어 위력을 가하시면, 파이로 혼자서 수비조를 쓸어버리는 것이 가능합니다. 만약 CP가 이미 엔지니어로 가득 하다면, 최고의 전략은 스파이와 팀을 이루는 것 입니다. 스파이가 어떤 방법을 이용해서든 전자교란기를 설치를 하면, 파이로에게 진입할 시간을 주어 센트리와 다른 엔지니어의 건물 그리고 적을 불태워 버릴 수 있습니다.


A 지점을 방어 할때

  • A 지점을 방어하는 것은 적들로 부터 더 많은 공격을 받을 수 있고 방어 지점이 적어 다소 힘들 수 있습니다. 라운드 시작 전, 몇몇 플레이어들은 Blu팀의 공격을 지역의 바깥쪽 두 비탈길을 막아 쫓아내야 합니다. 엔지니어는 점령 지점이 있는 건물 안에 센트리 건을 지어야 합니다. 효과적인 센트리 건 설치 장소는 Blu팀 출구 아래쪽입니다. 센트리 건은 심지어 Blu팀 출입구 바로 앞에 설치 할수도 있습니다: 만약 엔지니어가 디스펜서를 출입구 밑 쪽에 설치를 한다면, 그는 그것의 위로 올라가, 터널 출구에 센트리 건을 설치하실 수 있습니다. 파이로는 비어 있는 지역에 숨어 적 플레이어들을 놀라게 할수도 있습니다.

B 지점을 방어 할때

  • 대부분의 라운드는 B 지점에 방어를 강화하여 시작됨니다. 센트리 건을 건물 안에 짓거나 비탈길 아래에 지은 센트리 건은 제거하기 까다롭습니다. 데모맨은 건물의 꼭대기로 올라가서 유탄을 쏘거나 또는 점착 폭탄을 설치하실 수 있습니다. 솔저 또한 로켓 점프를 하여 건물의 꼭대기로 갈수 있으며, 스카웃 또한 자연에 섭리 또는 인수분해를 이용하여 올라갈수 있습니다.
  • 특히, 엔지니어는 지붕에 센트리를 지을 수가 있는데 그것은 방어에 큰 도움이 될 것입니다. 이러한 위치 선정은 적들이 다가오는데 큰 걸림돌이 될 것이며 지점을 지키기 위하여 필드 위를 살펴 볼때도 아주 유용합니다.

C 지점을 방어 할때

  • 만약에 하나의 지점이 점령 당하였을때, C로 가서 스카웃과 스파이로 확인하세요. 그들은 C 지점에서 대기하여 두개의 지점이 모두 점령되었을때 바로 C 지점을 점령 하려고 할겁니다 .
  • 여기에 지점을 보호하는 4가지의 방법이 있습니다: 왼쪽, 오른쪽 (위쪽 또는 아래쪽 터널을 통해) 그리고 앞쪽. 최고의 해결책은 비탈길로 이어지는 경사로 위에 길을 모두 막을 센트리를 하나씩 놓는 것입니다. 이 왼쪽과 오른쪽은 막으면, 정면으로 오는 터널과 오른쪽 터널이 남게 됨니다. (센트리 건 또한 데모맨의 점착 폭탄 함정을 설치하는 것을 방해하거나 그들을 스플래시 피해로 죽이거나,등등,그리고 적 스파이를 막아줄 센트리 보호자가 필요합니다(솔저를 추천)).
  • The direct entrance is fairly easily held by two or so players simply fighting at that exit; a Sticky trap here is effective. This leaves the right side tunnel (which is fairly well covered by the right side Sentry Gun) any enemy who comes through that route must come in range of the Sentry Gun. The Sentry Gun guard will protect against a Demoman trying to launch grenades at the Sentry Gun from cover.
  • If these defenses fail, the only remedy is direct combat. If this happens and the offense uses ÜberCharges to clear the tower, a Pyro can stand in the rear area of the point and use compression blasts on anyone that makes it to the top. This can force the ÜberCharged pair back to the base of the tower.
  • The compression blast strategy is also effective against Soldiers and Demomen who try to Rocket/Sticky jump from the small shed across from the A corridor up to Capture Point C. The damage from the explosion and the resulting fall from being pushed back can sometimes kill already weakened opponents. Even if it doesn't, it's still a long, dangerous hike back to the top of the tower.

Class-specific strategy

Leaderboard class scout.png 스카웃


  • When on offense, try to stick to one Control point depending on how many people are assaulting the point. Let your teammates soak up enemy fire; you can dash into the point as soon as it is safe. B is usually the better bet since the Engineer's Sentry Guns are highly unlikely to be finished when the round proper begins.
  • Another valid tactic is to head straight to Point C and wait on the roof of the point before the enemy sets up defenses. If your teammates keep the enemy busy, you may be able to capture it before any enemies can get to you.
  • Defending Gravel Pit as a Scout may or may not be such a good idea, depending on how well you can avoid enemy fire, but the various flanking routes available (such as the tunnel between B and A) give you an advantage and the possibility to take down enemy Medics.

Leaderboard class soldier.png 솔저


  • Use the roof of Point B to your advantage. It is a great place for Soldiers, you can watch over the point as well as the paths leading from the enemy spawn. If you are on the roof, be wary of enemy Snipers, Demomen and Soldiers.
  • You can rocket jump onto the roofs of the small huts surrounding Point A for a height advantage, and a clear view of all incoming attackers.
  • When defending or attacking Point C, you can reach the peak of the tower with a rocket jump by jumping onto the roof of the small house that is in front of the point. This allows you to either quickly attack, or quickly defend the point, depending on what team you are on.
  • When facing Sentry Guns with long sight lines that are difficult to spam as a Demoman, spamming the sentry from outside of its range is an excellent tactic, as your rockets have no falloff against buildings. This works particularly well with the Direct Hit, although remember that none of your rocket launchers can destroy a sentry being actively repaired. This tactic is extremely useful for Point C, where Sentry Guns are usually quite high up and out of reach of Demomen.

Leaderboard class pyro.png 파이로


  • Due to the open nature of the map, it is hard for Pyros to perform ambushes in general. Use the rocks and ramps as cover, and take advantage of corners whenever possible.
  • Take the road less travelled. There is almost always more than one way to a given point on the map, so check which way the majority of the team is going, and go the other route. When fighting for Control Points A and B, traversing on the path between the two points can achieve many surprise kills.
  • Due to its isolated nature, Control Point A is often undefended, and RED team will rarely offer more than token resistance in defending it. Due to this, it is possible for a RED Pyro to execute devastating ambushes since BLU players will rarely expect any serious resistance. By hiding underneath the capture point (in the shack with the health pack), Pyros can often set the enemy team ablaze by coming up the stairs. At worst, it'll just be a minor annoyance and slightly delay their capture. At best, it can kill a few players and force an ÜberCharge.
  • Control Point B is often very well-defended, and its open nature makes it hard to perform ambushes. Try to use the house as cover when cornering to ambush, be careful of attacks that may come through the windows.
  • The areas connecting Control Points A and B to Control Point C are well-suited for ambushes. Use the corridors to restrict enemy movement, but be sure to always have an escape route handy.
  • Compression blasts are invaluable on Control Point C, both on RED and on BLU. Use it to force enemies off the point or deny a rocket-jumping Soldier from accessing it.

Leaderboard class demoman.png 데모맨


  • When defending Point B, remember that the entire room counts as the point, so spread your Stickybombs out as much as possible.
  • Grenade jump or sticky jump onto the roof of Point B, and rain Stickybombs and Grenades down upon advancing enemies.
  • Place Stickybombs around the attacking team's exits. They should be low enough that the enemy can't see them, you can then take out anything that comes toward the point you're defending.
  • When defending the last point, remember that you can launch your Stickybombs long distances. You do not need to be up at the top in order to replace them.
  • When defending C, and it is about to be captured, try sticky jumping all the way to the top to surprise the enemy with a barrage of grenades.

Leaderboard class heavy.png 헤비


  • An ideal map for the Heavy, as his high health can get your team a foothold in heavily defended areas.
  • Be sure to use the small areas on the Capture Points to your advantage, but make sure to have someone cover your flank as there are alternate entrances from both sides to take both points.
  • Gravel Pit favors Snipers with its long sight lines and relatively limited amounts of cover at places. Counter this by taking an alternate route to hit the enemy. There is always more than one way to approach the other team.
  • Point C is a double-edged sword for Heavies. While the cramped space on the tower leading up to C and the point itself means their firepower can tear up opponents, the multiple angles of attack in C's direction makes it hard to defend on the point.
  • Use the Minigun's knockback to push Soldiers, Übered or otherwise, out of their trajectory and away from Point C (this works especially well with Natascha also, as if they do happen to land they will be adequately pinned down).
  • While difficult to pull off, a hilarious option for RED Heavies is to scale the rock 'pillar' on the right side of the left-hand exit from BLU spawn to A (the exit nearest the mining tunnel). Two tricky crouch-strafe jumps will allow him access to tunnel to spawn, where BLU can be warmly greeted by a large Russian man and his gun. Most teams don't see it coming, and throwing in a Kritzkrieg assuming the Medic can get up there makes this even more successful when pulled off correctly.

Leaderboard class engineer.png 엔지니어


  • Build a Dispenser along the wall under one of the tunnel exits at either control point A or B. You should be able to jump-crouch on to the Dispenser, and then jump-crouch into the tunnel normally only accessible by the other team and begin building in there. A few Engineers inside that tunnel should keep the enemies at bay for some time.

Sentry Gun Placements

  • Consider the following locations for placing a Sentry Gun nest when playing on RED:
Control point A
  • Just in front of the little hut adjacent to the point. You should aim it so that it faces the edge of the map, and thus pans from the point to the start of the hill. The advantage of putting a Sentry Gun here is that it's very hard to hit with splash damage because it's uphill. You can also put your Sentry Gun in the hut. The only way to take it out is by using a Demoman (or a skilled Soldier), or ranging it from the C side of the point, and this is where the next Sentry Gun comes into play.
  • Behind the Control point, covering the left-side approach to the A/C connector. You should build it just outside of the Control point, but with the Sentry Gun's back to the Control point (just before the corner of the Control point). The sole purpose of this Sentry Gun is to cover the previous Sentry Gun. You should build it so that you can stand inside the relative comfort of the control point and still be able to repair the Sentry Gun. This also protects the Sentry Gun from splash damage. Note that this one has a slight weakness to the ramp entrance of the Control point due to the tracking time required to shoot from that direction.
  • On top of the pile of rocks in the front center of the area. Once built, this sentry covers both exits, although it turns rather slowly and is easily spammed from the point itself. It also doesn't cover both exits equally, so it may be distracted by one enemy while others take another route.
  • On top of the first hut on the left. Ideally, you want it on the back left corner so that as little of the Sentry Gun is showing as possible. This position is great at covering the first tunnel on the left and the A-B Connector tunnel, although it can be easily spammed by Soldiers once gotten past. When pointed the other way on offense, this sentry position covers the A-C and A-B Connector tunnels well, providing excellent cover for a teleport going to A.
Control point B
  • Behind the rocks by the left BLU respawn area. By putting a Dispenser against the rocks, and then placing the Sentry Gun against the Dispenser, you create an encampment that covers from the left side of the rocks, to the entrance of Capture point B. The rocks protect it from attacks from the BLU spawn, and the angles make it hard to hit from the right point without being in range (though it is possible).
  • Under the left stairs leading from Capture point C to point B. Don't build it right against the wall, but rather build it such that the Sentry Gun is pointing to the back entrance of Capture point B (with line of sight), and so that you can hide under the ramp with a Dispenser and repair it.
  • If you have the Wrangler, you may build a sentry near the capture point perimeter and sentry jump onto the roof of the structure that is housing the control point. It is advised that you have a teleporter entrance built and enough metal to build either a teleporter exit or Dispenser to set up a nest on the roof. This is a very good strategy if you want to ambush people capturing as there are two windows in the roof that can allow a sentry to shoot down from the roof. The Wrangler will help you kill people hiding in the corners via the rockets if you manage to get a level-3 sentry on the roof.
  • On the large ramp leading to the Capture Point closest to the BLU tunnel. Ideally, the sentry should be facing the BLU spawn and should be near the top of the ramp. When well maintained, this sentry covers all of the Capture Point area and most of the area in front of the control point. It is also very difficult to spam this position, although it still can be spammed through the windows and from atop the roof of B.
  • Behind the shed near the A-B Connecting tunnel. This sentry position effectively locks down the short tunnel area and makes it difficult to rocket/sticky jump onto the roof of B. It also partially covers the farther tunnel, although attackers can still get through fairly easily. Be careful, however, as this position can be spammed from the tunnels leading to C and the front of the control point.
Control point C
  • On either ramp leading up to the tower (the big metal ones). The trick to making this Sentry Gun deadly is in its position. You want it facing the tower, and back against the rock wall (use alternate fire, and the Sentry Gun should be at roughly a 45 degree angle). You also want to put it about 2/3rds of the way up the ramp, not at the top of the ramp. The idea is to build it such that when it's fully upgraded only the guns and Rocket Launcher are visible. This allows the Sentry Gun to attack, but minimizes what is visible (due to the height difference, and the little wall at the entrance from Capture Point B). One of these on each ramp, blocks all access to the tower, and can even hit people at the top.
  • On either of the second landings of the tower (in the corners). The ramps up to the 3rd landing protect it from the middle entrance to Capture point C, and it's in range to attack most people from the side entrances (except Soldiers). As long as you sit there and spam repair the Sentry Gun, it should stay up with anything less than two Soldiers hitting it.
  • On the right side of the shed in front of C, facing the Capture Point. this sentry position often will catch people off guard, and will also deal heavy damage to rocket/sticky jumping attackers. Beware however, as this sentry position doesn't cover the point itself, and can be easily spammed by Soldiers and Demomen once found.

Leaderboard class medic.png 메딕


  • This map works well with either the ÜberCharge or the Kritzkrieg as many of the potential Sentry Gun locations can be fired at from outside their range. If you find a Sentry Gun that you will not be able to take down despite having a Kritzkrieg, simply ask an explosive or ranged class to deal with the Sentry Gun before rushing in (if necessary, you can also use the Syringe Gun's needle arc to hit an unattended Sentry Gun).
  • When coming out of the door to A, it may be worth using a normal ÜberCharge straight away to save you or your patient from being killed by stickytraps. However, if you plan to do this, make sure that the stickytraps cannot be cleared any other way, and that the enemy are close enough for your charge to do some damage after pushing out.
  • When capturing A, stay with a potential charge target near the door/corridor going to C. This will reduce your chances of being backstabbed as Spies will usually try to kill a person or two when a crowd of people is on the point itself, and will deny the RED team any chances to manually block the point.
  • When jumping out of the far right door at B, use your charge regardless of what type it is (unless there is a Sentry Gun and you are using the Kritzkrieg, in which case, stay hidden until you know it's safe to rush in). This will at the very least serve as a distraction so friendly players can dispose of any defenses and shift the RED team's attention away from other potential entrances to the point, such as the rear ramp or the roof for high jumping classes.
  • When running from one point to another via the C entrances and exits, make sure not to be seen by any spawning RED players. If you are, make it imperative that as soon as you can use it effectively, deploy the ÜberCharge to decrease the chances of you losing your charge to any enemies trying to come up behind you.
  • Übercharging in to destroy Sentry Guns at C is probably your best bet, as using it at the bottom of the point will be a waste since you will need to spend the time running up to the capture zone, and on the point itself you will be unable to capture the point while Übered (allowing the RED team to simply knock you off and completely waste your efforts).
  • A Kritzkrieg can also be used with a Demoman or Soldier to good effect on the last point, as you can fire Critical explosives up at any enemies congregating on the point. That said, be particularly careful of ambushing Pyros from the left or right sides, and also reflecting Pyros on the point itself (the distance from the area entrances to the point being long enough for Pyros to easily time their reflects and aim them appropriately).


  • If you can manage it, charge a Kritzkrieg before the round starts. This will allow you to reliably charge a Soldier or Demoman, hurling highly damaging explosives into the BLU spawn and possibly killing many players (thus buying your team more time to build up their defenses).
  • If nobody except you and a patient are at A when the round starts, hide under the point next to the health pack. This will mean that when the BLU team pushes onto the point en masse, you can charge up there and kill a large amount of them (depending on the class you have Übercharged), also blocking the capture in the process.
  • At B, the best thing you can do is charge an ÜberCharge and then simply wait for the BLU team to push in. This will mean you can counter Über them, prompting them to run away and lose focus on the point (also giving you a window of opportunity to kill them as they flee).
  • A Kritzkrieg can be very useful around the B point for disposing of any BLU players scattered around the point during a push, minus those that are Übercharged. This means you can wipe out any flanking classes and try to protect the point with Crits, should the enemies be in the process of capturing it.
  • At C, the normal ÜberCharge comes in very handy for destroying any forward bases BLU Engineers have put up. The most common of these arrangements are situated in the halls to the right of C, also serving as the corridor between A and C. Any Sentry Guns here, with the exception of those placed in the exit doorway to A, can be destroyed via splash damage or round corners, allowing you to save your charge for the BLU team themselves. When trying to push the BLU team back from this area, make sure that your team has other players on the opposite side of the hallway, otherwise, the enemies might simply be displaced to the C point area instead of back into A.
  • Charging on the point can also be used to block it should a BLU push be successful, acting as a temporary block on the capture. However, the small area and high altitude of the point make being knocked back a problem, as if you are airblasted or shot off, you are unlikely to make it back up in time to stop the capture.
  • When attempting to push the BLU team right back into one of the previous points, be alert as to the status of point C and try to keep within a certain distance from it. Otherwise, you may push too far out and leave it open to Backcapping from Spies or Scouts.

Leaderboard class sniper.png 스나이퍼


  • Gravel Pit's long sight lines favor Snipers, and almost all approaches to the capture points are marked by areas that one or two Snipers can readily cover. As BLU, anticipate at least one RED Sniper with the team in each CP, and as RED, remember that BLU has several protected sniping areas that you do not.
  • When on BLU, you're somewhat limited in what you can do. BLU is bottlenecked very badly when exiting spawn into both A and B. However, once your team has taken ground at either point, the bottleneck becomes less of a problem, allowing you to snipe enemies coming to fight off your teammates with greater ease. Also, after taking both A and B, enemies on the tower at C are vulnerable to Sniper fire. C is where you'll be able to do more damage.
  • Look for alternate attack routes, especially on Point C. It is possible to snipe distracted defenders from multiple angles and sneak away quickly to another one before they can react.


Defending Point A
  • When defending A, there are four entrances to A to consider:
    • 2 spawn entrances,
    • The connecting tunnel, and
    • 1 entrance from C.
  • If B hasn't been taken, the C entrances doesn't pose much threat. A is undoubtedly the harder point to snipe at. There is no clear view into the bottlenecked spawn entrances, or any good cover. However, you can see most of the whole side of the map from the building that houses the control point.
Defending Point B
  • When defending B, there are 5 entrances to B that you must be aware of when sniping:
    • 2 coming from BLU spawn
    • 2 coming from C
    • 1 connecting tunnel between A and B
  • Again, if A hasn't been taken, then you don't have to worry about the C entrances very much if at all. The connecting tunnel entrance is positioned directly to the right of the right spawn exit, so watching both at the same time is relatively easy, yet somewhat inaccessible. The left exit, is a long tunnel that forces the BLU players into a bottleneck, and with a large rock outside of it offering a defensive Sniper cover, it makes a good spot for sniping.
Defending Point C
  • When defending Point C, either side of the spawn point gives a good field of fire and relative protection from Spies due to the long run to reach it. You can also shoot into the side hallways from here. Also, the tower that houses the final control point gives relatively good cover, and allows you a good view of all 3 entrances into C.

Leaderboard class spy.png 스파이


  • Since Gravel Pit has 2 initial Control points, it can be useful to soften up a lesser defended point (sap Sentry Guns, backstab Snipers etc.) coordinated by an immediate rush by some of your team (a Scout rush works best in this situation) to easily capture the point. Usually this point is A because it's considered harder to defend.
  • A Spy can be quite necessary on the most heavily defended Control point as there are usually at least one or two Sentry Guns that are supported by other players, making them almost indestructible. The best way to deal with these Sentry Guns is to co-ordinate with your team to sap the Sentry Gun and follow it with a push. Keep in mind that as you do this it's likely you'll be seen and killed.
  • Defending Engineers will often create Teleporters from their respawn to their front line. If you sap these Teleporters, it will slow down the defensive players, and also coax the Engineer(s) away from their Sentry Gun(s), allowing your team to destroy it easier. Keep in mind that doing this will often result in the C area to be Spy-checked, so the best idea would be to sap them, Cloak and then run back into your own territory.
  • If you manage to sneak to point C, feel free to spawn camp, as RED players will hardly expect a Spy near the left spawn door they use the most; keep in mind that respawned victims may take the right door to pay you back.
  • After the first point has been captured but before the second, you can Cloak up to the C point and camp there until the second point has been captured, when you can undisguise and quickly capture the point. It is likely that defenders will come up and kill you when they notice their point is being captured, but you may finish capping the point before they get there. This position is easy to hold, because defenders rarely ever go up there until the second point is being captured, but you must make sure that they can't see you from the ground. If they do, they'll usually start checking the point. Keep in mind though that the same task could be done with a Scout which usually has a better outcome once you get on the point.