Armă Tranchilizantă
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The Tranquilizer or Tranq (also known as Tranquilizer Gun in the game's files) was to be the primary weapon for the Spy. The Spy can be seen wielding it in Trailer 1. However, it was scrapped before the final release and the Spy was equipped with the Revolver as a replacement. Based on its Team Fortress Classic incarnation, it would not have dealt much damage, but would have slowed down the target's movement and turn speeds, making them easier to fight. Useful applications would have included slowing down attackers, enemy Medics and pursuing foes.
Necunoscut. Se presupun daune minore, având în vedere capacitatea de a încetini victima.
Timpi de funcționare
- Timp de tragere: Necunoscut. (în TFC: 3 secunde)
- A bucket icon for the Tranquilizer can be found in the game's files.