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The Spy

Team Fortress 2 is home of several memes created by its community. While some stem from the game itself, others were created by using tools such as Template:W to manipulate TF2 characters.


The "Gentlemen." meme stems from one of the Spy's most ubiquitous catchphrases. His calm, suave, calculating persona is encapsulated in his utterance of the simple address, followed by the careful placement of a cigarette.

The meme itself is a widely recognized image macro, originally spawned by a crudely crafted Template:W caricature of the Spy, with his mouth jammed full of cigarettes. The concept quickly exploded, and expanded to feature a version for every Team Fortress character. The basic formula for the macro is straightforward; it is a caricatured drawing of a character, with their mouth jammed full of objects. The phrase "Gentlemen." may be replaced with other addresses.

There's also another related meme, that instead of saying "Gentlemen" he says "Mentlegen".

Poor and Irish

You are as PRESUMPTUOUS as you are POOR and IRISH

The term Poor and Irish first appeared in a hidden link of the Classless Update, as a retort by the Gentle Manne of Leisure to a hatless man. Since then, players often use this term to describe players with no hats, or owners of common hats such as the Ghastly Gibus.

A popular associated meme involves players conversing in overly formal language, such as that used by the Gentle Manne of Leisure.

Saxton Hale

Main article: Saxton Hale

Saxton Hale's amazing achievements has resulted in players referring to him as a deity-like figure, capable of superhuman feats.

Saxton Hale can be considered a Team Fortress 2 version of the popular Template:W internet meme. Directly satirizing the phenomenon of Chuck Norris facts, a fansite called Saxton Hale Facts was created, where users can submit facts about Saxton Hale and his many incredible feats.

Spammed Voice Commands

A popular practice among some TF2 players is Spamming Voice Commands, resulting in humorous phrases. Popular examples include the Heavy's "Pootis" and the Scout's "Need a Dispenser here!" spammed continuously.


The Spycrab

One of the most famous memes of TF2 is the Spycrab, an animation glitch caused by looking up while holding the Disguise Kit and crouch walking. This causes the Spy to walk in an amusing fashion that resembles a crab. The Dapper Rogue catalogue includes a "Crab-Walking Kit" with the description "It will change your skeleton! Excruciatingly painful but worth it."

Due to its popularity, the Spycrab was included as an alternative taunt for the Disguise Kit in the Sniper Vs Spy Update.


A Pyro
See also: Glossary of player terms

The term "W+M1" refers to a technique used by perceived amateur Pyro players, which involves running forward (The W key on the PC) and spewing flames in the general direction of an enemies (Mouse 1) without any thoughts to tactics or self-preservation.

In a chaotic battle a W+M1 Pyro can be highly effective, racking up many kills on unsuspecting or inexperienced players as shown in this video. Because of its perceived simplicity, "W+M1" is often used as a derogatory term for one's playstyle as a Pyro or to offend Pyro players in general.

YouTube memes

Bonk mashups


This meme consists of remixes of various songs in which the Scout's "Bonk!" and "Boink!" voice clips are mashed up with popular songs. The most popular of which is "Mortal Kombonk", which has had over 1 million views.



Created with Template:W by YouTube user Jimbomcb, the nope.avi meme consists of a BLU Engineer on Gravel Pit slowly approaching the screen. As he stops his hard hat floats up, he utters the phrase "nope" and his neck elongates before he promptly leaves.

nope.avi is frequently used in conversations as a humorous negative response. Instead of replying no, instead the person may post a link to the video or type "nope.avi".

Several parodies of the meme exist, consisting of other characters uttering a phrase before a drastic physical transformation takes place.

Scout is Delicious

A meme initially spawned with the creation of ARMaster's short two second YouTube video depicting a Heavy eating a Scout whose head is replaced with a Sandvich. Its popularity resulted in thousands of responses parodying the original.

Following the trend of many other popular Youtube Team Fortress 2 Template:W, the Heavy had two separate lines of dialogue crossed to form the phrase "Scout is delicious."

Painis Cupcake

Painis Cupcake devours one of his victims.

Created by RubberFruit, this meme involves a crazed Soldier named Painis Cupcake. Often seen crawling on the ground, a demented looking Painis Cupcake introduces himself with the phrase "I am Painis Cupcake. I will eat you." before devouring his victims violently. His first appearance can be found here.


A meme initially spawned with the creation of J16FOX YouTube video, the Vagineer is a deformed Engineer with heavily distorted facial expressions, giving him the appearance of a vagina.

Vagineer's speech consists of reversed Engineer voice lines, and is usually seen grunting at other characters. He has a large arsenal of attacks, including telekinesis and self deformation. He is also capable of regenerating body parts and turning other people into "Vagi" versions of their characters.

Vagineer is viewed as a demigod-like monster, rarely being defeated by anyone. In the case of his death he usually regenerates and retaliates, often violently.

He also seems to be Snyphurr's master, summoning him by using his extendable tongue to obtain a Buff Banner bugle then playing it.

In the VS Saxton Hale Mod, there is a chance that the player chosen to become Saxton Hale will instead become a BLU Vagineer, with matching voice clips.


Created by OluapPlayer (Youtube channel), this meme involves the Engineer with the head of another class or an item. The characters name is constructed from the characters choice of head with an "gineer" or "neer" appended on the end. The meme originated from this video.

Popular variations include Paintraingineer, Spyneer and Demoneer, all shown to the right.

Odd Scout

Created by dudeguy707 in Template:W, The Odd Scout first appears in this video and is a severely deformed Scout with elongated limbs and an apparently broken neck. The Odd Scout says nothing, and instead patrols 2Fort. There are 3 episodes of Odd Scout thus far, the first simply shows a RED Odd Scout crossing the 2Fort bridge, the second episode shows the RED Odd Scout encountering a BLU Scout and "oddifying" him, and the third shows both Odd Scouts encountering a RED Medic, twisting his neck around and causing him to explode merely by staring at him. Parallels between Odd Scout and both the horror manga Enigma of the Amigara Fault and the Slenderman meme have been drawn by fans, and the Odd Scout is often regarded as a surreal or even horror meme.