Muut esineet
![]() | Tätä sivua ollaan kääntämässä suomeksi. Jos pystyt puhumaan suomea, kirjoita keskustelusivulle tai puhu niille jotka ovat parantaneet sivua (katsomalla sivuhistoriaa). |
“ | I have many medals!
— The Heavy flaunting his many misc. items
” |
Muut esineet ovat puettavissa olevia esineitä joilla on oma 'muut' alue varusteluruudussa, tosin ne lasketaan päähineiksi luomisessa. Kuten hatut, ne ovat pelkästään kosmeettisia eivätkä vaikuta siihen, miten peliä pelataan. Koska ne käyttävät omaa aluettansa esineitä varustellessa, voi niitä käyttää hattujen kanssa. Muut esineet avataan joko saavuttamalla tietyt edellytykset, tai ne löytyvät sattumanvaraisesti pelin aikana.
Kokonaisuudessa muita esineitä on 17, joista vain viisi ovat jollekkin tietylle hahmoluokalle tarkoitettuja.
Lista esineistä
![]() Soldier |
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Herrasmiehen kunniamitali |
![]() Pyro |
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Herrasmiehen härpäkkeet |
![]() Demoman |
No Image | Dangeresque, Too? |
![]() Medic |
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Lekurin kirurginen maski |
![]() Spy |
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Kameraparta |
Kaikille hahmoluokille
Erikoislaatuisuutensa vuoksi monet muista esineistä eivät toimi luomisessa. Suurinta osaa niistä ei voi luoda toiseksi esineeksi, tai tulla luoduksi muista esineistä. Poikkeuksena toimivat muut esineet jotka löytyvät pelattaessa sattumanvaraisesti. Näitä esineitä kohdellaan samalla tavalla kuin hattuja. Tämä tarkoittaa sitä että ne voidaan luoda millä tahansa reseptillä joka voisi tuottaa hatun sekä sitä että niillä voidaan korvata hattu sellaisen tarvitsemassa reseptissä. Tässä on listattu hattujen tavoin toimivat muut esineet julkaisemisjärjestyksessä:
Nämä esineet lasketaan hatuiksi mutta ne asetetaan 'muut' alueelle koska niitä ei pidetä päässä. Tämä antaa pelaajien pitää niitä päällään yhtäaikaa tavallisten hattujen kanssa.
A rumor existed that a Misc. Slot Token appeared for crafting purposes soon after the Camera Beard was reassigned to the Misc. slot. The rumor told that someone could craft four camera beards together to earn this token. It was later said that a Misc. slot token could be combined with a Soldier token to craft the Gentle Manne's Service Medal. This is false. There are still some unused slot tokens in the crafting system, but again, the Misc. token does not exist.
- The first misc. item, the Soldier's Gentle Manne's Service Medal, is added to the game. The medal is awarded to the first 11,111 users who stumbled upon a hidden page on the Team Fortress blog, with each medal featuring a unique number. The medal can no longer be obtained.
- The Camera Beard misc. item for the Spy becomes a misc. item, allowing it to be worn with other hats for the class. This increases its drop rate to that of normal weapons, resulting in a loss of its rare value and a significant increase in the amount of players that own it.
- The first set of community hats from Valve's Contribute! site are patched in, along with a new misc. item for the Medic, the Physician's Procedure Mask. The Camera Beard's drop rate is restored to the same drop rate as normal hats. Misc. items can now be used along with hats in the Rebuild Headgear recipe.
- The 119th Update
- The Grizzled Veteran, Soldier of Fortune and Mercenary medals are awarded to players depending on the date of their first play. They are the first misc. items that can be equipped by all classes. These medals are Gold, Silver, and Bronze in appearance respectively.
- The Primeval Warrior medal is awarded to all players who participated in the original beta release of Team Fortress 2, with the medals of those eligible being changed accordingly. These medals are Platinum in appearance.
- The Whiskered Gentleman misc. item for the Pyro is reassigned to the Misc. slot, so that it may be worn with other hats.
- The Mac Update
- The Earbuds are awarded to players who launched TF2 on a Mac between June 10, 2010 and August 16, 2010.
- June 28th, 2010
- A Greentooth (Polycount icon) pin is revealed by Polycount as a misc item available to community members who submitted entries for the Polycount Pack contest. The item was contributed by Polycount member DKK and was expected to be released alongside the Polycount Pack. It was released well before, however.
- The Engineer Update
- A second Misc. slot is added, though no items have been released for the slot at the time.
- August 9th, 2010
- Four medals are revealed for the ETF2L Highlander Tournament: first place, second place, third place, and participant.
- The second Misc. slot is removed and is replaced by an Action slot. Four badges are available by playing the Dueling Mini-Game and winning duels. The Polycount Pin is also added. Other "miscellaneous items" are added but don't go into the Misc. slot, including the Paint Cans and the Mann Co. Supply Crate and its sister item, the Mann Co. Supply Crate Key. These are called Tool items.
- October 25, 2010
- The Mapper's Medallion is revealed to be awarded to participants in the Art Pass Contest.
- The Gentle Manne's Service Medal is made tradeable.
- November 3, 2010
- Telltale Games reveals that the License to Maim and the Dangeresque, Too? will be available to players who earn them through playing Poker Night at the Inventory.