Voodoo-Cursed Soul
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「 | 蘇れ、墓から蘇るのだ!
— Merasmus the Magician
」 |
関連項目: ゾンビ(曖昧さ回避)
Voodoo-Cursed Souls は全てのクラスの装飾アイテムです。これを装備すると見た目がゾンビのようになります。これらはクラスを腐らせ、皮膚を緑色にします。すべてのクラスの四肢のうち2つは骨が露出しています。 加えて、スカウト、ソルジャー、ヘビーは内蔵の一部を露出し、エンジニアは彼のシャツと胸の肉のほとんどを失い、パイロとスパイは骨しか残っていません。ソウルはクラスの声を低く深くし、スカウトとソルジャーには特別な音声が与えられます。
They were available in Unique and Haunted quality during the Spectral Halloween Special as well as during Scream Fortress 2013 to players who opened a Pile Of Curses.
Update history
2012年10月26日 パッチ (Spectral Halloween Special)
- The Voodoo-Cursed Souls were added to the game.
- Made Voodoo-Cursed Souls renameable.
- Re-enabled the crafting recipes for zombie costumes.
- Currently, all Voodoo-Cursed Souls will not change the player's skin when the server has
tf_forced_holiday 1
, thus showing parts of the soul clipping with the original player model. However, this does not occur on Halloween, Full Moons, or if the server hastf_forced_holiday 2
ortf_forced_holiday 7
. - The Voodoo-Cursed Souls have their own equip region that does not conflict with other regions, so they can be equipped together with items which are worn on the missing clothing and body parts, have colours that have to stay together with regular classes models' colors, or simply clip with them.