
From Team Fortress Wiki
Revision as of 17:35, 21 April 2020 by 404UNF (talk | contribs) (addcond 58-63 don't work)
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Ive found that addcond 21 does not work for me. Instead, addcond 22 acts as the flame response. Am I the only one? Darkclaw Deathstrike 00:42, 11 March 2011 (UTC)

Addcond 34

Does addcond 34 (Canteen Crit) directly cause a crit boost? Or does it just provide Sentry Guns faster fire rate? My3DS (talk) 07:34, 19 June 2017 (PDT)

Regarding AddConds

I have a question regarding AddConds, and I was wondering if anyone could help. First off, let me start by saying I noticed the addconds list is out-of-date. Here's what I've found.

    • This is addcond 28.....but I don't know what it is....
    • This is addcond 29. This is the Concheror Buff effect.
    • This is addcond 30. Obviously, this is the "marked for death"

So with the above being said, my question is as follows: What is TF_CONDFLAG_MEGAHEAL from? What weapon? 404 User Not Found 20:11, 13 June 2011 (UTC)

That is all. 404 User Not Found 20:07, 13 June 2011 (UTC)

TF_CONDFLAG_MEGAHEAL is likely the übercharge for the QuickFix.--Henke37 05:19, 14 January 2013 (PST)

Can someone confirm something for me?

I've heard that Strange weapons are still capable of being leveled up on Cheat-enabled servers. Is this true, and if so, should/could it be mentioned on this page? Sven 22:42, 26 December 2011 (PST)

You mean servers with sv_cheats set to 1? Yeah, they still level up on those. And if a server has friendly fire on and you kill a teammate. I don't think it's worth noting that they still work on sv_cheats 1 servers. What's the purpose? SS2R 22:47, 26 December 2011 (PST)

Regarding Addcond 49

This condition, #49, increases your speed to 450HU/s (520 when going diagonal, and making you look like a dispenser when crouching), but I've noticed that it has an odd effect on the Escape Plan, it slows everything you do, with a pulse-like slow effect which repeats itself. This also affects falling, making it so that you fall rather safely and slowly, and it hampers regular jumping. This won't take effect while you're holding any other weapon (e.g. the Rocket Launcher/Shotgun). This works no matter how much health you have.

Can someone test this with other weapons which modify speed (such as the Baby Face's Blaster, Eyelander, etc)? The preceding unsigned comment was added by DB (talk) • (contribs) 12:53, 14 January 2013

More Ent_create cheats

hi, can I place some more ent_create cheat commands, I found them somewhere, one contains the real Monoculus spawn command Villager3056 (talk) 00:36, 10 April 2014 (PDT)

Pictogram plus.png Agree · Yes you can.Star=3Horder 05:16, 10 April 2014 (PDT)

thank you very much Villager3056 (talk) 05:35, 10 April 2014 (PDT) can I have a suggestion, I recommend every member here to test out each ent_create command on TF2, if one is wrong, it will be deleted, if its the right one, we shall keep it, if you understand what I mean Villager3056 (talk) 05:39, 10 April 2014 (PDT)

cheats and addcond tips

remember when you get in the spawn your power up will most likely drop in every single map like in cp_dusbowl cp_well etc, if you spawn a spell in cp_dustbowl in level 3 it will respawn down the stair at the drain and there is really low chance for you to cant change your load out so use it in your own risk! Light spirit3 (talk) 12:02, 10 March 2015 (PDT)

I really don't see how this adds any value to the page at all. The purpose of discussion pages are to talk about the article. Not tips or advice. That's what the steam forums are for. Ashes (talk) 07:03, 11 March 2015 (PDT)

addcond 58-63 don't work

58 Vaccinator Über bullet resistance. 59 Vaccinator Über blast resistance. 60 Vaccinator Über fire resistance. 61 Vaccinator passive bullet resistance. 62 Vaccinator passive blast resistance. 63 Vaccinator passive fire resistance.

this addconds don't work. they add the visual effect but not the resistance (tested multiple times against bots to test damage). Does anybody know why?The preceding unsigned comment was added by Gorkagomez1994 (talk) • (contribs) 21 April 2020 19:30 CEST

Please sign your comments using ~~~~. As for your question, this page isn't for that, but it might just be because the addcond only actually adds the visual shields and the vaccinator adds the resistance, or the resistance is another addcond.
GrampaSwood (talk) 17:33, 21 April 2020 (UTC)
Edit conflicted because Grampa went and did the Unsigned thing I had already typed out along with my message and beat me to the punch. There's also conds 67, 68, and 69; TFCond_BulletImmune, TFCond_BlastImmune and TFCond_FireImmune. Give those a test. I'm not exactly sure what conditions are put on the player during the Vaccinator uber process but it could be figured out with a custom SourceMod plugin to print out the current TFConds of the player during the uber. 404UNF (talk) 17:35, 21 April 2020 (UTC)