21. joulukuuta 2017 -päivitys
< December 21, 2017 Patch
Revision as of 19:22, 15 November 2020 by BrazilianNut (talk | contribs)
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Päivityksen tiedot
Päivitys 1
Happy Smissmas 2017!
- Kaikki pelaajat jotka pelaavat TF2:hta tapahtuman aikana tulevat saamaan Stuffed Stocking esineen lahjaksi! Stockings contain goodies for good little Mercenaries.
- Event runs through January 10th, 2018
- Lisättiin Talven 2017 sotamaalisalkku
- Sisältää 15 uutta community-contributed War Paints[1]
- Randomly dropped for players who have activated a Jungle Inferno Campaign Pass
- Added the Winter 2017 Cosmetic Case
- Contains 20 new community-contributed items[2]
- The Festivizer can be found as a bonus drop when opening the case
- Added 6 new community-contributed taunts to the Mann Co. Store
- Taunt: The Skating Scorcher
- Taunt: The Bunnyhopper
- Taunt: Runner's Rhythm
- Taunt: Luxury Lounge
- Taunt: Surgeon's Squeezebox
- Taunt: The Trackman's Touchdown
- Expanded the list of weapons that can be Festivized!
- Übersaha, Leppymätön lohikäärme, Amputoija, Ilmatuki, Selänrapsutin, Skotlantilainen saksenterä, Toritarjous, Musta laatikko, Claidheamh Mòr, Vapahtajan varsijousi, Rasvanpolttaja, Hallitsematon höyhentäjä, Persialainen pieksentä, Sytytin, Messinkipeto, Pyhä makrilli, Lataus ja Laattaus, Tunkki, Rautapommittaja, Reserviräiskijä, Kuritoimenpide, Perheyritys, Shahanshah, Korvennuskanuuna, Pysäyttäjä, Limulataus, Pelastuspartiolainen, Tomislav, Paniikkikohtaus, Siipeilijä
- Mann Co. Store winter sale!
- War Paints can now be used for Mann Co. Trade-Ups
- Fixed a rendering issue with the Misty Skull unusual effect
- Fixed a case where it was possible to use the Thermal Thruster twice in one launch
- Fixed the inspect animation for the Shortstop
- Fixed the Festive Sandvich not showing the bite mark when eaten
- Increased the maximum number of backpack slots to 3000 (from 2500)
- Added the UGC Highlander Season 21, Highlander Season 22, Highlander Season 23, 6v6 Season 23, 6v6 Season 24, 6v6 Season 25, 4v4 Season 10, 4v4 Season 11, and 4v4 Season 12 tournament medals
- Added Ready Steady Pan Season 3 tournament medals
- Updated
- Added a forward spawn for BLU when attacking the final control point
- Added a connecting stairwell to the mid-structure of the final control point
- Fixed area portal rendering issues between the first and second control points
- Updated
- Respawn times of the teams will change dynamically based on the difference in scores. This should help balance any extreme differences in the team skills/scores.
- <50% ero pisteissä: 8s for leading team, 4s for trailing
- >50% ero pisteissä: 12s for leading team, 0s for trailing
- Equal scores: 6s for each team
- Relocated the player beer pickup counter on the HUD to the lower left, but made it slightly larger
- Updated the soundscape to have more alien-y sounds in the main areas
- Adjusted detail in the center and spawn rooms
- Adjusted clipping around the map
- Respawn times of the teams will change dynamically based on the difference in scores. This should help balance any extreme differences in the team skills/scores.
Patch 2
- Korjattiin puuttuvat äänet uusille pilkoille
- Fixed a bug that prevented already-Festivized weapons from drawing their lights
- Updated materials/model for the Blast Blocker
- Updated the Heals for Reals medals so they can be painted
- ↑ Miamin henki, Jatsahtava, Mosaiikki, Kosminen kurjuus, Hana, Uusi Tokio, Uraani, Muukalaisteknologia, Pommin sielu, Mökkihöperö, Damascus ja Mahogany, Kyyhkynpyrstö, Geometriset tiimit, Varoitusmerkintä, Napaseudun yllätys
- ↑ Heliumpallohuppari, Paukkupanssari, Messinkimäyhääjä, Palava pipo, Poropipo, Kissakalsongit, Kylmän rintaman kevlari, Kylmän rintaman komentaja, Takamaiden tuulitakki, Kuolettava komistus, Krapulainen kyklooppi, Syksyn sävel, Taskutonttu, Taskujeti, Kuurakelien karvalakki, Pohjoisen päänlämmittäjä, Syntisen suoja, Kelkkailijan kaveri, Rekkamiehen rento roudauspäähine, Villin lännen viiksikarvoitus