User talk:Laserman
Hello, Laserman!
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Once again, welcome to the Team Fortress 2 Wiki!
-- Eels 08:31, 19 June 2013 (PDT)
Odnośnie tłumaczeń map
Tłumacząc artykuły dotyczące map stworzonych przez społeczność pamiętaj, aby tłumaczyć też listę zmian, a nie pozostawiać jej po angielsku. Pamiętaj też o używaniu na tych stronach {{DISPLAYTITLE:}}, by zamiast np. Deliverance/pl wyświetlane było Deliverance. real_alien (T/C) 04:29, 30 June 2013 (PDT)
Tworzenie nowych artykułów
Tworząc nowy artykuł, nie tłumacz go w TEN sposób. Napisałeś "Created Polish version", co mija się z prawdą - poza kilkoma polskimi zdaniami artykuł jest w całości po angielsku. Tłumacząc artykuł tak duży, wystarczy, że na nowo tworzonej stronie użyjesz jedynie {{trans}}, a angielski artykuł wkleisz do wybranego edytora tekstu i w nim sobie będziesz w spokoju tłumaczył (co jest bezpieczniejsze niż tłumaczenie w przeglądarce, pozwoli uniknąć niechcianej utraty tego, co już zrobiłeś). O ile na tłumaczenie "sekcja po sekcji" dużych artykułów można przymknąć oko w przypadku, gdy nowo utworzony artykuł jest już w większości przetłumaczony, to wklejanie anglojęzycznej całości na polską stronę nie jest mile widziane. Podobnie z niewielkimi artykułami, które można przetłumaczyć "za jednym zamachem".
Kolejną rzeczą jest zostawianie przez Ciebie niedokończonych tłumaczeń, np., Art_Pass_Contest/pl, 2Fort_(Classic)/pl. Zamiast brać się za tworzenie kolejnego artykułu, dokończ proszę to, co już zacząłeś. To nie wyścig, liczba nowych stron nie liczy się tak bardzo, jak ich jakość, ponadto takie artykuły w większości przypadków pozostają nieprzetłumaczone, co tylko zwiększa chaos na wiki. real_alien (T/C) 06:31, 3 July 2013 (PDT)
Wiadomość otrzymałem i zrozumiałem. Dzięki za pomoc. Goora (talk) 00:16, 24 July 2013 (PDT)
Wikichievement | Awarded by | Reason | ||
Canis | Wikichievement unlocked! Podziękowanie za pracowitość i wytrwałość w dążeniu do celu jakim jest ciągłe ulepszanie polskiej TeamFortress wiki. |
Gold pan
Think the Golden Pan should have its own /pl extension page as opposed to redirecting to the Pan/pl page. Because it's its own unique item. And consistency between translations etc etc Davo - (Talk|Contribs) 05:59, 5 February 2014 (PST)
Tak trzymać!
Wikichievement | Awarded by | Reason | ||
Edmond Dantès | Wikichievement unlocked! Great job on the Polish wiki. I'm honestly surprised you didn't have this yet! |
> ⓎⒺⓈ < (Ed) (talk) 15:08, 2 May 2015 (PDT)
Limited tag for backpack items
Your edit would imply that limited items are not distinguished (in polish) aside from by yellow font. Is that correct? Darkid (Talk | Contribs) 19:35, 23 December 2015 (PST)
- Copied from my talk page:
- Hey, I made this edit some time ago, and I remember having a lot of issues with figuring out how to edit that template so that it would show correctly. I decided to put a simple space in the template and just manually edit items that have "Limited" tag to include it (unfortunately, I still haven't edited all of them). I'm not sure if I expressed myself correctly, but I hope you understood anyway :D
- Laserman (talk) 23:30, 23 December 2015 (PST)
- You expressed yourself fine! I'd like to keep the discussion in one place, so it's easier to follow if we look at it in the future. I'd also much prefer that we make the template work, since it will make it easier to change, if (for example) valve changed the color from yellow to blue. Why don't you point me to some of the pages you edited by hand, and I'll code it in to the template. Darkid (Talk | Contribs) 23:44, 23 December 2015 (PST)
- Okay, so, where do I start... Let's take for an example Festive Knife; under its name is "Limited Level 1 Knife", in Polish, however, there's "Nóż (Biały Kruk) poziomu 1", which can somewhat be translated into "Knife (Limited) - level 1" or something like that. I remember not being able to figure out what to change so the Limited tag in Polish would be in the same place as in the game or SteamCommunity. I also remember that the template was only allowing to put the Limited tag at the start, before an item's type and level, unfortunately, some languages can't have it like that because it would sound weird or be just incorrect--I think around 5 or so languages have the Limited tag placed after an item's type and/or level. I couldn't find proper words to say what the template's issue was, but I think you understood what was on my mind :D Anyway, it is also possible that the template has changed and now it can work fine, I don't know, I haven't checked it, I'm lazy. Laserman (talk) 23:53, 24 December 2015 (PST)
- It hasn't changed, at the moment that *is* the only place limited can go. But I'm more than willing to change the template, in fact I'd rather spend an hour changing the template than an hour adding the string to pages by hand, since the former is more future-proof. Is the limited tag always after the name, in parenthesis? Darkid (Talk | Contribs) 11:35, 25 December 2015 (PST)
- Okay, so, where do I start... Let's take for an example Festive Knife; under its name is "Limited Level 1 Knife", in Polish, however, there's "Nóż (Biały Kruk) poziomu 1", which can somewhat be translated into "Knife (Limited) - level 1" or something like that. I remember not being able to figure out what to change so the Limited tag in Polish would be in the same place as in the game or SteamCommunity. I also remember that the template was only allowing to put the Limited tag at the start, before an item's type and level, unfortunately, some languages can't have it like that because it would sound weird or be just incorrect--I think around 5 or so languages have the Limited tag placed after an item's type and/or level. I couldn't find proper words to say what the template's issue was, but I think you understood what was on my mind :D Anyway, it is also possible that the template has changed and now it can work fine, I don't know, I haven't checked it, I'm lazy. Laserman (talk) 23:53, 24 December 2015 (PST)
- You expressed yourself fine! I'd like to keep the discussion in one place, so it's easier to follow if we look at it in the future. I'd also much prefer that we make the template work, since it will make it easier to change, if (for example) valve changed the color from yellow to blue. Why don't you point me to some of the pages you edited by hand, and I'll code it in to the template. Darkid (Talk | Contribs) 23:44, 23 December 2015 (PST)
Słowo "załozyć" słowniki poprawnej polszczyzny oceniają jako błąd
Słowo "nałożyć" jest oficjalnie używaną poprawną wersją. Proszę NIE zmieniać "nałożyć" na "założyć". Również proszę NIE tłumaczyć przedmiotów na własną rękę, gdyż są one tłumaczone przez moderatorów STS i są to oficjalne tłumaczenia, które zostaną dodane do Wiki jak tylko zostaną wydane przez Valve. Danio19978 02:17, 30 May 2016 (PDT)