File:Tf quests romanian.txt

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Revision as of 09:14, 21 October 2017 by MousseBOT (talk | contribs) (Updated tf_quests_romanian.txt for October 20, 2017 Patch.)
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Tf_quests_romanian.txt(file size: 45 KB, MIME type: text/x-algol68)
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Recent changes

October 20, 2017 Patch (previous patches)

432432"[english]quest25002objectivedesc0" "Score points as Pyro: %s1"
433433"quest25002objectivedesc1" "Stinge un coechipier ca și Pyro: %s1"
434434"[english]quest25002objectivedesc1" "Extinguish a teammate as Pyro: %s1"
435N/A"quest25002objectivedesc2" "Omoară cu un proiectil reflectat ca și Pyro: %s1"
N/A435"quest25002objectivedesc2" "Omoară cu un proiectil reflectat ca Pyro: %s1"
436436"[english]quest25002objectivedesc2" "Kill with a reflected projectile as Pyro: %s1"
437437"quest25002objectivedesc3" "Ucideri folosind mediul ca Pyro: %s1"
438438"[english]quest25002objectivedesc3" "Environment kill as Pyro: %s1"
19281928"[english]quest25004objectivedesc8" "Feed a teammate as Heavy: %s1"
19291929"quest25005objectivedesc7" "Distruge cu un Sentry controlat de Wrangler: %s1"
19301930"[english]quest25005objectivedesc7" "Kill with Wrangled Sentry: %s1"
N/A1931"quest25005objectivedesc8" "Ucidere de răzbunare cu lovituri critice: %s1"
N/A1932"[english]quest25005objectivedesc8" "Revenge Crit kill: %s1"
19311933"quest25007objectivedesc10" "Lovitură în cap în timp ce nu folosești luneta: %s1"
19321934"[english]quest25007objectivedesc10" "Headshot while unscoped: %s1"
19331935"quest25007objectivedesc11" "Lovituri la cap cu o săgeată: %s1"
19461948"[english]quest25015name1" "Merasmission 1"
19471949"quest25015name1632016" "Misiune de testare Halloween 2015"
19481950"[english]quest25015name1632016" "Halloween 2015 Test Quest"
N/A1951"quest25015objectivedesc1" "Ucidere cu dovleac cu crit: %s1"
N/A1952"[english]quest25015objectivedesc1" "Crumpkin kill: %s1"
19491953"quest25015objectivedesc10" "Omoară un inamic în purgatoriu pe harta Eyeaduct: %s1"
19501954"[english]quest25015objectivedesc10" "Kill an enemy in Purgatory in Eyeaduct: %s1"
N/A1955"quest25015objectivedesc11" "Evadează de pe Insula Craniului pe harta Ghost Fort: %s1"
N/A1956"[english]quest25015objectivedesc11" "Escape Skull Island on Ghost Fort: %s1"
19511957"quest25015objectivedesc12" "Năucește-l pe Merasmus cu un Bomb Head: %s1"
19521958"[english]quest25015objectivedesc12" "Stun Merasmus with a Bomb Head: %s1"
19531959"quest25015objectivedesc13" "Găsește recuzita în care se ascunde Merasmus: %s1"
19541960"[english]quest25015objectivedesc13" "Find the prop Merasmus is hiding in: %s1"
19551961"quest25015objectivedesc14" "Omoară un inamic pe harta Hell Tower: %s1"
19561962"[english]quest25015objectivedesc14" "Kill an enemy in Hell on Hell Tower: %s1"
N/A1963"quest25015objectivedesc15" "Omoară un schelet pe harta Hell Tower: %s1"
N/A1964"[english]quest25015objectivedesc15" "Kill a Skeleton on Hell Tower: %s1"
19571965"quest25015objectivedesc16" "Treci podul spectral pe harta Hell Tower: %s1"
19581966"[english]quest25015objectivedesc16" "Cross the Spectral Bridge on Hell Tower: %s1"
19591967"quest25015objectivedesc17" "Scapă din iad pe harta Hell Tower: %s1"
19621970"[english]quest25015objectivedesc18" "Win a Bumper Kart minigame: %s1"
19631971"quest25015objectivedesc19" "Reînvie o fantomă în Bumper Karts: %s1"
19641972"[english]quest25015objectivedesc19" "Revive a Ghost in Bumper Karts: %s1"
N/A1973"quest25015objectivedesc2" "Ridică un dovleac cu crit: %s1"
N/A1974"[english]quest25015objectivedesc2" "Pickup a Crumpkin: %s1"
19651975"quest25015objectivedesc20" "Colectează o rață în Bumper Karts: %s1"
19661976"[english]quest25015objectivedesc20" "Collect a Duck in Bumper Karts: %s1"
19671977"quest25015objectivedesc21" "Tamponează mortal un inamic: %s1"
19781988"[english]quest25015objectivedesc6" "Kill Merasmus: %s1"
19791989"quest25015objectivedesc7" "Omoară-l pe Monoculus: %s1"
19801990"[english]quest25015objectivedesc7" "Kill Monoculus: %s1"
N/A1991"quest25015objectivedesc8" "Scapă de pe Insula Prăzii pe harta Eyeaduct: %s1"
N/A1992"[english]quest25015objectivedesc8" "Escape Loot Island on Eyeaduct: %s1"
19811993"quest25015objectivedesc9" "Etichetează un jucător în timp ce ești urmărit de CFCC pe harta Mann Manor: %s1"
19821994"[english]quest25015objectivedesc9" "Tag a player as 'IT' on Mann Manor: %s1"
19831995"quest25016desc1" "Următorul tău contract infernal constă ÎN... așteaptă... să vedeeem... omorârea MEA.
19841996Hm. Sunt surprins că am pus asta acolo."
19851997"[english]quest25016desc1" "Your next infernal contract IS ... hold on... let's seeeee... killing ME.
19861998Hm. I'm surprised I put that one in there."
N/A1999"quest25016desc2" "Ghemuiește-te de teamă, muritorule, în fața ororii străvechi a terorii oripilante ale magiilor monstruoase ale lui MERASMUS!"
N/A2000"[english]quest25016desc2" "Cower, mortal, before the eldritch horror of the abject terror of the monstrous magic of MERASMUS!"
19872001"quest25016desc3" "Poţi să-l ucizi pe... ÎNSUŞI MERASMUS? Şi, dacă nu e cu supărare, poţi să faci asta înainte s-o facă mafia rusă? Pentru că ei au tot spus clar şi răspicat că NU vor fi prea blânzi când îl vor ucide pe Merasmus."
19882002"[english]quest25016desc3" "Can you murder... MERASMUS HIMSELF? And, if it's not too much trouble, can you do it before the Russian mob does it? Because they have made it really quite clear that they are NOT going to kill Merasmus quickly."
19892003"quest25016name1" "Merasmus"
20002014"[english]quest25017name1632016" "Kill Monoculus"
20012015"quest25017objectivedesc1" "Omoară-l pe Monoculus pe harta Eyeaduct: %s1"
20022016"[english]quest25017objectivedesc1" "Kill Monoculus on Eyeaduct: %s1"
N/A2017"quest25018desc1" "În noaptea asta veți vizita tărâmurile Halloweenurilor din trecut! Țineți minte când mi-am folosit pilele ca să-l fac pe Călărețul fără Cap și Cal să vină și să vă omoare? Sunt gelos pe voi! Jumătate din mine dorește să fiu omorât în noaptea asta!"
N/A2018"[english]quest25018desc1" "Tonight you will visit the realms of Halloweens past! Remember that time I used my connections and got the Horseless Headless Horsemann to show up and kill you? I'm jealous of you! Half of me wishes I could be getting murdered tonight!"
20032019"quest25018desc2" "Dacă eșuezi, muritorule, vei încălca condițiile din contract! Și voi căuta să fiu compensat... cu SUFLETUL tău! Cât și daune-interese. Merasmus trăiește la casa de bătrâni."
20042020"[english]quest25018desc2" "Should you fail, mortal, you will be in breach of contract! And I shall seek compensation... in the form of your SOUL! As well as financial compensation. Merasmus is living at the Y."
20052021"quest25018name1" "Călărețul fără Cap și Cal"
20082024"[english]quest25018name1632016" "HHH quest"
20092025"quest25018objectivedesc1" "Omoară Călărețul fără Cal și Cap de pe harta Mann Manor: %s1"
20102026"[english]quest25018objectivedesc1" "Kill the Horseless Headless Horsemann on Mann Manor: %s1"
N/A2027"quest25019desc1" "În noaptea asta veți vizita tărâmurile Halloweenurilor din trecut! Țineți minte când am făcut ca ochiul lui Demo să vă atace pe toți? A fost destul de malefic! Poate că Merasmus trebuie să-și facă un raft mai mare pentru premiile malefice care, fără dubiu, îi vor fi acordate pentru asta."
N/A2028"[english]quest25019desc1" "Tonight you will visit the realms of Halloweens past! Remember when I got Demo's eyeball to attack you all? That was pretty evil! Merasmus might have to build a bigger shelf for the evil awards that will doubtlessly be coming his way for that one."
N/A2029"quest25019desc2" "În noaptea asta veți vizita tărâmurile Halloweenurilor din trecut! Ca atunci când Soldier mi-a transformat castelul malefic într-o rezervație pentru ratoni! Țineți mine? A fost... o zi proastă pentru Merasmus. Mi-a luat ceva timp ca să-mi revin."
N/A2030"[english]quest25019desc2" "Tonight you will visit the realms of Halloweens past! Like that time Soldier turned my evil castle into a raccoon sanctuary! Everyone remember that? That was... a bad day for Merasmus. It took a while to walk that one off."
20112031"quest25019name1" "Eyeaduct"
20122032"[english]quest25019name1" "Eyeaduct"
20132033"quest25019name1632016" "Misiune Eyeaduct"
20342054"[english]quest25020name1" "Ghost Fort"
20352055"quest25020name1632016" "Ghost Fort"
20362056"[english]quest25020name1632016" "Ghost Fort"
N/A2057"quest25020objectivedesc1" "Evadează de pe Insula Craniului pe harta Ghost Fort: %s1"
N/A2058"[english]quest25020objectivedesc1" "Escape Skull Island on Ghost Fort: %s1"
20372059"quest25020objectivedesc2" "Năucește-l pe Merasmus cu o bombă: %s1"
20382060"[english]quest25020objectivedesc2" "Stun Merasmus with a bomb: %s1"
20392061"quest25020objectivedesc3" "Găsește ascunzăoarea lui Merasmus: %s1"
20502072"[english]quest25021name1632016" "Helltower"
20512073"quest25021objectivedesc1" "Atinge Bombinomiconul de pe harta Helltower: %s1"
20522074"[english]quest25021objectivedesc1" "Reach the Bombinomicon in Helltower: %s1"
N/A2075"quest25021objectivedesc2" "Omoară un schelet pe harta Helltower: %s1"
N/A2076"[english]quest25021objectivedesc2" "Kill a skeleton on Helltower: %s1"
20532077"quest25021objectivedesc3" "Omoară un inamic în iad pe harta Helltower: %s1"
20542078"[english]quest25021objectivedesc3" "Kill an enemy in Hell on Helltower: %s1"
20552079"quest25021objectivedesc4" "Intră în turnul orologiului în timp ce bate ora vrăjitoarei: %s1"
20762100"[english]quest25022objectivedesc5" "Kill an enemy while cursed: %s1"
20772101"quest25022objectivedesc6" "Colectează suflete pe harta Carnival of Carnage: %s1"
20782102"[english]quest25022objectivedesc6" "Collect souls on Carnival of Carnage: %s1"
N/A2103"quest25023desc1" "Oh, bună Sauron. Ce? Da, Merasmus a LUCRAT LA SALĂ. Sunt flatat că ai observat, eu - așteaptă, trebuie să-i dau unui mercenar idiot un contract."
N/A2104"[english]quest25023desc1" "Oh, hello, Sauron. What's that? Yes, Merasmus HAS been working out. It's flattering you noticed, I -- hold on, I need to give some idiot mercenary a contract."
N/A2105"quest25023desc2" "Nu te uita atât de aproape la ACEASTĂ Merasmisiune! A fost infestată cu o droaie de viermi din iad pe care oamenii de știință umani îi numesc PEȘTIȘORI DE ARGINT! Da, muritorule, sunt DETERIORĂRI SEMNIFICATIVE DIN CAUZA APEI în zona de depozitare a lui Merasmus!"
N/A2106"[english]quest25023desc2" "Don't look too closely at THIS Merasmission! It is infested with a host of hell-worms your human scientists would call SILVERFISH! Yes, mortal, there was SIGNIFICANT WATER DAMAGE in Merasmus's storage unit!"
20792107"quest25023name1" "Mann Manor"
20802108"[english]quest25023name1" "Mann Manor"
20812109"quest25023name1632016" "Mann Manor"
21002128"[english]quest25024objectivedesc3" "Kill with a pumpkin bomb: %s1"
21012129"quest25024objectivedesc4" "Colectează suflete pe harta Harvest Event: %s1"
21022130"[english]quest25024objectivedesc4" "Collect souls on Harvest Event: %s1"
N/A2131"quest25025desc1" "Am încredere că vei - EXECUTA - acest contract la literă. Aș detesta dacă ar trebui să-l - DENUNȚ - înainte de a fi îndeplinit. [Râsete] Sper că-ți vei - îndeplini - obligațiile... contractuale. Știi ce, trimite un e-mail lui Merasmus dacă ai un sfârșit mai bun."
N/A2132"[english]quest25025desc1" "I trust you'll -- EXECUTE -- this contract to the letter. I'd hate to -- TERMINATE -- it prematurely. [laughs] I hope you -- fulfill your -- contractual... obligations. You know what, email Merasmus if you come up with a better ending for that one."
21032133"quest25025name0" "Gorge Event"
21042134"[english]quest25025name0" "Gorge Event"
21052135"quest25025name1" "Gorge Event"
22192249"[english]quest25033objectivedesc2" "Kill as Soldier: %s1"
22202250"quest25033objectivedesc3" "Omoară cu minicrit ca Soldier: %s1"
22212251"[english]quest25033objectivedesc3" "Minicrit kill as Soldier: %s1"
N/A2252"quest25033objectivedesc4" "Lovește un inamic aflat în aer cu Direct-Hit ca Soldier: %s1"
N/A2253"[english]quest25033objectivedesc4" "Direct-Hit airborne enemy as Soldier: %s1"
N/A2254"quest25033objectivedesc5" "Lovește un inamic cu Direct-Hit ca Soldier: %s1"
N/A2255"[english]quest25033objectivedesc5" "Direct-Hit enemy as Soldier: %s1"
22222256"quest25034desc1" "
22242258"[english]quest25034desc1" ""
23372371"[english]quest25041objectivedesc1" "Score points as Engineer: %s1"
23382372"quest25041objectivedesc2" "Omor cu un Sentry: %s1"
23392373"[english]quest25041objectivedesc2" "Kill with a Sentry: %s1"
N/A2374"quest25041objectivedesc3" "Distruge cu un Sentry controlat de Wrangler: %s1"
N/A2375"[english]quest25041objectivedesc3" "Kill with a Wrangled Sentry: %s1"
23402376"quest25041objectivedesc4" "Obține 5 ucideri cu santinela într-o singură viață: %s1"
23412377"[english]quest25041objectivedesc4" "Get 5 Sentry kills in a single life: %s1"
23422378"quest25042desc1" "
23802416"[english]quest25044objectivedesc1" "Score points as Medic: %s1"
23812417"quest25044objectivedesc2" "Asistă la un omor ca Medic: %s1"
23822418"[english]quest25044objectivedesc2" "Assist in a kill as Medic: %s1"
N/A2419"quest25044objectivedesc3" "Asistență la o ucidere cu stimulent de criticale: %s1"
N/A2420"[english]quest25044objectivedesc3" "Assist in a crit-boosted kill: %s1"
23832421"quest25044objectivedesc4" "Asistă la 3 ucideri într-un singur Uber cu Kritzkrieg: %s1"
23842422"[english]quest25044objectivedesc4" "Assist in 3 kills in a single Kritzkrieg uber: %s1"
23852423"quest25045desc1" "

File info

Note: this encoding of this file has been changed from UCS-2 Little Endian (UTF-16) to UTF-8 (without BOM) to reduce filesize. The content of the file still matches the original version from root\tf\resource.


File history

Click on a date/time to view the file as it appeared at that time.

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current00:00, 19 October 2022 (45 KB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_quests_romanian.txt for October 18, 2022 Patch.
19:00, 28 March 2022 (45 KB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_quests_romanian.txt for March 28, 2022 Patch.
04:08, 14 October 2019 (178 KB)Kaezle (talk | contribs)Updated the localization files.
05:16, 20 October 2018 (91 KB)MousseBOT (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_quests_romanian.txt for October 19, 2018 Patch.
02:55, 31 March 2018 (93 KB)MousseBOT (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_quests_romanian.txt for March 30, 2018 Patch.
04:06, 31 October 2017 (93 KB)MousseBOT (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_quests_romanian.txt for October 30, 2017 Patch.
09:14, 21 October 2017 (96 KB)MousseBOT (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_quests_romanian.txt for October 20, 2017 Patch.
03:34, 28 April 2017 (90 KB)MousseBOT (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_quests_romanian.txt for April 27, 2017 Patch.
02:50, 14 April 2017 (62 KB)MousseBOT (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_quests_romanian.txt for April 13, 2017 Patch.
03:17, 22 December 2016 (30 KB)MousseBOT (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_quests_romanian.txt for December 21, 2016 Patch.
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