File:Tf swedish.txt

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Revision as of 02:50, 14 April 2017 by MousseBOT (talk | contribs) (Updated tf_swedish.txt for April 13, 2017 Patch.)
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Tf_swedish.txt(file size: 1.15 MB, MIME type: text/plain)
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Recent changes

April 13, 2017 Patch (previous patches)

52375237"[english]TF_Unique_Robot_Arm" "The Gunslinger"
52385238"TF_Unique_Combat_Wrench" "Söderns Gästfrihet"
52395239"[english]TF_Unique_Combat_Wrench" "The Southern Hospitality"
5240N/A"TF_UseGlowEffect" "Använd glödande effekt för mål på Bombkartor"
5241N/A"[english]TF_UseGlowEffect" "Use glow effect for Payload objectives"
N/A5240"TF_UseGlowEffect" "Använd glödeffekter"
N/A5241"[english]TF_UseGlowEffect" "Use glow effects"
52425242"TF_Training" "TRÄNING"
52435243"[english]TF_Training" "TRAINING"
52445244"TF_Parasite_Hat" "Alien Swarm-Parasit"
65026502"[english]RO_SH" "specific piece of Set headgear"
65036503"TF_Tool_Giftwrap" "Presentpapper"
65046504"[english]TF_Tool_Giftwrap" "Gift Wrap"
6505N/A"TF_Tool_Giftwrap_Desc" "Används till att slå in andra föremål för att ge bort."
6506N/A"[english]TF_Tool_Giftwrap_Desc" "Used to wrap other items for gifting."
N/A6505"TF_Tool_Giftwrap_Desc" "Används till att slå in bytbara föremål för att ge bort."
N/A6506"[english]TF_Tool_Giftwrap_Desc" "Used to wrap tradable items for gifting."
65076507"TF_Tool_Gift" "En Noga Inslagen Gåva"
65086508"[english]TF_Tool_Gift" "A Carefully Wrapped Gift"
65096509"Econ_Set_Bonus" "Bonus För Föremålsuppsättning:"
65146514"[english]Attrib_SpecialItem" "Not Tradable or Usable in Crafting"
65156515"Attrib_ReferencedItem" "Innehåller: %s1"
65166516"[english]Attrib_ReferencedItem" "Contains: %s1"
6517N/A"TF_Armory_Item_Gift_Wrap" "Detta �Presentpapper� kan användas till att packa in ett föremål som en gåva till en annan spelare. Inslagna gåvor kan skickas till spelare som är offline. Föremål som normalt inte kan bytas kan slås in och ges bort genom att använda presentpapper."
6518N/A"[english]TF_Armory_Item_Gift_Wrap" "This �Gift Wrap� can be used to package an item as a gift for another player. Wrapped gifts can be delivered to offline players. Items that are normally not tradable can be wrapped and gifted using gift wrap."
N/A6517"TF_Armory_Item_Gift_Wrap" "Detta �Presentpapper� kan användas till att packa in ett föremål som en gåva till en annan spelare. Inslagna gåvor kan skickas till spelare som är offline. Endast föremål som kan bytas kan slås in och ges bort genom att använda presentpapper."
N/A6518"[english]TF_Armory_Item_Gift_Wrap" "This �Gift Wrap� can be used to package an item as a gift for another player. Wrapped gifts can be delivered to offline players. Only items that are tradable can be wrapped and gifted using gift wrap."
65196519"TF_Armory_Item_Gift" "Detta är en �Inslagen Gåva�. Personen som slog in den kan leverera gåvan till någon eller så kan en annan spelare öppna den och få föremålet inuti."
65206520"[english]TF_Armory_Item_Gift" "This is a �Wrapped Gift�. The person who wrapped it can deliver the gift to someone or another player can open it and receive the item inside."
65216521"TF_HasNewItems" "Du har nya föremål!"
92599259"[english]Tooltip_AutoMedicCallers" "If set, you'll receive an automatic request for assistance from any nearby team mates when their health falls below a threshold."
92609260"Tooltip_AutoMedicCallThreshold" "Tröskeln vid vilken dina lagkamrater kommer att automatiskt begära hjälp."
92619261"[english]Tooltip_AutoMedicCallThreshold" "The threshold at which your team mates will automatically request assistance."
9262N/A"Tooltip_UseGlowEffect" "☑: Bombvagnar och informationsportföljer kommer använda glödeffekter för att framhäva dem på banan."
9263N/A"[english]Tooltip_UseGlowEffect" "If set, the Payload carts and CTF intelligence briefcases will use glow effects to highlight their locations in the map."
N/A9262"Tooltip_UseGlowEffect" "☑: Glödeffekter kommer aktiveras för mål som bombvagnar, informationsportföljer i CTF, och lagkamrater efter de återskapas."
N/A9263"[english]Tooltip_UseGlowEffect" "If set, glow effects will be enabled during the match for objectives like Payload carts, CTF intelligence briefcases, and teammates after respawn."
92649264"Tooltip_UseSteamCloud" "☑: Dina TF2-konfigurationsfiler kommer att lagras på Steam Cloud."
92659265"[english]Tooltip_UseSteamCloud" "If set, your TF2 configuration files will be stored on the Steam Cloud."
92669266"Tooltip_ShowNotificationsInGame" "☑: Du kommer att få pop-up-meddelanden i spelet vid olika händelser, som t.ex. bytesförfrågan.\n\n☐: Meddelanden kommer endast att visas när du återgår till huvudmenyn."
1886318863"TF_Spellbook_Basic" "Magasin om Trolleriböcker"
1886418864"[english]TF_Spellbook_Basic" "Spellbook Magazine"
1886518865"TF_Spellbook_Basic_Desc" "\nEn årsgångsutgåva av Vi som Trollar.\nHittades längst in i en garderob, och innehåller tillräckligt med magi för att få jobbet gjort.\n\nUtrusta den för att kunna plocka och kasta trollformler."
18866N/A"[english]TF_Spellbook_Basic_Desc" "\nA vintage edition of Casters Quarterly.\nFound in the back of a closet, it contains just enough magic to get the job done.\n\nEquip to enabled picking up and casting spells."
N/A18866"[english]TF_Spellbook_Basic_Desc" "\nA vintage edition of Casters Quarterly.\nFound in the back of a closet, it contains just enough magic to get the job done.\n\nEquip to enable picking up and casting spells."
1886718867"TF_SpellbookPage_Type" "Trolleriboksida"
1886818868"[english]TF_SpellbookPage_Type" "Spellbook Page"
1886918869"TF_SpellbookPage" "Trolleriboksida"
2587225872"TF_Casual_Welcome_Section_One_Title" "Om vanliga matcher"
2587325873"[english]TF_Casual_Welcome_Section_One_Title" "About Casual Play"
2587425874"TF_Casual_Welcome_Section_One_Text" "När du köar för en vanlig match, kommer du matchas till ett 12v12-spel baserat på spellägena du har valt. Du kommer tjäna erfarenhet, nivåer och märken med tiden beroende på din personliga prestation."
25875N/A"[english]TF_Casual_Welcome_Section_One_Text" " When you queue up for a casual match, you will be matched into a 12v12 game based on the game modes you’ve selected. You will earn experience, levels, and badges over time based on your personal performance."
N/A25875"[english]TF_Casual_Welcome_Section_One_Text" " When you queue up for a casual match, you will be matched into a 12v12 game based on the game modes you've selected. You will earn experience, levels, and badges over time based on your personal performance."
2587625876"TF_Casual_Welcome_Section_Two_Title" "Att överge vanliga matcher"
2587725877"[english]TF_Casual_Welcome_Section_Two_Title" "Abandoning Casual Matches"
2587825878"TF_Casual_Welcome_Section_Two_Text" "Om du överger dina lagkamrater (lämnar servern) under en vanlig match så kommer den automatiskt att räknas som en förlust, och du kommer inte få någon erfarenhet. Dessutom kommer du få en matchningscooldown, som förhindrar dig från att spela fler vanliga matcher under en tid. Upprepade övergivningar kommer att öka varaktigheten på denna cooldown ännu mer."
2675126751"[english]TF_ShowPromotionalCodesButton" "Show 'View Promotional Codes' button"
2675226752"Tooltip_ShowPromotionalCodesButton" "Växlar 'Se kampanjkoder'-knappen i huvudmenyn för spelare som har använt 'RIFT Inlösningskod för Välspunnen Hatt'."
2675326753"[english]Tooltip_ShowPromotionalCodesButton" "Toggles the 'View Promotional Codes' button in the main menu for players that have used the 'RIFT Well Spun Hat Claim Code'."
N/A26754"TF_TournamentMedal_RallyCall_Charity_2017_Gold" "Rally Call 2017 - Förstaplatsmedalj"
N/A26755"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RallyCall_Charity_2017_Gold" "Rally Call 2017 - 1st place Medal"
N/A26756"TF_TournamentMedal_RallyCall_Charity_2017_Gold_Desc" "Denna prestigefyllda medalj tilldelades det vinnande laget i turneringen Rally Call Charity 6. Frukta dem!"
N/A26757"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RallyCall_Charity_2017_Gold_Desc" "This prestigious piece of jacket jewellery was given to the winning team in the Rally Call Charity 6's Tournament. Fear them!"
N/A26758"TF_TournamentMedal_RallyCall_Charity_2017_Silver" "Rally Call 2017 - Andraplatsmedalj"
N/A26759"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RallyCall_Charity_2017_Silver" "Rally Call 2017 - 2nd Place Medal"
N/A26760"TF_TournamentMedal_RallyCall_Charity_2017_Silver_Desc" "Ägaren av denna medalj var nära att vinna turneringen Rally Call Charity 6, men nådde inte riktigt hela vägen. Kanske nästa gång."
N/A26761"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RallyCall_Charity_2017_Silver_Desc" "The owner of this medal got close to being in the winning team for Rally Call Charity 6's Tournament but couldn't cut it, maybe next time."
N/A26762"TF_TournamentMedal_RallyCall_Charity_2017_White" "Rally Call 2017 Deltagar-/Arrangörsmedalj"
N/A26763"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RallyCall_Charity_2017_White" "Rally Call 2017 Participant/Helper Medal"
N/A26764"TF_TournamentMedal_RallyCall_Charity_2017_White_Desc" "Förlorare säger att det viktiga är att delta och inte att vinna, nå dessa personer räknades definitivt när de hjälpte detta event att bli av och förtjänar en klapp på ryggen."
N/A26765"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RallyCall_Charity_2017_White_Desc" "Losers say it's not winning but taking part that counts, well these guys certainly counted as they helped the event happen and deserve a pat on the back."
N/A26766"TF_TournamentMedal_RallyCall_Charity_2017_Purple" "Rally Call 2017 Donatormedalj"
N/A26767"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RallyCall_Charity_2017_Purple" "Rally Call 2017 Donator Medal"
N/A26768"TF_TournamentMedal_RallyCall_Charity_2017_Purple_Desc" "Det sägs att den som ger är bunden till att få, hoppas bara det inte är en krit-raket.\nÄgaren av denna medalj donerade pengar för att hjälpa djur runtom i världen."
N/A26769"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RallyCall_Charity_2017_Purple_Desc" "They say those that give are destined to receive, let's just hope it isn't a crit rocket.\nThe owner of this medal gave money to help animals around the world."
N/A26770"TF_TournamentMedal_72hr_winter_jimijam" "TF2Maps 72hr TF2Jam Winter - Deltagare"
N/A26771"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_72hr_winter_jimijam" "TF2Maps 72hr TF2Jam Winter Participant"
N/A26772"TF_SurveyQuestion_MapQuality" "Betygsätt kvaliteten av banan du just spelade:"
N/A26773"[english]TF_SurveyQuestion_MapQuality" "Please rate the quality of the map you just played:"
N/A26774"TF_SurveyQuestion_CompInquiry" "Om du inte spelar rankat läge regelbundet, välj något av följande:"
N/A26775"[english]TF_SurveyQuestion_CompInquiry" "If you don't play competitive mode regularly, please select one of the following: "
N/A26776"TF_SurveyQuestion_CompInquiry_Answer0" "Jag gillar inte 6v6-formatet."
N/A26777"[english]TF_SurveyQuestion_CompInquiry_Answer0" "I don't enjoy the 6v6 format."
N/A26778"TF_SurveyQuestion_CompInquiry_Answer1" "Jag är orolig över balanserade matcher."
N/A26779"[english]TF_SurveyQuestion_CompInquiry_Answer1" "I'm concerned about balanced matches."
N/A26780"TF_SurveyQuestion_CompInquiry_Answer2" "Det tar för lång tid att hitta matcher."
N/A26781"[english]TF_SurveyQuestion_CompInquiry_Answer2" "Matchmaking times are too long."
N/A26782"TF_SurveyQuestion_CompInquiry_Answer3" "Det är för stor press på att prestera bra."
N/A26783"[english]TF_SurveyQuestion_CompInquiry_Answer3" "There is too much pressure to do well."
N/A26784"TF_SurveyQuestion_CompInquiry_Answer4" "Inget av ovan."
N/A26785"[english]TF_SurveyQuestion_CompInquiry_Answer4" "None of the above."
N/A26786"TF_SurveyQuestion_CompInquiry_Answer5" "Jag spelar rankat läge regelbundet."
N/A26787"[english]TF_SurveyQuestion_CompInquiry_Answer5" "I play Competitive Mode regularly."
N/A26788"TF_SurveyQuestion_CasualInquiry" "Om du inte spelar orankat läge regelbundet, välj något av följande:"
N/A26789"[english]TF_SurveyQuestion_CasualInquiry" "If you don't play casual mode regularly, please select one of the following: "
N/A26790"TF_SurveyQuestion_CasualInquiry_Answer0" "Jag föredrar 6v6-formatet."
N/A26791"[english]TF_SurveyQuestion_CasualInquiry_Answer0" "I prefer the 6v6 format."
N/A26792"TF_SurveyQuestion_CasualInquiry_Answer1" "Jag är orolig över balanserade matcher."
N/A26793"[english]TF_SurveyQuestion_CasualInquiry_Answer1" "I'm concerned about balanced matches."
N/A26794"TF_SurveyQuestion_CasualInquiry_Answer2" "Det spårar inte min nivå över tid."
N/A26795"[english]TF_SurveyQuestion_CasualInquiry_Answer2" "It doesn't track my skill over time."
N/A26796"TF_SurveyQuestion_CasualInquiry_Answer3" "Matcherna tas inte på allvar."
N/A26797"[english]TF_SurveyQuestion_CasualInquiry_Answer3" "The games aren't taken seriously."
N/A26798"TF_SurveyQuestion_CasualInquiry_Answer4" "Inget av ovan."
N/A26799"[english]TF_SurveyQuestion_CasualInquiry_Answer4" "None of the above."
N/A26800"TF_SurveyQuestion_CasualInquiry_Answer5" "Jag spelar orankat läge regelbundet."
N/A26801"[english]TF_SurveyQuestion_CasualInquiry_Answer5" "I play Casual Mode regularly."
N/A26802"TF_TeamFortress2_Soundtrack_Promo" "Team Fortress 2 Soundtrack-promo"
N/A26803"[english]TF_TeamFortress2_Soundtrack_Promo" "Team Fortress 2 Soundtrack Promo"
N/A26804"TF_TeamFortress2_Soundtrack_Promo_Desc" "
N/A26806"[english]TF_TeamFortress2_Soundtrack_Promo_Desc" ""
N/A26807"TF_TeamFortress2_Soundtrack_Promo_Package" "Vad finns i Team Fortress 2 Soundtrack-lådan?"
N/A26808"[english]TF_TeamFortress2_Soundtrack_Promo_Package" "What's in the Team Fortress 2 Soundtrack Box?"
N/A26809"TF_TeamFortress2_Soundtrack_Promo_Package_Desc" "Denna förseglade Team Fortress 2 Soundtrack-låda kommer att kunna öppnas vid ett senare tillfälle."
N/A26810"[english]TF_TeamFortress2_Soundtrack_Promo_Package_Desc" "This sealed Team Fortress 2 Soundtrack Box will open to reveal its contents at a later date."

File info

Note: this encoding of this file has been changed from UCS-2 Little Endian (UTF-16) to UTF-8 (without BOM) to reduce filesize. The content of the file still matches the original version from root\tf\resource.


File history

Click on a date/time to view the file as it appeared at that time.

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current23:46, 2 August 2024 (1.15 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_swedish.txt for August 2, 2024 Patch.
20:04, 25 July 2024 (1.15 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_swedish.txt for July 25, 2024 Patch.
01:09, 10 January 2024 (1.15 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_swedish.txt for January 9, 2024 Patch.
19:07, 20 December 2023 (1.13 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_swedish.txt for December 20, 2023 Patch.
02:05, 19 December 2023 (1.13 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_swedish.txt for December 18, 2023 Patch.
21:06, 15 December 2023 (1.13 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_swedish.txt for December 15, 2023 Patch.
23:54, 27 July 2023 (1.13 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_swedish.txt for July 27, 2023 Patch.
22:24, 12 July 2023 (1.13 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_swedish.txt for July 12, 2023 Patch.
18:38, 20 March 2023 (1.13 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_swedish.txt for March 20, 2023 Patch.
01:28, 15 December 2022 (1.13 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_swedish.txt for December 14, 2022 Patch.
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