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Strange Rank wiki template test:

{{REDACTED|score=1000}} [[Jarate]]? better get that looked at. at least it's not {{REDACTED|score=350}}

Template:Dictionary/items/face-melting Jarate? better get that looked at. at least it's not Template:Dictionary/items/gore-spattered

{{REDACTED|score=50|item=Mantreads}} [[Sandvich]]? who the hell left it out in the sun?

Wicked Stinky Sandvich? who the hell left it out in the sun?

Icon test for Festive Decorated weapons:

Festive Bovine Blazemaker Flame Thrower Festive War Room Minigun Festive Earth, Sky and Fire Flame Thrower Festive Bogtrotter Sniper Rifle Festive Treadplate Tormenter SMG Festive Spruce Deuce Scattergun Festive Hickory Hole-Puncher Pistol Festive Rooftop Wrangler Stickybomb Launcher Festive Team Sprayer SMG Festive Local Hero Pistol Festive Smalltown Bringdown Rocket Launcher Festive Civic Duty Shotgun Festive Citizen Pain Minigun Festive Civil Servant Medi Gun Festive Mayor Revolver Festive Tartan Torpedo Scattergun Festive Lumber From Down Under Sniper Rifle Festive Homemade Heater Pistol Festive Rustic Ruiner Shotgun Festive Barn Burner Flame Thrower Festive Country Crusher Scattergun Festive Blasted Bombardier Stickybomb Launcher Festive Iron Wood Minigun Festive Shot in the Dark Sniper Rifle Festive Plaid Potshotter SMG Festive Backcountry Blaster Scattergun Festive American Pastoral Rocket Launcher Festive Antique Annihilator Minigun Festive Reclaimed Reanimator Medi Gun Festive Old Country Revolver Festive Red Rock Roscoe Pistol Festive Sand Cannon Rocket Launcher Festive Sudden Flurry Stickybomb Launcher Festive Purple Range Sniper Rifle Festive Psychedelic Slugger Revolver Festive Night Terror Scattergun Festive Woodland Warrior Rocket Launcher Festive Carpet Bomber Stickybomb Launcher Festive Wrapped Reviver Medi Gun Festive Backwoods Boomstick Shotgun Festive Forest Fire Flame Thrower Festive King of the Jungle Minigun Festive Masked Mender Medi Gun Festive Night Owl Sniper Rifle Festive Woodsy Widowmaker SMG Festive Liquid Asset Stickybomb Launcher Festive Thunderbolt Sniper Rifle Festive Current Event Scattergun Festive Shell Shocker Rocket Launcher Festive Pink Elephant Stickybomb Launcher Festive Black Dahlia Pistol Festive Sandstone Special Pistol Festive Flash Fryer Flame Thrower Festive Spark of Life Medi Gun Festive Dead Reckoner Revolver Festive Aqua Marine Rocket Launcher Festive Lightning Rod Shotgun Festive Turbine Torcher Flame Thrower Festive Brick House Minigun Festive Low Profile SMG Festive Autumn Flame Thrower Festive Nutcracker Flame Thrower Festive Pumpkin Patch Flame Thrower Festive Autumn Grenade Launcher Festive Macabre Web Grenade Launcher Festive Boneyard Knife Festive Wildwood Medi Gun Festive Macabre Web Minigun Festive Nutcracker Minigun Festive Pumpkin Patch Minigun Festive Macabre Web Pistol Festive Nutcracker Pistol Festive Boneyard Revolver Festive Macabre Web Revolver Festive Wildwood Revolver Festive Autumn Rocket Launcher Festive Macabre Web Scattergun Festive Nutcracker Scattergun Festive Autumn Shotgun Festive Wildwood SMG Festive Boneyard Sniper Rifle Festive Pumpkin Patch Sniper Rifle Festive Wildwood Sniper Rifle Festive Autumn Stickybomb Launcher Festive Macabre Web Stickybomb Launcher Festive Pumpkin Patch Stickybomb Launcher Festive Autumn Wrench Festive Boneyard Wrench Festive Nutcracker Wrench Festive Coffin Nail Flame Thrower Festive Coffin Nail Grenade Launcher Festive Top Shelf Grenade Launcher Festive Dressed to Kill Knife Festive Top Shelf Knife Festive Coffin Nail Medi Gun Festive Dressed to Kill Medi Gun Festive High Roller's Medi Gun Festive Coffin Nail Minigun Festive Dressed to Kill Minigun Festive Top Shelf Minigun Festive Dressed to Kill Pistol Festive Coffin Nail Revolver Festive Top Shelf Revolver Festive Coffin Nail Rocket Launcher Festive High Roller's Rocket Launcher Festive Coffin Nail Scattergun Festive Coffin Nail Shotgun Festive Dressed to Kill Shotgun Festive High Roller's SMG Festive Coffin Nail Sniper Rifle Festive Dressed to Kill Sniper Rifle Festive Coffin Nail Stickybomb Launcher Festive Dressed to Kill Stickybomb Launcher Festive Dressed to Kill Wrench Festive Top Shelf Wrench Festive Balloonicorn Flame Thrower Festive Rainbow Flame Thrower Festive Rainbow Grenade Launcher Festive Sweet Dreams Grenade Launcher Festive Blue Mew Knife Festive Brain Candy Knife Festive Stabbed to Hell Knife Festive Flower Power Medi Gun Festive Brain Candy Minigun Festive Mister Cuddles Minigun Festive Blue Mew Pistol Festive Brain Candy Pistol Festive Shot to Hell Pistol Festive Flower Power Revolver Festive Blue Mew Rocket Launcher Festive Brain Candy Rocket Launcher Festive Blue Mew Scattergun Festive Flower Power Scattergun Festive Shot to Hell Scattergun Festive Flower Power Shotgun Festive Blue Mew SMG Festive Balloonicorn Sniper Rifle Festive Rainbow Sniper Rifle Festive Sweet Dreams Stickybomb Launcher Festive Torqued to Hell Wrench Festive Warhawk Flame Thrower Festive Butcher Bird Grenade Launcher Festive Warhawk Grenade Launcher Festive Airwolf Knife Festive Blitzkrieg Knife Festive Blitzkrieg Medi Gun Festive Corsair Medi Gun Festive Butcher Bird Minigun Festive Blitzkrieg Pistol Festive Blitzkrieg Revolver Festive Warhawk Rocket Launcher Festive Corsair Scattergun Festive Killer Bee Scattergun Festive Red Bear Shotgun Festive Blitzkrieg SMG Festive Airwolf Sniper Rifle Festive Blitzkrieg Stickybomb Launcher Festive Airwolf Wrench