GameOUT's userPage?

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Revision as of 17:22, 17 October 2016 by GameOUT (talk | contribs)
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GameOUT's Titlebox
Basic information
Icon: (-.-)
Type: I dont know ;(
Gender: Male
Health: sorry?
Speed: Here.
Birth place: Saint-Peterburg
Native language: File:Russian-flag.jpg
Team Fortress 2
Favourite classes: Demoman, Scout, Heavy, Pyro
Contact information
Steam page: Steamy, m8
Crash is crashed.
Me playing Crash Bandicoot 2 with my friend on emulator
Flag Russia.png This user is Russian. Beware of bears!

User Soldier F5.gif This user vigorously mashes F5 upon any new TF2 update.


I have bad english skills, so don't blame me please.